Sent in from Ellen

Sent in from Ellen

Picture9Dear Ellen,

These wedding photographs are wonderful!  I am commenting on the third one down.  You and your husband were very blessed to have Archangel Rapahel, the green orb behind you, and Archangel Metatron, the orange orb, on your husband’s chest, with you on that special day.   The blue light is Archangel Michael protecting you and transmitting courage and strength.   Archangel Raphael is the Angel of Healing and Abundance (in all its forms), beaming these qualities to you. Archangel Metatron on the other hands brings wisdom and ascension energies.   Both orbs are fully operational transmitting their blessings to you.  The Metatron orb is also carrying a Spirit, possibly someone your husband knows who wanted to join in your joyful celebration.   The orange Metatron orb is beaming ascension energies into your husband’s heart, inviting him to open himself up so that higher light and wisdom can enter his heart.  Looking at this picture fills you with joy and love, helps you to attract abundance and miracles, and to open up to the wonderful cosmic energies that are available.

Love and Light

Franziska DC Orb Team

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