Mary’s Tree

Mary’s Tree

Mary's Tree
Mary’s Tree
This is a very interesting tree.  The trunk and the branches are very strong powerful and yet the tree has a calm and gentle energy  – the gold and orange colours used to shade in the trunk and branches indicate you  a very wise being.

There is a major trauma in the trunk which suggests a problem (perhaps health) which is still ongoing.  You have drawn this like an eye trying to see the future.  This is backed up by the fact that the healing blue does not reach fully to the right of the page, indicating you can’t see beyond that point.  To the left the blue reaches to the edge of the page and is contained.  However the purple lines radiating out from the trauma shows that you can see a higher purpose in what has happened.

Although the tree branches into 4 there is a distinct division to the left and right showing a balance between the masculine and feminine energy.  The masculine branches are visible indicating you are also a practical person.  The branches are so powerful that they suggest you want people to see you as very strong while the healing blue is hidden behind your strong personality.

The leaves on the tree look more like a beautiful blue/green cloud or mist which you are moving your branches into – you are entering the realms of new possibilities here – however as yet they do not have clear form or structure.  You are at the start of a new phase and are open to new and creative ideas.

You can recognise the unlimited potential and because of this have struggled to contain your tree within the confines of the page.

The tree is not grounded in fact it looks as if it is stretching out and lifting upwards – deliberately uprooting itself.   As well as there does not seem to be any other support in this drawing – perhaps you feel alone or do not have any support at the moment.  Notice how faint your signature is in this drawing.  It is also at the far right of the page (the future) indicating that although you have strength insight and power you are unsure of your identity as you are moving into a new phase.

Your angelic guidance is to ask your angels to help you find the loving guidance, healing and support which will allow you to move forward with confidence and vision.

Drawing translated by Diana Cooper and Elizabeth Ann Morris, Principal of the Transform Your Life Course for the Diana Cooper School.

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