Diana Cooper’s August 2024 Newsletter

Diana Cooper’s August 2024 Newsletter

Hello Friends,

There are two significant spiritual happenings this month -the Lion’s Gate Portal, on 8th August.  8.8.   And the super blue moon on August 19th.

The Lion’s Gate Portal opens when Sirius, Earth and the Sun, in the sign of Leo, align with the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. The sign of Leo is about true positive power, courage, creativity, inspiration and the proper use of divine masculine energy. 

You can particularly receive Light code activations from the Sun at this time to accelerate your ascension and that will help the entire planet shift.



The vibration of number 8 brings you into balance and brings you confidence and good fortune. 

88 is the vibration of your I AM or Monad, so a huge opportunity for monadic connection today. 

August 19 is not just a full moon. It’s a super moon and a blue moon. This moon will bring you abundance and expansion if you believe in it. So decide how you want your life to expand.  Open yourself to abundance at this time and the universe will be 100% behind you.

August is traditionally the holiday season. This is a good time to stay in your golden bubble and avoid the outside world.  This is not escapism. The more people that can create and remain in their high frequency peaceful calm centred and loving golden bubbles, the more that energy can spread around the planet. The greatest spiritual offering we can make is to hold our frequency high, loving and connected to the divine worlds.  People say to me that they like to know what is going on in the world and keep in touch. I wonder what the point is in focussing on the illusory madness of the third dimension. Staying in a calm centred space this month offers you the most wonderful opportunity to prepare for your expansion and the incoming abundance.

In this months’ newsletter I include some stunning orbs, including one that is a vortex that takes you into Archangel Metatron’s pyramid on Helios. I also include information about the power of the vowels in your name and what lessons they call in and information and stories about the quantum pods. 

In addition, there are some very special offers this August on my website And on 19th August at the super blue moon I am doing a most exciting online workshop to access your psychic and spiritual gifts.  I hope you will join me.

Details about the monadic merge upgrade for August

In this upgrade we are not going to Pluto with Archangel Sandalphon because the Pluto codes that we have received are now within us and we need to establish and integrate them.

In this upgrade we go to Lakumay, the ascended aspect of Sirius with Archangel Gabriel.  in the last upgrade, Archangel Uriel took us to access the Silver pink Christ light of compassion. This time we are ready to access the pure white ray of Christ light from source. This is the ray of purification that raises our frequency and Archangel Gabriel will facilitate this..

Latest on the petitions to the intergalactic council

We are asked to continue to petition for the vast pyramid of Archangel Michael’s deep blue light of Source truth to be placed over the entire planet. This is actually in place but our continued petitions strengthen it. We are also asked for Archangel Michael’s deep blue pyramids to be placed over every single person of influence on the planet.

The spiritual realms have been preparing wise leaders so that they can step in when the frequency of the planet is right. I asked if we were permitted to petition for the consciousness to be raised over the world so that we were ready to accept better quality leaders and was rather surprised when I was given the go-ahead.

So we are now asked to petition that the consciousness is raised all over the world so that they can step forward. Lord Meitreya is accepting this petition.  And it is really good news that we can make this petition now.

We have been petitioning for masculine and feminine energy on Earth to be brought into balance and Mary Magdalene has been working on this. However, it seemed to me that there are pockets of really stuck masculine energy and I was delighted when my guide Kumeka said that we could petition for feminine energy to be directed into those deeply intransigent masculine minds.

We have also been petitioning for guardian angels to be permitted to remove spiritual blindfolds from the third eyes of the 1.5 people wearing them. I’m told that 17 million of these have already been removed. Wow that really good news.

I do hope you listen to the monadic merge meditation and add your energy to our petitions to the intergalactic Council. I know so many of you have been doing this powerful Service work. Together we are making a huge difference.


EXCITING NEWS!!! For the month of August I have a selection of workshops on offer for only £5 each. These include:

DNA Re-Patterning to prepare for the New Golden Age

Reset your original Master Divine Soul Blueprint and easily attune to the cosmic computer where all information, divine abundance, health, peace and joy is available

Enter the Stargate of Lyra and Receive Unicorn Lightcodes

Beyond the 11D Stargate of Lyra lies the unicorn realm. Here an ocean of pure white light holds all the qualities we need to ascend fully into the upper levels of the fifth dimension.

The Seventh Heaven

Are you ready to spend time in the seventh heaven, the home of the angels and ascended masters, to absorb their 7D light?

Full Open the Gates to the Angel and Unicorn Kingdom

The gateway to the Angelic World and the Unicorn Kingdom is through the Causal Chakra, the pure white centre immediately above your crown. The key to opening the gate fully and permanently is peace.

Activate your Third Eye for Enlightenment, Abundance, Vibrant Health and Psychic Awakening

Are you ready to activate the extraordinary power held in your third eye chakra? The time is now! There are seven levels to this centre and when the lessons are mastered your wondrous gifts, talents and powers become available to you, as well as health, happiness, abundance and the ability to see the world from a much higher perspective.

Orb of Archangel Michael and the Sun by Debbie Krenz

Archangel Michael has merged with the Sun so that the many guardian angels bringing their charges can communicate more easily with them at a higher level. The angels are bringing souls to receive energy.

There are also groups of stuck souls being brought by their elementals to the Sun to encourage them them move over to the other side.
the pink and green orb has a soul in it that is ready to ascend and is being brought to the Sun for the extra energy needed to do so.  The spiritual worlds do everything they can to help us in those final hours.
The group on the left surrounded by the Golden Christ light are animals.
We live in an amazing world!

Orb of Archangel Christiel by Linzi Russell


This is one of the Orbs in my Orb Card Deck.  It is the most beautiful energy.  You can see Archangel Christiel’s pure white light and the golden Christ light in the Orb. 

What happens when you look at this Orb?

First, when you look at this Orb you automatically connect with Archangel Christiel.

 If you imagine it around you and breathe in the energy, you radiate Christ light in your aura and people around you will be touched by golden Christ light.

If you breathe it into your heart then the energies spread out through the cells of your body into your aura and again people will automatically be touched by Christ light.

This Orb is also a portal to Lyra so you can look at it, then close your eyes and connect directly through the Stargate of Lyra into Lyra itself.

Here you are in the unicorn kingdom.

About Archangel Christiel

Archangel Christiel is pure shimmering white. As his name suggests he carries the Christ light, and this orb clearly shows this.

Archangel Christiel is in charge of the causal chakra, which is above your crown centre. It radiates brilliant white and here Archangel Christiel hold qualities of love peace, serenity, tranquillity and harmlessness. As well as being a portal to the unicorn kingdom, this Orb is also a portal to the angelic kingdom and Archangel Christiel will open the gate to the angelic realm for you.

Looking at this card can take you through the Great Stargate of Lyra into Lyra to bathe in pure unicorn light.

Meditation through the Orb

  1. Look gently at the Orb,
  2. Breathe deeply and sense Archangel Christiel enfolding you in soft white wings.
  3. Allow yourself to sink gently into his energy.
  4. And then be aware of soft golden Christ light surrounding you.
  5. It is protecting and healing you.
  6. Step into the Orb and allow yourself to be drawn into the angel kingdom.
  7. Beautiful white and golden angels of peace surround you
  8. Feel yourself being held in tranquillity, harmlessness, and serenity.
  9. Just breathe this energy into every cell in your body.
  10. Then step once more into the Orb and allow it to take you up into the unicorn kingdom
  11. Here you are surrounded by magnificent pure white unicorns.
  12. Let yourself relax as deeply as you can, breathing gently
  13. And then open yourself up to receive a shower of blessings from the unicorns
  14. At last return to where you started.
  15. Thank the angels and unicorns
  16. Open your eyes.

Jan Rekoutis Orbs

this Orb is a stunner and tells an interesting story.   The Orb is Archangel Gabriel with Raphael, Chamuel, Mariel and surrounded by Zadkiel.  It looks pixelated because all the chambers are wide open. They are receiving spirits who need assistance to pass over. All the elementals in the trees have come out to see Gabriel. You can see hundreds of their faces looking out.  

The spectacular eyes looking out of the orb of those of Poseidon. He is the elemental master in charge of all the elements.
He has taken advantage of Gabriel’s presence and the fact that the elementals are available, so he is watching to keep an eye on them and see what they need. As you look at this Orb you have a sense that all is in order and being looked after.  

This extraordinary Orb is is Metatron, Uriel and Gabriel. If you look at it with half closed eyes, you will see that it is a vortex. Many stuck souls have come into it and they are being whirled up into Helios, into a special pyramid where they are shown their soul’s potential. If you meditate on it, you can allow yourself to be drawn through it into Helios to explore your own divine potential. 

By Jan Rekoutis


Every sound has a vibration.  When it is part of your name it activates energies and also calls a response from the spiritual realms.  We all have vowels in our names and these are powerful.

How you got your name

At your pre-life consultation, your soul pathway and connections were carefully discussed.  In order to carry the correct vibration, your name was carefully selected during this consultation.  It was then imparted telepathically to your parents so that they could name you appropriately for your mission.

Some people can only cope with part of their lessons and use a nickname or an abbreviated first name, especially in childhood.  Often in adulthood they will take on their full soul mission by using their full name.  Your surname also calls in experiences.  Each time you change your name your life changes.

The vibration of your name when it is thought or spoken contains your lessons, your mission and the essence of your destiny.  Each time your name is sounded it draws your soul’s chosen experiences to you. This is why it is so important to say someone’s name lovingly.  If your name is spoken crossly, you may feel daunted without realising why because it gives you the sense that your destiny is difficult.  For this reason it is particularly important to say a child’s name lovingly. 

Vowels and consonants, which are not spoken aloud also call in people and situations but to a lesser extent.  To understand what lessons your name is bringing to you, sound your name phonetically. 

Here are the vowels and the lessons they call in.  This is nuanced by the way the vowel is sounded.                         

Vowel             pronounced                                        lesson

a                      as in cat                                               to remain pure                                                

aye                  as in daisy                                           to maintain your purity whatever the provocation

ah                    as in past                                             to remain open hearted open and empathise with others            

e                      as in bed                                              to maintain honest relationships                          

ee                    as in feet                                             to allow relationships to flower with love            

i                       as in pig                                              to be self aware and understand others                                        

iye                   as in pie                                               to explore the spiritual world

o                      as in hop                                              to act with integrity                                   

oh                    as in phone                                          to be true to self            

oo                    as in tool                                             to stay divinely connected

ewe                  as in due                                              to maintain your integrity while protecting yourself

uh as in fun to let yourself be vulnerable   


Experiences in a Quantum Pod

Malcolm Bosher https://www.mylifeforceenergy.com works with quantum energy and explains it in his website much more clearly than I can.  All I know is that he gifted me a quantum pod in January 2023 and it has greatly enhanced my spiritual growth.  He has also created other spiritual tools. Although I have not tried this, I know many people who feel that they have greatly benefited, both in terms of pain relief and spiritual expansion.

Basically a quantum pod uses spiritual technology to raise the frequency of light in your cells.  Your higher frequencies then resonate with your true divine blueprint allowing healing or transformation to take place.

A pod looks like three plastic tubes and you place these around your meditation chair. As I understand it from my guide, Kumeka, the wisdom of the pod then connects you to your planet of origin.

This means that each pod carries slightly different energy and offered you a slightly different experience. All are good.

I also understand that advanced quantum pods are used on lightships to take you into a particular dimension where activations, frequency shifts and clearances can take place.

I have gone through some of my past newsletters and share below some of the stories that I have already shared. You may be interested to read them for the first time or as a reminder.  I have learnt many lessons.

September 2022 The first time I sat in a pod that belonged to a friend.

As I waited for my turn, I meditated and asked that my 5D health blueprint be activated, then quietly focused on bringing in my fifth dimensional chakras, starting with the Earth Star. When my Stellar Gateway was established I asked to move higher.
Archangel Metatron came in and told me that I could not do this as I had a limited myself by asking for the fifth dimensional health blueprint. If I wanted to go higher I must ask for higher! This made me realise that I must not limit myself when I sat in the quantum pod but I had no expectation of what would happen!
As soon as I had closed my eyes and relaxed in the pod, I asked that the highest frequency blueprint for my future be placed over me. To my incredible astonishment El Morya stood in front of me. He is the great Manu, the Illumined Master who is carrying the blueprint for the next evolutionary stage of humanity, the next root race for 5D human with 12 strands of DNA fully active and activated. He held a pure white symbol, which looked rather like a Metatron Cube but with much smaller circles and more of them, radiating from a central point. Every part of the symbol was interconnected. The energy of it reminded me of my beautiful apophyllite crystal.

He placed this carefully over me and kept coming back to check it was centred and aligned.  Archangels Metatron and Gabriel were with me throughout this.  He told me that now I had received this blueprint I could pass it to others.  He also said that whenever I attained the same frequency as I had in the quantum chair, he would place the symbol over me again to reinforce it but I had to change my lifestyle, relax and eat lighter food.  Right at the end they all took me right up into a much higher dimension and I could look down on Earth and see just how many people were so nearly ready to have their higher frequency blueprint placed into their energy fields.  The blueprint was just waiting for an opportunity to slip into them. 

It has taken me a little time to integrate this experience! 

Is your house a starship? 

We all come from different stars or planets in this or other universes.  My quantum pod automatically links me to my home planet, Byron B, in another universe and enables me to connect more clearly to the cosmos. 

Recently someone came for coffee and as she left she commented, ‘Your home feels like a starship.’  I was totally intrigued and when I asked Kumeka, my guide, he responded that yes, indeed my home is a starship from my home planet.  It has been anchored into Earth and anyone who enters receives the energies of a starship.  Apparently, the pod helps to hold the frequency and keep it anchored!

A few days later Tim Whild came round.  He sat in the Pod and commented that he felt as if he was in the control of commander Ashtar’s spacecraft. I then told him the above!

You are a lightworker.  If you are reading this you are probably a universal being, still very connected to your star or planet of origin.   By meditating with the energy of your place of origin and daily drawing in the light and qualities from there, you can anchor your home as a starship.

Life is amazing.  If you want to know more about pods and other spiritual technologies do look at https://www.mylifeforceenergy.com

After Nikoleta’s experience in my Pod she received one.  Her Pod is attuned to Venus. This is what she shared.

Nikoleta’s experience of the Pod

I am sending my experience from the healing pod.   Hopefully, I didn’t forget too much because I feel like so much has happened in a very short period of time.

As soon as I sat down I could feel the energy rising from my feet upwards. It felt like bubbles of energy rushing through me.

I have set an intention and very quickly, within few seconds, I felt connected and felt like home. The energy was very familiar, yet different. Instead of specific beings that I usually see/feel I could perceive space and energy. It felt very light, welcoming and healing. For a split of a second I saw a pathway to something I’d call a spaceship. There was lots of light which didn’t allow me to see much.

After few moments I could smell a very specific scent. I was convinced it must have been a candle or something in the room as it was very strong. After a while my nose and upper lip started to tingle, it got stronger to the point it felt almost numb. The smell was light, refreshing, slightly citrusy and all I want to say is that the smell was yellow/gold. I have not had an experience like this before.

The dialogue was very specific and healing. I was given answers to my personal questions I asked. The main answer that has been repeated was how everything is perfectly and divinely orchestrated. I was given visions of my future, as a possibility, that were reassuring and they empowered me on my soul path.

Even though I received the answers there was this underlying awareness of connection to the Source consciousness and therefore none of my questions, nor answers really mattered. I could feel the whole time a profound healing was taking place not only in my physical body, but also in my heart, my mind and mainly on much deeper level.

At one point, I’d say in the first part of almost 1 hour long session, my body, my personality disappeared and it was all about space, connection, source energy, understanding a much bigger picture even as an individual having a human being experience I could perceive something much greater that is within us all.

When I meditate, I usually feel my third eye opening and expanding. This time I couldn’t describe a specific point or chakra, I could only describe it as my entire being has been expanding and connecting in the same time.

I had no awareness of time. My mind was trying to say “Let’s go, you’re here for way too long” but the energy always stopped me telling me to stay. I tried to leave couple of times but I always decided to stay longer as it felt so nice a calm. After I felt like it has been enough I needed few minutes to ground myself and “fit” into my body again.

The experience hasn’t stopped by leaving the healing pod. I could feel very calm, connected for few more hours. My head was tingling hours after I left and I could feel deep calmness and peace within.

I felt very different energy and my visions were different from the Arcturian pod that I have tried.

All I want to say is a big thank you for this experience and work that is allowing us having these moments.

Many thanks,

For more information https://www.mylifeforceenergy.com


2024 access psychic and spiritual gifts

The people of Atlantis and Lemuria had psychic and spiritual gifts and powers that are almost beyond our comprehension. Natural gifts included clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, healing, channelling and telepathy.  Those that had to be developed included telekenis, levitation, teleportation, apportation, mind control, manifestation, precipitation and ultimately the ability to fly. 

The aim of this workshop is to enable you to access and switch on more of your gifts and powers.

The codes for all these gifts are held in a golden pyramid in Neptune.  Neptune is 7D, while the part that has ascended, Toutillay, is 9D.  Merlin will help us access these through the higher heart and activate them. He and Archangel Joules are co-operating to bring forward these incredible skills and talents so that we can utilise them to take us into the golden future.

Archangel Joules is in charge of Neptune and all the waters of earth. These gifts and powers are also encoded in our waters.   

Dolphins hold the Codes of Atlantis and Lemuria while turtles hold the Codes of Lemuria. 

At last Archangel Joules has been given permission by the Intergalactic Council to release the information held in the Great Crystal of Atlantis, in Neptune, in the waters and by the dolphins and turtles. We are able to access and switch on the spiritual and psychic codes of Atlantis and Lemuria more effectively than ever before.

Today we will.

  • Connect with Archangel Joules.
  • Access the codes held in the waters
  • Dolphins and turtles will transfer to you advanced codes you are ready to receive
  • In your crystalline light body you will enter the Great Crystal of Atlantis
  • Enter the highest level of the great pyramid of Neptune
  • Switch on some of your psychic and spiritual gifts
  • Restore the powers of Atlantis and Lemuria into the Great Pyramid of Hollow Earth

For those who are ready this workshop a life changer.  If you are not quite ready you will receive codes for certain spiritual and psychic gifts to be activated automatically as soon as you are ready. 

Monday 19 August, 2024.   On-line workshop access your psychic and spiritual gifts.  7-8 UK time.  You will automatically receive a recording.   £11. 


I was asked if this was to be Codes of Magic part 2 but I talked to Merlin and he is adamant that this is not part two. He says that part 2 will come later when enough people will have actually switched on the codes from part 1. Watch this space!!

The Magic of Grounding

We are moving into a golden future where we have to take responsibility for our health, so I was fascinated by this information that I received from Dawn Cuckow.

The Magic of Grounding. By Dawn Cuckow
Inflammation can be the silent culprit behind many health issues we face, including chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, and even obesity, which itself is an inflammatory condition.
I’m excited to reveal a natural, simple, yet often overlooked method to help reduce inflammation — grounding, or earthing.
Imagine reconnecting with the Earth’s powerful energies by simply walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil. This ancient practice, known as grounding, aligns the body’s electrical charge with that of the Earth, potentially unlocking several remarkable health benefits:
Reduction in Inflammation: A 2012 study from the Journal of Environmental and Public Health suggests that grounding can reduce inflammation and pain. The Earth’s electrons act like powerful antioxidants, neutralising harmful free radicals to bring about significant health improvements.
Improved Blood Flow: Grounding can enhance the body’s vital circulation by reducing blood viscosity. According to a 2013 study in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, this leads to better cardiovascular health and diminished inflammation.

Sleep and Stress Reduction: Regular grounding may improve sleep quality and lower stress levels, both indirectly aiding in the fight against inflammation. Better sleep and lower stress contribute to overall health and wellbeing.

Enhanced Immune Response: A 2015 study in the Journal of Inflammation Research found that grounding can shift the autonomic nervous system toward a more balanced state, thereby positively affecting the immune system and easing chronic inflammation.
Sounds great right!

All you have to do is to find about 30 minutes each day to walk barefoot on nature’s surfaces like grass or sand, feeling the Earth’s energy beneath your feet. Personally I like to walk barefoot in the garden first thing in the morning.

A Personal Note
When my daughter was a toddler, she often woke up in a grotty mood. We discovered that taking her outside to walk barefoot on the grass first thing in the morning had a remarkable effect on her mood, calming her down and cheering her up. (Now she’s a teenager and, once again, not always totally cheerful first thing in the morning! 😊)

For more tips on reducing inflammation (through diet), check out my blog post: 5 Steps to Reduce Inflammation So That You Can Live Pain-Free, Healthy, and Enjoy Your Life.

My New Focus
I’m evolving my focus to incorporate quantum principles, seamlessly weaving in the transformation of thoughts and beliefs while nurturing inner happiness. I’ll continue to emphasise the importance of biochemical balance for health and wellbeing. Individually, both biochemical and quantum approaches are potent, but when combined, they create a magical synergy that can unlock profound transformation.
I can’t wait to share more about this transformative journey with you soon!
Dawn Cuckow. www.dawncuckow.com

Protection: My fascinating experience with the codes of magic

In the inimitable way of the universe I was reminded how important protection is, especially when working with magical energies. My granddaughter, Isabel, was visiting me and she asked me to give her the Codes of Magic. Merlin said she was ready.  

However, before we did the meditation for her to receive them, she went up to her room for a snooze and I worked on my laptop in the sitting room. I fell fast asleep and so did she!  When we woke we prepared to download the Codes but stupidly I did not put in protection.

My dogs are great friends and have never ever fought.  

I started the meditation but before Merlin could put in the Codes my dogs started to fight. It was not the sort of fight you could ignore. I had to stop and sort them out. Then I quickly called in the pure white flame of Atlantis to purify the room and placed a quick protection round us, before we continued. 

Later that night, I asked why the dogs had fought at that particular moment.  Surely there was a reason?  I was told that a dark energy had entered the room and the dogs had fought to draw my attention to it.  I was horrified and wanted to know how the dark energy had got in.  How had I allowed such an energy to enter?

Merlin said that when my granddaughter and I fell asleep in the afternoon, we were doing some spiritual service work in a very dark place. Some of that darkness had attached to our spirit bodies and because my house was not protected as it usually was, it allowed the dark energy to come in.   

The dark force wanted to disrupt the giving of the Codes of Magic.

Merlin said that my granddaughter had the potential to use the magic of the higher heart one day, so the dark force wanted to prevent this. If the darkness could corrupt the Codes of Magic that she received, then Merlin could not activate them and she could never become a magician. 

My guardian angel was watching and alerted the dogs. They fought in order to stop me!  It worked!   And this protected the codes from being corrupted. It was a big warning to me and Kumeka told me that, for me, the best protection would be to place Archangel Michael’s blue pyramid over my home and myself as well as calling in the protection of the gold ray of Christ.

I’m happy to report that Isabel received the Codes of Magic and Merlin says that he will soon activate them.

Merlin explained to me that the codes are like the numbers that you punch in to a key safe, in this case to access the key to the mansion of magic. When you have access to this key you can put it into the front door lock to the mansion.  However, you cannot turn the key until Merlin activates it.  He does this automatically as soon as you are ready.  Then you can enter the mansion and explore the rooms to learn and understand the different gifts and skills.

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