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Archangel Oracle Attunement
This is the complete course of 44 Archangel attunements, designed to work with the Archangel Oracle Deck.
The Archangels want you to be able to understand and read the cards for yourself and others. As you learn about the messages and symbols within each card and do the exercises or prayers they will be with you.
I really hope you love this course and it enables you to know the Archangels.  Each time you listen to the attunements you will be fine-tuning your connection with them.
They want you to be able to understand and read the cards for yourself and others. As you learn about the messages and symbols within each card and do the exercises or prayers they will be with you.
You may decide to work through the modules in order or choose them randomly. If you start your day with an Archangel it will be with you through the day or you may prefer to relax into their energy while you are asleep. Whichever way you decide to learn and connect with the Archangel Oracle Attunement Course, the Archangels will be with you, helping you and inspiring you. Trust them and your intuition as you use the cards. Always trust the Oracle.
If you would like to share your inspirations, guidance or experiences with the Archangels as you work with the modules, do tag me (facebook – Diana Cooper-Angels and Ascension or Instagram – Diana Cooper Angels…Â I would love to hear from you).
With love and Archangel blessings Diana
Individual Archangel Attunements
You may prefer to buy individual Archangel attunements available here.  These are £5 each. Â