December 2024 Newsletter
Dear Friends,
This is an eventful month indeed with so many potent cosmic influences.
12.12 is always a powerful day. 12 is Archangel Metatron’s number. Also this universe works on the frequency of 12. As light workers know there is a huge boost to ascension taking place everywhere. On 12.12 this year Archangel Metatron himself is placing his Metatron cube over every single person on the planet for an instant during their sleep. He is placing it flat above their Stella Gateway so that Source light can flow through Archangel Metatron’s symbol, touching their divine blueprint and reminding them of their purpose. For many it will be a wake up call. For some it will be a huge boost to their innate wisdom.
Your divine blueprint is the plan that you agreed with your guide and over lighting archangel before you incarnated for this life.
To prepare for this, on 12.12 look at the Metatron cube (herewith) and state, ‘my intention is to be open and ready to receive Archangel Metatron’s light boost tonight. Thank you.’
The full moon will be on Friday, 15th December and is known as the cold moon. It is a time for reflection, planning and most important of all manifestation. Because this year’s solstice is so powerful, this energy is reflected at the full moon, so it is an important time to stand in your power and create your 2025.
21st December – winter or summer Solstice, the shortest day in the northern hemisphere of earth, is overseen by Archangel Sandalphon. In the southern hemisphere, it is the summer solstice, the longest day, and is overseen by Archangel Metatron. Wherever you are it is a significant day. It marks beginnings and endings. Death and rebirth.
This year it falls at a particularly potent time of change on the planet. Whether you are celebrating the shortest day or the longest day, it is a day for ritual and celebration.
In the northern hemisphere invoke Archangel Sandalphon, then draw his symbol of a silver grey square. You can do this with a finger or a pen or mark it out with haematite crystals. Write inside it everything and everyone you are ready to release. Thank Archangel Sandalphon. Then spend some time in quiet reflection.
In the southern hemisphere invoke Archangel Metatron, draw or look at his golden orange Metatron cube. The crystal is orange calcite. Write down your hopes and wishes. Thank Archangel Metatron. Greet the Sun with gratitude and rejoice in the day.
As usual on 24th, 25th and 26th December the most important and significant portal of the year opens. This year for the first time during this Christmas portal all seven rays of the Christ light are flowing in. They range from the seventh dimensional gold ray of Christ, that is stepped down through the planet Sirius, bathing you in love and healing and also protects you and builds your seventh dimensional crystalline light body… Through to Christ rays on different frequencies to the 12th dimensional transparent ray of Christ that steps down through Helios and floods your body with pure love, healing and all the high frequency qualities and energies of Source. All the rays are incredible. And will automatically be available to you during this Christmas portal. You just have to be open to receive them.
The Master Merlin is overseeing the seven Christ rays coming into us at this time. When I was asked why Jesus wasn’t overseeing them I was told that, as he is now the bringer of cosmic love for the universe, he was focusing on opening the higher hearts of humanity. When your higher heart is open, you can more readily absorb the seven rays of Christ light. Focus on love of humanity and the Animal Kingdom and the cosmos to open your higher heart and access the wondrous seven Christ rays.
Remember that at Christmas, Archangels Christiel and Mariel, enfold you in love and peace.
And look out for information about the incredibly powerful and exciting FREE WORKSHOP I am offering in January to build your seventh dimensional crystalline light body, crystalline heart and crystalline brain. The time is now.
Christmas can be a very tricky time for some people. Traditionally, we meet friends and family that perhaps we do not normally see. Perhaps you are alone and looking for a special relationship. This Christmas is an opportunity to heal relationships or set your boundaries or change something within yourself so that people treat you differently. Kumeka has given me six ways of Maintaining loving relationships this Christmas in order of importance. I’m sharing it in this newsletter.
If you have found it difficult to sleep or get to sleep may be interested in my new recorded series, Deep sleep with the angels. When I listen to them, I have never actually heard the ending!! More information below.
Look out for the monadic merge meditation that has been upgraded yet again for December. With a new petition to the intergalactic council for help for the animals. You’ll find it free on my YouTube channel.
Here to a Happy Christmas and extraordinary New Year
Monadic merge meditation updates
As the frequency of the planet has risen so much recently, this month’s Monadic merge meditation reflects this.
El Morya, Lord Voosloo, St Germain and St. Clare of Assissi are remaining with us to help us on our journey.
Pan, the God of nature is stepping in for the first time, as is Gautama the Buddha.
Lord Hilarion is returning to prepare us for the building of our crystalline brains! It really is time to get ready to move towards the crystalline energies that are await us.
And the archangels are making a concerted effort to expand our cosmic selves, ready for higher Ascension.
Latest on the petitions to the intergalactic council
The change this month in the petitions to the intergalactic Council is that we are petitioning for help and understanding for all animals and Mary Magdalene is accepting this petition.
For humanity to change their attitude to animals is really important for the progress of this planet.
FREE WORKSHOP for the New Year
build your seventh dimensional crystalline light body, your crystalline heart and brain. Activate your 12th strands of DNA
The huge frequency boost that our planet has received over the last few months means that more people are ready for sixth dimensional ascension and to build the crystalline light bodies, crystalline heart and crystalline brain. Also to activate the 12 strands of DNA. All of the above are connected.
I was buzzing with excitement when my guide Kumeka told me that he wanted me to create a workshop that enabled many more people to establish and activate these higher energies.
Soon after our 22nd October 2023 event in Portugal to merge with your Monads the intergalactic council realised that so many light workers had not only merged with their monads at that workshop but continued to do so on an ongoing basis so that a burst of higher Ascension was ready to take place on our planet. NOW And so this workshop is my new Year gift to you. It is FREE. It is important. It is powerful.
We have been climbing a spiritual mountain. And now we are ready together to move to the highest Summit that has ever been possible on earth …… Our energy together will give you and many others a huge boost to the top. yes together we can do it……please join me. Details to follow, so please keep an eye out.
Healing for Venus
Many of you know Venus, my beautiful Jack Russell Papillion cross, because I often used to write about her in my newsletters. She is the most beautiful dog and wonderful companion, bright, intelligent, very loving and a free spirit!
She is 13 ½ now though she still often acts like a puppy.
Last week she collapsed and I rushed her to the vet. She has heart problems and is on the cusp of congestive heart failure. I am asking for healing for her, so that she fully enjoys the time she has left.
Last summer, I asked Kumeka if I could take Venus and Sugar, my Cavashon, for regeneration and rejuvenation. He clearly told me that this was not allowed as their soul destiny was decided and rejuvenation would interfere with this. This is why I’m asking, not for an extension of her life (though I would dearly love that) but for health so that she enjoys every day. If you could light a candle for her or send her healing, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you.
Q & A
Q. how do I let go of my antipathy to the Christ light and learn to embrace it?
I was born to a Hindu dad. We are part of a group of Hindus called the Arya Samaj, where God or Source is viewed as an energy of love and peace rather than an idol in the form of thousands of Hindu gods and deities.
Along my journey of life I came across Wicca and have embraced (the Triple) Goddess and Divine Feminine Energy.
As I have delved deeper into my past lives I have found that I have been persecuted, tortured and burned at the stake for being a witch (or healer) many times between 1400 and 1775.
As a result I view Christianity and Christ light with a sense of scepticism and negativity. I therefore can’t fully absorb the Christ light because Christians to date still think poorly of wiccans. That we are evil and devil worshippers.
In fact, I often hide my faith for fear of being judged in an often small minded South Africa. How do I overcome this hang up and learn to embrace, accept and work with Christ? In the meditation today, Jesus said to me that he *did* exist and not to fear him.
Much love. Jo
- Hi Jo, I do understand how past lives and experiences in this life can block our acceptance of great spiritual energies. When I was a child, I was constantly taught that all religions were evil, particularly Christianity and that all Christians were self-serving. After my experience when the angels asked me to talk about them, I found it difficult to overcome the beliefs that had been installed in me. Thankfully, the wonderful angelic energy enabled me to do so.
I know that terrible things have been done in the name of many religions, but that is to do with 3D human interpretation or negativity, and nothing whatsoever to do with the 5D loving Foundations of religions. You say that ‘Christians to date still think poorly of wiccans. That we are evil and devil worshippers.’ Perhaps you can reframe this to, some 3-D Christians, who do not understand wicca, think poorly of wiccans? At the same time it might be helpful to reframe the judgement of ‘God as an idol in the form of thousands of Hindu gods and deities’ to ‘Hindu gods and deities represent the many energies of the divine.’
The great beings who founded religions were entrusted to anchor certain divine energies on Earth, such as love or peace. Jesus was the mighty initiate who accessed from Source and established on our planet the energy of unconditional love, known as the Christ light. There are seven different frequencies of Christ light, and he was the great Master who brought them all to Earth.
To overcome your ‘hang up’ and learn to embrace, accept and work with Christ,
first accept that the essential message of Christianity has been distorted by humans and separate it from pure Christ energy – then access and feel for yourself the vibration of the Christ light. You have an excellent opportunity coming up as the great Christmas portal is this month. I hope this helps.
Q. you often use the word “blueprint” in your emails. Could you explain what it means, because I really don’t know. Thank you for your answer.
With love Diana M.
A. If you wish to build a house, you decide what you want and discuss it with the architect, who then creates a plan or blueprint for the home you wish to create. it is exactly the same in the spiritual world. Before you come into this life your higher self discusses with your over lighting archangel, your main guide, your guardian angel and anyone else involved the aim, intention, purpose etcetera of your life. The decisions taken become your life plan or blueprint. In spiritual terms a blueprint is a collectively designed plan for the highest good.
Maintaining loving relationships this Christmas
1.Uncording emotional or sexual relationships – with Archangel Michael.
When you send emotionally charged thoughts to somebody, they create an energetic cord, usually to the sacral or solar plexus of the recipient. This can be quite easy to do, especially at busy and sometimes times such as Christmas!
If thoughts are sexually charged, the cord goes into the sacral chakra and blocks it. Furthermore, if a woman has sex with a man (unless he is wearing a condom) she takes in his entire genetic history and has to deal with it through her sacral chakra. I was about to type that this subtly affects all her relationships with men, but Kumeka said ‘NO, this massively affects all her relationships with men.’
When a man has sex with a woman he absorbs any unresolved fears, angers or negative feelings she holds in her sacral chakra.
Only negative energies create cords. You do not create a cord with true love.
- Visualise yourself, sitting in a circle.
- See a second circle attached to it.
- Invite into this second circle all the people you have had emotionally or sexually charged relationships with.
- Sense or see all the cords that come from each of them into you, either into your solar plexus or your sacral chakra.
- Invite Archangel Michael in his deep blue light to stand by you with his huge Sword of Truth.
- Ask him to cut away all the cords with his mighty Sword….and watch him do so.
- His Sword of Truth dissolves the energy of each cord right into the roots.
- See the other circle, moving away, setting everyone in it free.
- A great violet flame comes down over that circle, transmuting any lower energies
- Now see a pure white waterfall of light pouring over you in your circle, purifying and cleansing you to a cellular level.
- Picture and sense wonderful soft clear pink light flowing into your sacral chakra.
- Then allow beautiful golden light to flow into your solar plexus.
- State…’I am now ready for happy, respectful, loving relationships.’
2.Build self-worth with Archangel Uriel.
When you ask for something with genuine intention, an Archangel will help you. Once a day say, ‘Archangel Uriel please stand by me in your gold and ruby light and activate confidence, self-worth and power with wisdom in me.’ If you stand up and say this aloud, it has added power!
3. You attract or create what you unconsciously believe you deserve – with Archangel Chamuel.
If you incarnate with a belief you don’t deserve, you automatically attract people who treat you badly…and you let them. This belief can spoil not just the Christmas holidays, but all your relationships.
You hold deservingness at an inner child level. To change your levels of deservingness your inner child needs to hear your parents, dead or alive, or their higher selves telling you that you deserve.
1.Close your eyes and see yourself as child of two or three
2. Let your Mother or mother substitute, say to you. ‘I love you. You are special. You deserve to have a wonderful, rich warm and love filled relationship.’
3.What do you see in her eyes? If you really hear her and see love in her eyes, repeat this again and again.
4.If you see jealousy, anger or any sort of fear, allow yourself to be an adult again.
5.See your mother as a child of two or three. Give her love and tell her she is special and deserves to have a wonderful, rich warm and love filled relationship.’
6.When she accepts this and her heart is open, let her become an adult again and then let your inner child receive her love.
7.Repeat this with your father.
8. If you really can’t feel yourself receiving deservingness from your inner parents, then call in your higher self to assure you.
9.Archangel Chamuel, angel of love, appears in front of you in beautiful pink light.
10.Let him enfold you in his soft, warm feathery wings.
11.He whispers to you that you deserve to be loved and respected.
4. Get clear about what you really want -with your guardian angel.
This is important.
a.Make a list, focussing only on the positive. The universe does not deal with negative statements. So if you say, ‘I don’t want my child to behave badly,’ or, ‘I don’t want to feel like a slave this Christmas,’ or ‘I don’t want a controlling partner’, the universe (and your unconscious mind) does not compute ‘don’t’ and looks for a way to get your child to behave badly, for your loving family and people generally to treat you like a slave, or for a controlling partner.
Decide what you do want, for example.
Your child to be relaxed, happy, helpful and respectful.
People to treat you with respect, thoughtfully and honour your boundaries.
Decide the qualities you want in a partner, for example, love, respect, kindness, makes you feel good, spiritually compatible, generous, openhearted, strong, responsible, fun. Someone who lets you be free.
b. Set your boundaries and visualise people treating you in the way you wish to be treated.
c. Then develop the qualities you need to create these relationships.
You are a powerful creator. You create people to treat you in a certain way.
The vibration of the qualities you emit causes people to relate to you in the way you believe you deserve. Change can happen very quickly!
d.What kind of relationships do you want?
Family and friends who phone or visit you daily? Or twice a week? Or once a month? Or once a year? You will have a different relationship with the various members of the family or your friends.
Do you want to relationship partner? A deeply committed monogamous true love? A companion? A person to go on holiday with? Something else?
e. Connect with your guardian angel and ask for help to create these boundaries with family and friends.
f.Connect with your guardian angel and ask for someone with those qualities.
Visualisation to ask your Guardian Angel to help your relationships
1.Breathe gold light around you until you are in a golden cocoon.
2.Ask your Guardian Angel to stand in front of you.
3.Tell it about the relationships you would like with your family and friends or partner and ask for help to create this or to bring these people into your life. If you have perfect relationships already, say thank you.
4. If you want to attract a new relationship, tell your guardian angel what you want. Explain you would ike a partner with the following qualities….. name them.
5.Ask your Guardian Angel to surround you in loving relationships for your highest good.
5. Remember your good relationships – with Archangel Mariel.
Ask Mariel, the magenta angel in charge of your Soul Star chakra, to heal and clear your soul pathways and bring forward the energy of all your good relationship experiences in this and other lifetimes.
6.Raise the frequency of your sacral chakra– with Archangel Gabriel.
The frequency of the entire planet is rising and it is time for partnerships to become less sacral centred, ie based on control, fear or sex and more heart centred, based on love. Archangel Gabriel will help you bring pure love into your sacral chakra, so that all relationships are based on soul connections and much happier. When the sacral is truly loving it glows a beautiful pale pink.
Exercise to raise the frequency of your sacral chakra
Ask Archangel Gabriel to fill your sacral chakra with pink love.
Then breathe pure love into the sacral for a few minutes.
Affirm that you are only interested in relationships that empower and enrich you, that enhance your positive qualities and are based on genuine friendship and love.
Feedback from my new teaching course for Merlin’s magic school of the higher heart
I have received such beautiful feedback from this course. So far there have been two modules.
Module 1. ‘Telepathy‘ and Module 2. ‘Opening the Higher Heart and Activating its Magic‘ are available this month and the recordings are evergreen on my website.
Merlin has given me some powerful symbols for magic that I share in lessons 2 and 3 of module. 2
As I have practised them I have found them not just exciting but actually life changing.
DECEMBER 9TH WORKSHOP – Codes of Magic – Merlin’s magic of the higher heart. part 2
During this on-line workshop Master Merlin and Archangel Chamuel together work through your higher heart.
The Christ light leaves Source in seven rays. When Jesus brought the Christ light through for humanity, it carried all seven of these rays.
Merlin’s healing uses the four healing rays. These are the transparent Source ray, the blue-white ray, the pink and silver ray and the gold ray. He accesses the other rays to change energy or to enhance manifestation.
When your higher heart is fully opened and activated, you can bring down the seven
levels of the Christ light and SWITCH THEM ON. Then we will start to use them. For manifestation and healing.
During this workshop, you will
- Attune to Master Merlin and Archangel Chamuel.
- Ensure your higher heart is fully open and activated.
- Learn about and switch on the seven rays of Christ light.
- Bathe in the energy of each one.
- Start to use the Christ rays for the highest good of humanity.
When you bring Christ light through the higher heart you profoundly affect people and situations. Merlin’s main purpose was to heal and he is bringing back his energy for this now.
Merlin and The Codes of Magic Part 2On-line workshop Monday, 9 December 2024 7-8 UK time. You will automatically receive the recording for unlimited viewing. £11
In person Evening classes
I promised I would share what happened in our in person evening class to communicate with animals. It was great fun. I took Venus and Sugar and one of the participants brought his beautiful husky, Angel. The dogs behaved beautifully, though Sugar was rather wary of Angel and made sure that big dog knew it! We gave Angel some healing, during which we asked archangel Fhelyai, the angel of animals, to come in. I saw his beautiful yellow energy surround Angel, who instantly reacted by standing up. It was so interesting to watch her immediate response.
And I was such delighted when one of the participants described how she saw, for the first time ever, a goblin and was able to communicate with him!
On the previous Saturday some of the class members joined us on a dog walk to some sacred pine trees. Before we went into them, we each tuned in to see what energy the trees wanted. The copse is a portal to the Pleiades and often the trees ask for different energies to enrich and expand the portal. It was lovely to see the way the trees and elementals responded to being bathed in a variety of cosmic rays. On that day there were no goblins or pixies there, only elves and they loved bathing in the great mix of energies. It helps their spiritual progress. Our energies expanded the portal and went down into the tree root network and spread through the UK then down into Hollow Earth, taking the energy of the cosmic rays into the Great Pyramid. Each time someone does this it helps to establish cosmic energies and qualities within our planet and enables it to ascend more quickly.
Deep sleep with the angels
So many people have found it difficult to sleep this year. What with the rise in frequency and the number of cosmic flares, plus the stresses of life, getting to sleep may have been a challenge. So I have tuned into the angels and created seven 20 minute recordings – Deep sleep with the angels. A 7-Week Audio Meditation Programme
Experience the ultimate in peaceful, restorative sleep with Deep Sleep with the Angels, a unique 7-week audio meditation programme. Each week, you’ll be guided through a calming 20-minute meditation, connecting you with the loving energy of a different angel to help you quieten your mind, find your still quiet centre and invite deep, restful sleep. £21.00
Program Highlights:
- 7 weekly 20-minute audio meditations led by Diana Cooper
- Connect with a new archangel or your Guardian Angels each week
- Breathing techniques designed to relax you and help you fall asleep quickly
- Lifetime access to the meditations, allowing you to revisit them whenever you need deep rest
Course Overview:
Week 1: Archangel Michael – Protection and Safety Feel safe and supported as Archangel Michael helps you find your calm inner strength, creating a strong foundation for undisturbed, peaceful sleep.
Week 2: Archangel Raphael – Healing and Restoration Invite Archangel Raphael’s healing light to soothe your body and mind, promoting deep physical and emotional relaxation for restorative rest.
Week 3: Archangel Chamuel – Love and Peace Find inner peace and open your heart to serenity as Archangel Chamuel surrounds you with love, creating an atmosphere of harmony for a calm, restful night.
Week 4: Archangel Gabriel – Clarity and Calm Soothe your mind and quieten your thoughts with Archangel Gabriel’s gentle presence, helping you ease into peaceful, undisturbed sleep.
Week 5: Archangel Uriel – Emotional Balance and Comfort Let Archangel Uriel’s wisdom bring emotional balance and comfort, calming and empowering your inner world to help you drift into deep sleep.
Week 6: Archangel Zadkiel – Transmutation and Release transmute and rise above the old in Archangel Zadkiel’s violet flame, preparing you for a night of peaceful, healing dreams.
Week 7: Guardian Angels – Personal Connection and Peace Connect with your Guardian Angels in this final week, feeling their loving guidance and protection as you enjoy the ultimate sense of comfort and peace for a perfect night’s rest.
Each meditation is designed to be listened to as you relax in bed, allowing the angels to guide you into deep, rejuvenating sleep. Start your journey to peaceful, angelic rest today and experience the lasting benefits of these soothing meditations. Sign up now to invite the angels into your nightly routine and discover the most peaceful sleep.
Merlin’s Magic school of the Higher Heart update
It is a few months since Merlin arrived in my kitchen in his electric blue cloak with silver stars and asked me to create his magic school of the higher heart. Over the following few weeks, he gave me codes of telepathy and codes to open the higher heart and symbols for manifestation and other magical codes. It has been so exciting as I have been practising what he has taught me! And what has happened so far since then?
Under Merlin’s guidance there are available
2 online workshops, the codes of magic part 1 and codes of magic part 2 (available on 9th December) and I have received some amazing feedback!
2 modules for the Magic School. There will be more next year.
The feedback has been incredible want to thank all of you who sent informative and detailed information about your conversations with trees, elementals and animals. I was delighted that so many people not just talked to the trees but for the first time saw the nature spirits and elementals.
What an amazing class about Telepathic communication with trees, plants and nature spirits. I enjoyed it so much, Thank you 🙂 Paula
Now when you consciously practice communicating with trees and nature, it is even more wonderful. I communicated with one of the native oak trees and sent him a pink light. He was so moved because none of the humans have interacted with him in this way during this time. I have practiced all communication exercises with him. And with others trees too.
This oak needed faith and wanted to be a channel of the violet flame. – Helga
I saw a rat just outside the entrance to my underground parking garage. I hesitated to report it to the super because I felt like it would be a betrayal. I was torn, but I felt responsible and reported it. It was a couple days later when I listened to Lesson 3. When you began talking about the rat, Diana, tears streamed down my face as I repeated “I’m so sorry”, again and again. As a matter of fact tears streamed down my face as I listened to the animals and trees part of the course. I am just so very grateful for this information. Thank you so much. – Judy
I really enjoyed doing this Lesson to switch on telepathic communication. It was Powerful, Wonderful and very Special. – Mary
As I placed both hands back on the bark of an old oak tree that I called Alex, an ambulance passed by and the sound of the Siren echoed through the air. Alex told me he sends healing to the ambulances as they pass by, as this park is not too far away from hospital. Deirdre
OPEN AND ILLUMINATE YOUR 12 CHAKRAS – Less than half price
2025 offers a huge opportunity for spiritual growth and ascension. If you wish to take full advantage of this cosmic opportunity, the most important thing you can do is to cleanse and illuminate each of your chakras. The opening of your chakras is the journey to higher Ascension. This is why I am offering you this super special deal now.
So what does it mean for you if ANY of your chakras are blocked or partially closed. It impacts on your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being and happiness. For example, if your base chakra is blocked, you feel anxious or unsafe. If your throat chakra is blocked you cannot express how you truly feel and people do not trust you.
Over the last two years I have created important workshops on each of the 12 chakras.
In these workshops we work with the archangel in charge of each chakra, and I take you through all the chambers of each one to clear out stuck energy and bring about a massive healing and expansion. You illuminate your sacred Centres.
The wonderful news is that when all the petals of all your chakras are fully open and active, you ascend to a much higher frequency and your entire life transforms. The cosmos is supporting you at this pivotal time of change.
So this is what it means for you when your chakras are open and active.
you access your potential for this lifetime and your wisdom from Atlantis and Lemuria. And you are automatically living in the right place.
You feel safe and totally trust in the universe to support you. You achieve spiritual discipline and experience a feeling of belonging and joy.
You attract and create loving relationships and access Codes of transcendent love.
You experience oneness. This enables you to create 5D community and achieve a sense of freedom. You access the codes of higher manifestation.
You feel confident and have a sense of self-worth. You stand in your power with wisdom.
You open and heal your heart. You attract loving relationships and experience the joy of unconditional love.
You express yourself easily. You speak and act with strength and courage, integrity and honesty and everyone trusts and respects you. You attain mastery
You remove the seven Veils of Illusion and attract abundance and expansion in every area of your life. You become more psychic and intuitive.
You act wisely. You access cosmic knowledge and wisdom and bring in the Christ light.
You access the angelic world and the unicorn kingdom. You receive much spiritual help.
You open to the wisdom of your soul and bring forward gifts and qualities you have earned on your soul journey.
You connect to your Monad or I AM Presence and Archangel Metatron assists your ascension.
Less than half price – £5.00 per recording
Would you or a friend or member of your family benefit from these workshops? This is your opportunity. What an amazing gift to yourself or someone else this Christmas!