Merlin’s Magical Healing Journey to Mastery and Higher Ascension


This is the first time that Master Merlin has been able to bring through these seven colour rays, filled with his magical energies, because at last, we are ready to receive them.

About this event

Just before Christmas 2024 Master Merlin told me he was bringing his magic in through certain colours to raise the frequency on the planet, bring through higher healing at every level, boost Mastery and 6D higher Ascension, and much more. This is part of the exciting move by the great ascended Masters to help light workers to shift into higher Ascension. At last, we are able to rise above the energy of the golden Atlanteans.

Merlin said I must wait for details and information about the powerful effect that his colours and energies would have on us! At last, he has downloaded the information, and I am blown away.

There are 7 high frequency colours through which he will bring his magical healing and empowerment energy. They must be brought into every cell to utilise their full potential. He explained that they need to be understood in order to derive the full benefit from them.

All of his colours bathe you in his powerful healing energy, three of them hold sacred geometry to build your 7D crystalline light body, two rejuvenate your cells.

They balance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and ultimately enable you to access undreamed of gifts and qualities that projects you into a new level of Mastery and higher ascension.

During this workshop, you will

  • Bathe in Merlin’s 7 brand-new magical colours
  • Receive a boost into higher ascension
  • Build your 7D crystalline light body
  • Be empowered as a Master
  • Absorb Merlin’s powerful healing energy
  • Rejuvenate your cells

This is the first time that Master Merlin has been able to bring through these seven colour rays, filled with his magical energies, because at last, we are ready to receive them.

If you would like to experience them and massively advanced your spiritual journey, I would love you to join my workshop on Monday 10 February at 7pm UK time. As usual you can register to watch it live on Youtube and then you can access the recording whenever you wish.






