Cissi’s Tree
The trunk of your tree is tall and upright and your branches are almost serpent like – which suggest a very deep and powerful mystical feminine energy – indicated by the black shading. Serpents also represent transformation and healing and this is what is happening for you now.
Your tree stands out because it is different and as it represents aspects of you it is likely that there have been many times in your life where you may have been misunderstood or did not fit in because you are unconventional. This has made you strong, resilient and independent. However the bottom branch on the left side is pointing downwards and backwards and looks very much like and arm reaching out for support and reassurance. You are not afraid to ask for help if you need it and you recognise this is a sign of strength.
The lowest branch on the right side starts much further down the tree – did you have to grow up very quickly? Was it a struggle to start with? – it looks like you needed to develop strong muscle to support your journey. You can see the end of this branch is reaching up powerfully into the future and you now have the faith in yourself to move forward.
The blue/ green leaves on your tree are ethereal which indicates that you are just starting to discover aspects of your own spirituality – and you are not yet ready to share this with others until you have understood and integrated them.
Marjo your angelic guidance is ask Archangel Jophiel to help you open your crown chakra to help you integrate the spiritual aspects of your being. As you allow this to take place you will transform and blossom. Drawing translated by Diana Cooper.