Archangel Dorenka helps you to tap into your untapped gifts and resources and to accept those who are different. He oversees the bat kingdom. During this special attunement to his energy, he helps you to expand your consciousness to accept every aspect of God’s diverse universe.
During an Archangel attunement you merge deeply with the energy of the Archangel until you vibrate together. The difference between connecting with an Archangel and attuning to it compares to the difference between listening to music and tuning into the essence of it.
When I wrote these I connected with each Archangel to understand how they wanted to do their particular attunement for they are all different. Then I sat quietly and waited for the Archangel to speak through me before I recorded them. In this way the vibration of each Archangel comes through.
I do hope you enjoy them and that they change your life.