Angels of Light Cards – Pocket Edition
Angels are high spiritual beings. They come from the heart of God as guides, protectors, helpers and healers. Angels are willing and able to help us in many ways throughout our lives, all we need to do is call on them and they will respond. Allow these cards to help you bring them into your life. There are 52 Angels of Light Cards (and two Instruction Cards), each of which represents a different angel quality. Read the cards for guidance, inspiration, and a simple to use affirmation. When you use the “Angels of Light Cards”, you will receive guidance and insights. The cards, however, cannot predict the future because that lies in your own thoughts and decisions. Nothing is written in stone. If you follow the inspiration of the angels you will raise your consciouness. This automatically means that you will attract to you situations and people of a higher vibratory level. If you meditate on the guidance you receive from your Angels of Light Cards, you will start to open up to your psychic and spiritual gifts. “The Angels of Light Cards” can help you to release old negative thought patterns which have been frustrating your life as well as emotional blockages which have kept you stuck. They bring light into your consciousness and light contains spiritual knowledge and information.
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