Valentine’s Day – A Celebration of Love
Valentine’s Day on the 14th February celebrates love. I always thought it celebrated romantic love but in fact the reason it has remained so firmly in the hearts and minds of humanity is that it celebrates higher love.
I hadn’t realised this until recently. Then Kumeka told me that this day carries a special frequency of true love – true, unconditional, pure love. Just as the planet is flooded with Christ light at Christmas, on St Valentine’s day the light of the higher heart pours into the planet. The portal between Andromeda, the higher heart of the universe opens and pours love into Earth.
Although many people associate Valentine’s Day with romantic love. In fact, it is only one of the magical aspects of love, and there are many more. Your higher heart will open more easily on this day, allowing you to experience transcendent love, divine love, true unconditional love.
So who did bring in the energy of the higher heart by connecting to Andromeda on this day and opening that portal for humanity?
I had always heard the well-known story that, in 268AD Emperor Claudius II sought to build a formidable army. Because he believed that love weakened a soldier’s resolve, he forbade young men from marrying. However, a courageous priest named Valentine defied this decree, secretly performing marriages for those in love. His defiance led to his execution on February 14th, and thus, Valentine’s Day was born—an eternal symbol of love’s enduring power.
In fact Valentine was a very pure and dedicated priest. His higher heart was open which was really unusual at that time. On February 14th he meditated so deeply on pure love that the portal from Andromeda to Earth opened he established it. And pure Source love became available to humanity for the first time and it can be more readily accessed on that date when the portal is open each year.
Here are the masters and Angels who work particularly with this higher love energy. Quan Yin and Mother Mary, Archangels Chamuel and Mariel. They light up the world as they bring pure unconditional love to humanity. They are helping to anchor pure love into the lives of those who are ready, massively promoting their ascension path
The rose pink dragons and those from Andromeda are particularly attuned to the frequencies of higher love. They can open your heart, infuse you with joy, and awaken the highest vibrations of romance, love and unity.
A Heart Activation
To do any day but particularly potent on February 14th.
1. Sit quietly and breathe pink light into your heart centre.
2. Feel it expand and open wide
3. Invoke a Rose Pink Dragon and sense it responding to your call.
4. And it stands before you radiating beautiful pink light from its heart
5. As it breathes out, a glorious pink flame of love touches your heart.
6. Your heart illuminates with love.
7. the pure white petals in the very centre of your heart glow with diamond light.
8. A stream of rose pink light extends from your heart to Venus, the Cosmic Heart, tuning you into divine love and Oneness.
9. And then you invoke a Dusty Pink Dragon from Andromeda
10. It stands in front of you in gentle, heartwarming pink.
11. Ask it to help you to embody higher love.
12. Immediately feel yourself bathed and blessed in a love so pure and beautiful that you feel your heart melting.
13. The magic of higher love permeates every cell of your body.
14. Your aura is illuminated with a radiant pink glow.
15. You are a beacon of love for all around you.
16. And then in a burst of beautiful pink light, Quan Yin and Mother Mary appear.
17. And with them are Archangels Chamuel and Mariel radiating love
18. These four mighty beings surround you and with the dragons, they light you up.
19. The portal to Andromeda opens and a ray of higher love beams down onto you
20. And onto the rose pink dragon, the dragon from Andromeda and Quan Yin and Mother Mary, Archangels Chamuel and Mariel.
21. You are all bathed in this great searchlight of high frequency love.
22. And then love bursts out from you all like pink fireworks and surrounds the world, touching the hearts of humanity.
23. Just sense or see the hearts and higher hearts of people everywhere opening wide and accepting light from Venus the cosmic Heart and Andromeda, the higher heart of the universe.
24. Then, with your heart warm and glowing accept thanks from the universe for your part in spreading higher love
25. Open your eyes.