Diana Cooper

Author, International Speaker, Teacher

Diana has been working with the angelic realms since her guardian angel appeared to her. Her mission is to connect people to angels, dragons, unicorns and Atlantis for personal and planetary ascension. She has written over 30 books that are translated into 28 languages and produced many card decks.

About Diana

I feel so blessed to be incarnated now during this time of massive change on the planet.  My whole life is devoted to sharing the information and light I am given by the angels, unicorns and dragons, as well as the great Illumined Masters.  They often download new ascension energies to me when we are ready for them and I pass them on.  I hope you will find inspiration and information in this website and I invite you to join me in deeper exploration and connection in my on-line or personal appearance events.

New online course

Deep Sleep with the Angels

So many people have found it difficult to sleep this year. What with the rise in frequency and the number of cosmic flares, plus the stresses of life, getting to sleep may have been a challenge.  So I have tuned into the angels and created seven 20 minute recordings – Deep sleep with the angels.  A 7-Week Audio Meditation Programme.

New online course

Magic School of the Higher Heart

In January, Merlin appeared to me to tell me about his magic of the higher heart. After that, he kept coming in to give me information. A few weeks later he told me that he wanted me to start his Magic School of the Higher Heart by teaching a course online. He said I was to share the information and pass on the codes that he was giving me.

Online Course

Archangel Oracle Attunement

The Archangels want you to be able to understand and read the cards for yourself and others. As you learn about the messages and symbols within each card and do the exercises or prayers they will be with you.  If you prefer it to can choose individual Archangel attunements from the list below.

Upcoming Events

Merge with Archangel Michael

Merge with Archangel Michael

28 April 2025 | 19:00 BST

When you merge with Archangel Michael, it not only enhances your frequency but your entire life. Whatever level of Ascension you are on, it boosts it and gives you qualities that were previously unavailable to you.

Pick a Card

Use our Pick a Card feature to get a free mini reading using one of Diana’s decks of cards

Recent Publications

The Magic of Unicorns

The Magic of Unicorns

Discover how to connect with your unicorn guides: raise your vibration, advance on your ascension path, and attract more love, light, healing and happiness. Unicorns are beings of the angelic realms who are returning to Earth to aid us on our path to ascension. They bring messages of hope and remind us to stay positive as we prepare for a golden future.
Read More The Magic of Unicorns
The Wonder of Unicorns

The Wonder of Unicorns

In The Wonder of Unicorns Diana Cooper explains ancient myths and legends of these amazing energetic beings from a higher spiritual perspective. Who are they, these seventh-dimensional creatures of myth and magic? Where do they stand in the angelic hierarchy and what is their role with regard to us humans? How can you meet and engage with them as an individual?
Read More The Wonder of Unicorns

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