Workshop Recordings

All of Diana’s online workshops are recorded and can be purchased to watch at any time. Each maintaining the powerful energy of the original event

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Living in Truth, Light up the Higher Throat and Alta Major

Awaken Your Higher Heart

Anchor Your 5D Solar Plexus for Peace, Self-Worth, Intuition and Wisdom

Wesak Full Moon Online Workshop

Empower Your Navel Chakra – Your Centre Of Manifestation, Community And Oneness

Bring in your 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras Spring Equinox

Illuminate your Sacral Chakra to heal your relationships, attract your soul family and true love. And accelerate a shift to higher sexuality in the world collective consciousness

Healing from the Pleiades

Anchor your 5D base chakra to feel Safe, Secure and take Mastery Zoom Online Workshop

2021 Winter Solstice Workshop for LOVE and FREEDOM

Advanced Activation of your Earth Star Chakra for Higher Ascension Online Workshop with Diana Cooper

What our Future Holds Part 3 – Steps to 2032 the new Golden age and then to 2050

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