Sharon’s Tree

Sharon’s Tree

Your tree shows that you have great strength of character, your trunk and branches are strong dynamic and resilient.  Right in the centre of your trunk there is a trauma which is represented by the 3 circles.  At some point your self esteem and confidence have taken a big knock.  The dot in the centre suggests that there is still some healing work to be done on this.

Your branches and leaves show that you have a lot of inspirational ideas – they are bursting with activity and   potential.  The fruit on your tree represents abundance in your life at the moment.    However it looks like you are finding it difficult to manage the potential you are creating – the orange border around the tree represents your need to ground and contain things.   In particular the left side of the tree which is the divine feminine aspect of you is struggling to stay within the limits of the page.

The deep blue colour on the branches and the bird in the centre is your intuition which is powerful at the moment – there is a sense of excitement as you recognise new opportunities but are unsure how to integrate them fully – hence the fact your tree does not seem to have roots.

The blue around the tree and the blue green at the bottom of the tree are communication and healing colours – you have acknowledged their presence and your potential to use this energy more effectively for yourself and others.

Your picture shows your amazing resilience and potential – your angelic guidance is to take the time daily to sit quietly, and  meditate – ideally spending time in nature and allow your ideas to root.  Call apon Archangels Uriel, Sandalphon and Raphael to help you

Drawing translated by Elizabeth Ann Morris, Principal of the Transform Your Life Course for the Diana Cooper School.

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