Ascension Through Orbs
Orbs started to appear regularly in photographs with the advent of digital cameras. World-renowned author Diana Cooper and spiritual teacher Kathy Crosswell have examined thousands of photographs containing them. With these CDs they take you on an inner journey, each gently but firmly guiding you through four 15-minute meditations, asking you to focus each time on a colour photograph of an Orb in the accompanying booklet. These meditations will give you: · Specific energies to enlighten you and transform your life · A connection with unicorns, angels, archangels and fairies · Tools for confidence, love, empowerment, spiritual expansion and hope · The journey to a higher spiritual pathway and enlightenment These are the only meditation CDs that focus on Orbs and on Ascension, they make an ideal companion to the book ‘Ascension through Orbs,’ though they can be used on their own as the 8 page booklet will feature 8 photographs of the Orbs that have inspired these meditations. An audio guide to Orbs that can be used on its own or in conjunction with Diana Cooper’s books on Orbs.
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