Jules’ Tree

Jules’ Tree

Jules' TreeDear Jules,

This is a very strong definitive drawing which shows a reflective image of your spiritual values and beliefs. While it is drawn in a single colour with some light and shade within it there is a lack of colour. Is that reflective of how you are feeling at the moment? Do you feel your life could be lightened with the addition of more colour? Or perhaps you view life in black and white? Does this resonate with you at all? If it does, it may be worthwhile considering how can you bring more light and colour into your life.

The tree has deep roots with a strong trunk which easily supports the branches and shows you have strength of character and an inner determination to achieve. The branches tend to lean towards the left which suggests reflection on past events more than to the future. The strong lines indicate deep thinking and the ability to be direct. However the tree has no leaves or blossom so your thoughts have not fully come to fruition at the moment. They are up in the air like the birds in your drawing. Perhaps there is lack of nourishment to help bring the tree into bloom and the surrounding shrubs. What do you think you could do to help focus your thoughts and bring them into action? Does your tree need a bit of pruning to cut a few branches off from the past (left side of the drawing) and give yourself room to grow?

The female form within the trunk is connected with the immediate past and holds a deep hurt within. Archangel Raphael, archangel of healing, can help you with this situation, if you ask for his help.

You are a person who has their feet on the ground yet you hold spiritual wisdom within as the Owl indicates. The elementals and the Green man image attest to your deep connection with Mother Earth. Are you aware of this connection? The hand is like a cry from Mother Earth asking for help to sustain her and keep her alive. Do you feel that? Asking Archangel Chamuel to surround Mother Earth in her unconditional loving light is one way of spiritually helping humanity and the earth. What does the hand mean to you?

The eye is interesting, watchful with an uncritical gaze. You are aware that there is more in existence spiritually than you can see with your physical eye. However this knowledge can act as an inhibitor as you perhaps doubt what you sense and feel – a conflict between what is real and what is unseen? This is an opening for spiritual growth if you choose to explore your inner knowledge and to make meaning of what you already know. You have the inner wisdom and know that the Archangels are ready to help and guide you – all you need to do is ask for their help ☺

May I take this opportunity to wish you Love, Light and Angel Blessings on your spiritual journey.


Master Teacher at Diana Cooper Foundation

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