Holding the Energy of Innocence and Purity

Holding the Energy of Innocence and Purity

Holding the Energy of Innocence and PurityDear ‘Lotus Blossom’,

This is a beautiful spiritual image, which is almost childlike in its artistry, holding the energy of innocence and purity. It is a view of projecting that which you hold dear to your spiritual growth and you support this by your added text ‘balance the mind in Love’. It is a contemplative, meditative image which reflects your inner self and your smile shows your inner contentment.

The hearts symbolise unconditional love and loving thoughts which you exude in abundance around you. The only heart within your aura is placed over your third eye chakra which suggests your inner eye is active – you see through the eyes of unconditional love. However, you have drawn your physical eyes closed – what is it you do not want to see or be more aware of? Or perhaps your inner self-reflection is not as loving or forgiving as it should be? What do you think?

Your feet are planted firmly on the fresh green grass which indicates you are well grounded and being nourished, possibly starting afresh in some aspect of your life – either physical or spiritual. Does this make sense to you at all? The position of your feet are going in opposite directions and your left foot is bigger than the right. Do you feel as if you are being pulled in opposite directions or maybe unsure of which direction to take?

The scarf around the throat chakra area suggests a blockage in expressing your innermost feelings as freely as you would like to. Do you find yourself holding yourself back when speaking? The vibrant red colour of the scarf holds positive energy and is linked to boosting self-confidence. This is one interpretation of red so the question here is what does the colour red mean to you? The blue/purple dress is a positive symbol of the embodiment of the Divine feminine spiritual nature surrounding you.

The candle lights are lovely and you are holding this light, but it is not as connected as you could be as the candles seem to be floating slightly above your hands. Your shoulders slope downwards which indicates being weighted down in some way and this impacts on your ability to fully support the candles. Perhaps you would like to do more spiritual work but the realities of everyday life do not always allow this? Is there anything you feel you could off-load to lighten your responsibilities?

You are very spiritually connected, a wonderful being of light. One message that seems to be coming through in this drawing is the requirement for you to balance and integrate your spiritual practice with and into your daily life. Try not to see your spirituality as separate entity from the realism of living – they are one and the same. Perhaps this is an aspect that you are currently working on?

The Archangels and Angels are here waiting to help you, all you need to do is ask ☺ Begin by asking Archangel Chamuel to help you spread unconditional love within your own self to help you shine more fully in your own spiritual light. Then ask Archangel Raphael to help with healing where you feel it is needed. Archangel Gabriel will help you with clarity and guidance.

May I take this opportunity to wish you Angel Love, Light and Blessings on your spiritual journey.


Master Teacher at Diana Cooper Foundation

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