The Golden Future

Order your deck of Golden Future Oracle Cards

I am so excited about the Golden Future Oracle Cards. When I was writing the Golden Future book I was electrified by the vision of what lies ahead for us. As you focus on the vision it raises your frequency and that of people around you and the planet. The feeling of joy, hope and inspiration made me want to share the energy as cards.

I wrote the cards as a spiritual journey that you can undertake step by step or you can simply draw whatever the universe suggests you explore at that time. There is information on each card with guidance about your life and what you need to concentrate on for your happiness and growth, always with that wonderful feeling of encouragement and anticipation.

This meant finding someone with the same vision to illustrate them. For the first time ever I rejected illustrators, whose pictures did not convey the feelings I had. Then Hay House showed me Daniel’s illustrations and I was bowled over. I was so thrilled! So Daniel of Space.before.thought and I started a journey together of discussion and exploration. Again and again I was captivated by the magic of his illustrations. They are all colourful, quirky and full of interest and aliveness.

I do hope you love these cards as much as I do.

With love, joy and blessings for your golden future.


About the Golden Future Oracle Cards

We are living at the most important time of change in the entire history of the planet. The frequency is rising. The old paradigm is collapsing and we have the incredible and indeed awesome opportunity to build a future of our choosing. Some of it is set in stone but much of it is still our choice. We create our own reality. Whatever we think about, talk about, imagine or visualise, we manifest.

Right now we have an extraordinary chance to build a truly golden future for ourselves, our children and grandchildren and our planet. I focussed on this as I wrote The Golden Future book. The cards complement the book, not just by putting pictures to a concept and bringing it to life but by expanding on the information and meditations in the book. Each card gives information, inspiration and a vision to focus on. As you do so you draw that energy into your life. Each card also offers guidance to propel you on your spiritual journey into the golden future.

Working with these cards is not just for personal growth. It is service work for humanity and the planet. The focus they proffer is helping to manifest the highest possible future we can create for everyone.

I love the cards and the vibrant and colourful energies of the pictures. In fact the images created by Daniel of Thought.before.words are enchanting.

Pre order your cards for a free live session with me

Why not pre-order your cards so you know you will be one of the first to have them?

If you do so I’d love you to join me for a free live session online. All you have to do is sign up and include your receipt number to join me on Tuesday 16th April at 19:00 GMT.

We will cover:

*How to tune into the cards.
*Meditation with the cards.
*a live Q&A

Looking forward to seeing you on 16th April.

With love and blessings for our golden future,


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