Heal the World and Yourself


Healing happens when the frequency is raised above that of the problem. So to heal the world we have a huge opportunity to make a difference and heal ourselves at the same time.

About this event

Healing happens when the frequency is raised above that of the problem. So to heal the world we have a huge opportunity to make a difference and heal ourselves at the same time.

A few days ago, as I was wandering through the woods with my dogs, I was doing a walking meditation, opening my twelve chakras and sending the light out to the world. Suddenly Kumeka came in and guided me in the most awesome visualisation, expanding what I was doing by bringing illumined energy through my chakras into the 5D chakras of the planet and igniting the codes of higher light held within them. There were so many angelic beings, great Masters and rays working with this light force. Then he asked me to call in certain 9th dimensional energies to run through me into the world. When we finished I felt as if my aura radiated out for kilometres. It was awesome. Kumeka told me he wanted me to facilitate this meditation on a Zoom as it would considerably raise the frequency of the planet and bring about healing where it was most needed. It would also profoundly affect those who participated by raising their frequency and healing them at the same time.

I said that I would like to do it as a Facebook live freebie but he said No, it must be a Zoom and I was fascinated by what he then explained about the balance of giving and receiving and how Jesus stayed in balance. I will share what he explained in the Zoom and my February newsletter.

During this workshop recording you will

*Connect deeply with the Archangels in charge of the chakras.
*Ignite the specific codes held in each chakra.
Send higher healing to the planetary chakras and light up the flames within them.
Become a 10 kilometre wide column of light.
Raise the consciousness of the entire planet and yourself.
Bring through 9th dimensional energies.
Understand karmic balance.






