Reaching the Tipping Point: An Update
Dear Friends, Here’s what happened at the powerful full moon on the 13th. As I started the free YouTube workshop to boost your 6D ascension and also enable our planet to reach the tipping point of 50% light, the golden ratio, the energy was unbelievable.
So many people joined that YouTube crashed at 1.11 minutes into the workshop due to an overload. Finally I recorded the workshop on zoom and Tom, my wonderful techie, put it up as a recording on YouTube. It felt really important to reach the tipping point and the workshop was translated into 12 languages, mostly by teachers of the Diana Cooper school.
Two days beforehand Archangel Metatron came in and he told me that we would reach the tipping point. When I asked if we might reach 51%, he said that was not expected. however, so many of you supported our efforts and the energy was extraordinary. We not only reached 51% but almost 52%!!!!!! We can surpass 52% light if enough people continue to do the meditation on YouTube. Wow that is so exciting. It shows just how much we light workers can do when we all focus together. On the day after the full moon, Archangel Metatron returned and I asked what the changes meant. He said it would affect us in four ways.
Here is what 52% light means for the planet.
1.More peace in the heart of individuals. This translates into more peace on the planet but not to world peace. However, it’s going in the right direction.
2.People everywhere will feel more comfortable with their lives.
3. People will feel more loved and lovable.
4.People will feel more in harmony with animals. But the higher level of light will not affect the animals.
We are now raising the percentage of light and also the frequency of light. This will now accelerate as we head towards the Golden Future on Earth.
Thank you for adding your light!
With blessings and love,
Diana Cooper