Illuminate your Sacral Chakra to heal your relationships, attract your soul family and true love. And accelerate a shift to higher sexuality in the world collective consciousness


As we approach the New Golden Age it is really important that a great clearance of this chakra takes place for humanity. When enough people raise the frequency of the sacral to the fifth dimension, it will spread to everyone and transform the world.

About this event

The Sacral Chakra contains the lessons of sexuality and also of relationships, especially those with your family. It is time now for all the cords into your Sacral caused by lower thoughts and connections to be cleared and finally transmuted.

When you express pure love your sacral chakra glows with glorious fifth dimensional delicate golden pink light, so that you attract empowering, loving, respectful relationships. You also draw your true soul family to you.

The cosmic sacral is Sirius and its ascended aspect, Lakumay. Here the Golden Globe containing 9th dimensional Christ light is held. We will access this to heal every chamber of this centre.

As we approach the New Golden Age it is really important that a great clearance of this chakra takes place for humanity. When enough people raise the frequency of the sacral to the fifth dimension, it will spread to everyone and transform the world. This recording will enable you to bring your sexual and relationship centre to a higher frequency and influence the planet. Together we are accelerating a shift in the world collective consciousness.

During this recording you will

Learn about the sacral chakra
Clear all residual cords into your sacral chakra from this and every other lifetime.
Forgive yourself and others to transmute individual and collective sexual guilt.
Journey through the chambers of your sacral chakra to cleanse, purify and illuminate them.
Receive from Angel Mary, Mother Mary and Isis the luminous Aquamarine Ray of love and healing directly into every chamber of your sacral chakra.
Accept 9th dimensional Christ light and Archangel Gabriel’s diamond white ray to ignite your relationships with codes of pure transcendent love.
Ask the Intergalactic Council to remove under grace as much as possible of the great cloud of lower sexual energy to allow humanity to experience true love again.

Original price was: £11.00.Current price is: £5.00.






Original price was: £11.00.Current price is: £5.00.