Dragons: Visualizations to Connect with Your Celestial Guardians
In this audiobook, world-renowned ascension and Atlantis expert Diana Cooper shares incredibly powerful visualizations through which the dragons will touch, heal, and inspire.
In this audiobook, world-renowned ascension and Atlantis expert Diana Cooper shares incredibly powerful visualizations through which the dragons will touch, heal, and inspire.
Meet the angels, dragons, and masters of Atlantis who will help you to activate your seventh- and ninth-dimensional energies in these 20-30 minute visualizations.
Diana Cooper and Tim Whild guide you through six powerful visualizations to raise your energy and ascend your frequency to the fifth dimension and beyond.
Meet Venus, the puppy with a big heart and loud bark, who takes life on the chin.
The Golden Years of Atlantis were the most spiritual there have ever been on this planet. The incredible power and abilities of the people are legendary.
Based on the Atlantean idea of 12 operational chakras and strands of DNA, this spiritual journey describes how to reinstate and activate individual chakras to unite with the sacred powers of Atlantis.
The meditations in this collection share many of the advanced healing techniques that were used in Atlantis, such as the Mahatman and crystal energies.
Each recording takes an aspect of Atlantis, the powerful and mystical ancient civilization, and provides steps for reconnecting with the magical and healing energies of that golden age.
Listeners will discover the extraordinary secrets behind Atlantean crystal technology and how it was used for travel, healing, energy, computers, architecture, development, and other employments in this spiritual reflection.
On this meditative CD, unrestricted access to angelic realms helps listeners free themselves from chains, blockages, and restrictions from past lives.