Diana Cooper’s July 2024 New

Diana Cooper’s July 2024 New

Dear Friends,

I can hardly believe that it is July already. We have had a full-on June and are expecting a forward moving August. July is a time to relax, recuperate and regenerate. It is easy to forget that while we are relaxing, everything is being integrated within us and the new is being sparked. So take it easy this July if you can and it will help your ascension process to flow.

We all worked hard in June and five of the petitions that we have been making to the intergalactic council have been fulfilled. We no longer have to make those petitions and there is one new one.  more information about this in my newsletter and another massively upgraded Monadic Merge Meditation, number 8, on my you tube channel.

Here is some really great news. We have been petitioning for a vast pyramid of Archangel Michael’s deep blue light of Source Truth to be placed over our entire planet so that people everywhere see Source Truth and all are protected from the energies of the dark ones.  

Apparently this has abruptly stopped the darkness from flowing into our planet and thrown the dark forces into disarray. The pure light of Atlantis that surrounds Earth for 10,000 miles as a result of our previous petitions has added an additional buffer zone around Earth.

Because they can no longer enter our planet, the dark ones have turned attention to other planes of existence. This has galvanised the forces of the universe to work together to dissolve the disruptive energy. Commander Ashtar and his intergalactic fleet have been working tirelessly to protect all parts of this universe and some of the dark energy has already been expelled and transmuted.

We are asked to continue to petition for Archangel Michael’s deep blue pyramid of Source Truth to be placed over the entire planet and to visualise this.

Also visualise his deep blue angels placing individual blue pyramids over those of lower intent. We are told that we have done good work and we will soon see the effects of this petition in a practical form as people are more able to open their hearts and feel peaceful. Many of the dark ones will want to leave the planet as they cannot operate unless they are fed with the lower vibrations. Do not expect immediate results, but change will now slowly take place.  Serapis Bey is still working with this petition.

The Monadic Merge meditation has been massively upgraded again this month. It is the 8th upgrade. 

Merlin has been with me constantly recently and I am incredibly excited about my on-line workshop The Codes of Magic part 1 on Monday July 22nd.  Merlin has given me a powerful meditation to open your higher heart.  He has also revealed the points to touch and the tuning forks to use to open the higher chambers of your third eye to prepare you to receive his Codes of Magic.  Once you have received them he will continue to help you work with them long after the workshop.  I answer lots of questions about the Codes of Magic in my newsletter.  This workshop is the first step on a journey into a new and higher way of magical living.

Have a wonderful Summer

UK Election July 4

I remember a businessman in Germany saying to me some years ago that he was voting Green in his countries elections and he added that it was the only sane decision for thinking person. I’ve never forgotten those words. I suppose they resonated because I vote Green. Currently the policies of the main parties are focussed on self interest. So my vote may be wasted but it sends a message. Slowly the veils are being drawn back on currently accepted political and economic practices.  Soon citizens will demand a higher quality of leadership.  I keep being told that the frequency everywhere is rising and  when the consciousness of the planet is right, people of integrity will step forward to lead by example and inspiration. 

Then In the golden future, the communities will be smaller, personal and locally focused and then there will be no leaders, as everyone will claim personal authority. In the new matrix, with no ego and a desire to contribute to the highest good, this will come about.

Amazing Reunion in the South of France

In June we enjoyed the 22nd reunion of the Diana Cooper School of White Light in the South of France.

Each year the teachers meet in a different country for a reunion.  It is always a joyful celebration and reconnection as well as an opportunity to meet new teachers.  This year teachers flew in from India, Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, South Africa, Italy, Holland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Austria and the UK and we had a fabulous time.  It is always wonderful to spend time with people on the same wavelength and frequency. 

We stayed in a beautiful French chateau with turrets and winding stone staircases!  We eat together in a gorgeous central courtyard and enjoyed sacred ceremonies on the grass by a clear, sparkling river.   

The teachers who organise each reunion always plan special trips for us.  My favourite this year was to Montsegur, the Cathar stronghold.    The Cathars belonged to the White Brotherhood and lead aesthetic, pure lives.  They were persecuted and fled to Montsegur where they were besieged for 11 months.  Eventually they surrendered and all died rather than renounce their faith.  There is still a haunting energy and we experienced a powerful meditation there.

The teacher who led the trip, warned us on the coach that it was a challenging climb, slippery, with loose stones and very steep.  He made it sound daunting and of course there was an alternative option.  But I smiled when 33 teachers determinedly got off  the coach to do the climb.  Okay it was steep but well worth the effort, especially as our School is also part of the White Brotherhood.

Also very interesting was a visit to the incredible Mary Magdelene church with a black Madonna and sacred spring.

Such a special time of community and laughter.

We vote each year for the location of the next reunion and I am delighted that next year we will be meeting in DHARAMASALA, India, the home of the DALAI LLAMA!  We will celebrate my 85th birthday there!!  Wow!  How special is that, especially as I was born in the Himalayas.

The Diana Cooper School Courses.  You can train to teach courses in Angels, Animal World, Ascension, Dragons, Unicorns, Transform Your Life, Golden Atlantis, Keys to the Universe, Lemurian Planetary Healing, The Nature World, Towards 2032 and the latest course is The Golden Future.

And you can sign up for a very interesting newsletter. 


The following petitions are already activated so we no longer need to make them!!

Elementals from other universes to consume pollution

We have been petitioning for Master Marko to negotiate for billions of elementals from different universes, to come to Earth now to consume pollution.  The negotiations are now complete and we are blessed to receive so much support from the universe.

More Source love to be directed to Earth

Master Marko has also negotiated for more pink Source love to be directed through Venus to Earth.  This is now happening and Quan Yin is spreading this extra love energy.

Pure water, air and soil on Earth

For months we have been petitioning for pure water, pure air and pure soil to be returned to Earth in the best possible way.  El Morya accepted the petition on behalf of the Intergalactic Council and has been tirelessly working on our behalf.  I was told that many things are in hand but when I asked what exactly was being done, I was not allowed the information.  However, we no longer need to make this petition.

Ancestral, family and genetic karma

This has now been transmuted and removed totally from the Akashi records of individuals and of humanity under grace.   We also askedfor an immediate alleviation of physical, mental and emotional conditions for ALL those affected.  This petition has been acceded to and will be implemented at a rate that people can accept.  Jesus accept this petition and is still working with it.

Millions of angels to clear the astral realms by illuminating the way for stuck souls to find the light and pass over.

Commander Ashtar accepted this petition and all those who want to pass have done so.  While there has been a massive clearance, much light is still needed in the astral realms. There are pockets of people who have been stuck for many years and a prayer is needed to assist their passing. The best angel to call on to help them is the Angel Mary.

Prayer to help deeply entrenched stuck souls to pass.

Beloved Angel Mary,

we ask you to surround souls who have been stuck for many years with your blue light of compassion. We pray that you fill their hearts with hope and love and show them the way Home.

We ask this in the name of God and Christ light.

So be it.

I am told that this will not make a big difference to the planet, but it will make a big difference to them.


We have been petitioning for a vast pyramid of Archangel Michael’s deep blue light of Source Truth to be placed over our entire planet so that people everywhere see Source Truth and all are protected from the energies of the dark ones.  

Apparently this has abruptly stopped the darkness from flowing into our planet and thrown the dark forces into disarray. The pure light of Atlantis that surrounds Earth for 10,000 miles as a result of our previous petitions has added an additional buffer zone around Earth.

Because they can no longer enter our planet, the dark ones have turned attention to other planes of existence. This has galvanised the forces of the universe to work together to dissolve the disruptive energy. Commander Ashtar and his intergalactic fleet have been working tirelessly to protect all parts of this universe and some of the dark energy has already been expelled and transmuted.

We are asked to continue to petition for Archangel Michael’s deep blue pyramid of Source Truth to be placed over the entire planet and visualise this.

Also visualise his deep blue angels placing individual blue pyramids over those of lower intent. We are told that we have done good work and we will soon see the effects of this petition in a practical form as people are more able to open their hearts and feel peaceful. Many of the dark ones will want to leave the planet as they cannot operate unless they are fed with the lower vibrations. Do not expect immediate results, but change will now slowly take place.  Serapis Bey is still working with this petition.

We are asked to continue to make the petition for a perfect balance of masculine and feminine energy on Earth, so that male and female trust, respect & love each other bringing forward harmony everywhere.

Mary Magdelene accepts the petition.

New Petition

As a result of their karma 1.5 billion souls have been wearing a spiritual blindfold so that they cannot see the light. We are asked to petition that their guardian angels now be permitted to remove these blindfolds from their third eyes so that they can see the light and move into the fifth dimension.   Jesus has agreed to take this petition.

Q & A about the Codes of Magic

What are the Codes of Magic? 

They are light codes, ie keys or spiritual QR Codes that enable you to unlock magical gifts.

What do the basic Codes of Magic do for you? 

They open up possibilities.  For example, they harness certain universal energies and add power to healing you are sending.  They enable you to work more closely with dragons and the elements or help plants grow.  And they help your clairvoyance, telepathy and other gifts to come forward. They help you tune to Merlin says that you can summon has helped when you are in need.

How do you know you are ready to receive the Codes of Magic? 

If you are living a 5D life and doing what is for the highest good, in other words you truly want to help humanity and planet then you are ready.

What is the higher heart? 

It is accepting the human experience with love so that you  live in love, peace and wisdom.  You are focussed on community and the world rather than self.  Archangel Chamuel is in your heart.  If you invoke him, breathe him in to your heart then you start to open your higher heart

Will the Codes of Magic accelerate my ascension? 

If you practice heart magic, yes.

Was Merlin a real person? 

Oh yes.  He incarnated at the same time as King Arthur.   In fact Arthur was his father and as great a magician as Merlin…so they came in together because together they could be more powerful.  Together they opened the portal from Glastonbury Tor to Venus.

What is a dragon master? 

A dragon master is someone who commands the dragons.   Merlin was a great dragon master

What is an alchemist? 

An alchemist is someone who takes lower vibration energies and creates something higher with them, e.g at a basic physical level making a cake

Can I use the Codes of Magic to heal others? 

If you are a healer, when Codes of Magic are activated in you, they add power to your healing.

Can I use the Codes of Magic to heal myself? 

Yes indeed.  When the Codes of Magic are activated in you, they add power to your self-healing.

Do I need to be able to see elementals like fairies before I work with them? 

No.  if you talk to them or think about them, they are with you.  They sense if you have received the Codes of Magic and are then willing to work with you, eg to make flowers grow.  There are many ways you can work with the elementals when you have the codes of magic activated

Merlin wishes those who are ready to receive the basic Codes of Magic. He tells me that his power came not from his third eye but through his heart.

Merlin’s magic uses the power of the higher heart with wisdom to transform, heal and create.

When he downloads his basic Codes of Magic into your heart, you start the journey of pure alchemy and magic. They add power

– when you send healing

– when you do self-healing.

– when you work with the elements and the elementals.

– When you work with dragons.

– to help plants grow, for they enable you to connect directly to the essence of the plant.

During this workshop you will

– Merge energetically with Master Merlin.

– Touch certain power points for your magical connections.

– Receive the Codes of Magic from Merlin himself.

– Understand the true powers of magic and alchemy.

– Be inspired by the possibilities of the future.

Merlin and Arthur incarnated together to go to Glastonbury to open the fifth dimensional portal to the cosmic heart, Venus to bring more love energy into the planet. He has always been about love and is an aspect of the mighty St Germain.

You will automatically receive the recording.

£11.00 for live viewing and unlimited access to the recording.

Angel of the month

Archangel of Nature, Archangel Purlimiek

He looks after the natural world

He is working to help the environment

He works with the elementals

His angel retreat is the Great Zimbabwe in Africa

He has arrived from another universe to help Earth now

He radiates a beautiful green-blue light

5 ways of connecting with Archangel Purlimiek


Archangel Purlimiek helps me tune into nature.


Beloved Archangel Purlimiek, please work through me to help the environment.

3.Rhyming chant:

Archangel Purlimiek I pray, Help me help the world today.


Archangel Purlimiek connects me to the elementals, trees and nature.


Close your eyes and centre yourself.

Imagine yourself in a beautiful sunny glad.

Feel the trees welcoming you.

The grass and flowers are shimmering with colour.

A glorious blue green light enters and Archangel Purlimiek greets you.

You move towards him and stand in his light.

Feel safe and sheltered.

Sense the keys and codes of nature being downloaded into your aura.

Feel yourself one with the natural world.

Thank him and open your eyes.

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