Radiating Blessings from Above

Radiating Blessings from Above

orb-6Sent in from Patty – Thank you for your picture, the orb is using the reflective light of the sun and here is radiating blessings from above blessing the earth and all who walk there and the two orbs in the centre of a tube of blue light ( Archangel Michaels Angels) feels like a form of rebirth to me I feel that a portal of peace and love has been created in this area and that because of your love for the garden it is like a whole rebirth is taking place and the angels are assisting you all the way they are holding the vision and love in place, sit in that area in your garden on a weekly basis and keep sending love and peace into the area and hold the vision of creating a portal of peace and unconditional love.


Carol De Vasconcelos
Diana Cooper Foundation Orb Team

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