Magic School of the Higher Heart

It was a cold, rainy day in January and I was sitting by the log burner in my kitchen when Merlin appeared in his glorious electric blue cloak shimmering with silver platinum stars. He announced that he wanted me to start a magic school. To say I was startled is an understatement.
What do I know about magic?
The first thing he said was, ‘My power comes not from my third eye but through my heart’.
This was a revelation and yet it felt so right.

I had always thought the power of magic came through the focus of the mind but Merlin told me that it came through the right brain and the heart. I asked him for a definition of magic and he replied, ‘Magic is the power to manipulate energy to create a desired outcome for the highest good.’

I asked then about the magic school that he had previously mentioned. He said it was to be a school of alchemy and magic of the Higher Heart. Merlin told me he wanted a physical building so that people could come and learn in person – and also online. I and others were to teach how to use power with wisdom to transform, heal and create. This all felt incredibly exciting. A new door was opening. When you are guided to do something, it is a glorious revelation. It is the first step. However, it also felt quite daunting, especially the thought of creating a physical school!

Module 1 Telepathy

A few weeks later Merlin told said he would give me the Codes of Telepathy which I must practice, and then I was to share them in a course online. He then gave me codes and switched them on! That was an amazing experience! 

Practising them led to the most fantastic and wonderful summer of my life as I talked with trees, elementals and animals and experienced telepathic communication in general. I had amazing experiences. I share a few of these in Module 1 of the online course.

Module 2. Codes of Magic

For Module 2 Merlin worked with me to open my higher heart and reveal the codes of power held here. They can only be utilised when the higher heart is 100% open. In this Module, I share about my experience of opening my higher heart. There are five masters and angels that can assist in this process. We connect with them and receive their energy. When my higher heart was fully open, Merlin directed me to touch certain points and breathe in different colour codes with declarations. Then I was told to use Merlin’s 5-pointed Star with intention to make magic happen. I tech this in Lesson 1.

Merlin also taught me how to draw and access the energy of several potent symbols. In this Module I will pass on the information and Merlin will then take you to visit the Halls of Amenti to access gifts, talents and powers that are already programmed within you.  You are ready to retrieve them now.

Module 3. Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is one of the most prized gifts of the third eye chakra. Merlin is waiting to help you open up your dormant abilities, so that you can see into other dimensions. During this module you will learn techniques and practices to develop and expand your clairvoyance, how to activate and interpret clairvoyant dreams, and journey with Master Merlin himself to empower your psychic skills. In the third lesson you will learn to read auras.

I have worked with Master Merlin on creating these courses and also with Lord Kumeka and Archangel Metatron. It has opened me up in unexpected and beautiful ways and I hope that it will do the same for you.
My aim is to pass on the information and codes that Merlin has given me so that you can access your gifts, talents and powers and start to use them for the highest good of all.

You should not take this course if you are taking psychedelic drugs.

Q&A the final session of each course is a live Q&A with me when I answer any questions that you have.

Each of these modules is stand alone.  While it would benefit you to do them all, it is not necessary. Each module is complete in itself.

The ultimate aim of Merlin’s magic of the higher heart is to enable Lightworkers to achieve sixth dimensional Ascension.