Diana Cooper’s January 2025 Newsletter
Hallo Amazing Beings,
This month there are breathtaking changes on the intergalactic council as Lord Kuthumi, Master Marko and Jesus are moving on to other positions. They are being replaced by Babaji, Master Sven and Dwjhal Kuhl. I included a huge article about the intergalactic council and the changes in my newsletter.
2025 is really important year for the world, when the structure of society will start to change. Currently the world is pretty chaotic. I have been saying for a long time that leaders are being prepared to move us into the fifth dimension and we will last start to see this happening in 2025. At last leaders, who are not self-serving, but have vision, compassion and integrity are ready to step forward.
All the systems that are currently breaking down will start shifting into a new dynamic. I asked my guide to describe 2025 and he gave me, expansion, hope and the NEW.
2025 is a 9 year, 2+0+2+5 = 9. 9 is the number of completions and endings. Many things in people’s personal lives and on the planet will be fulfilled and completed. You can consciously assist this by tying up loose ends, clearing out old junk, papers and anything you no longer need. At the same time, raise your frequency so that when the New comes in to take its place, it will be at a higher vibration.
world will become much more Aquarian in 2025. This means humanity will seek more freedom, more autonomy, etcetera.
There will be an easing of the extreme weather conditions we have seen. However, because the challenging weather is reported in the news, it will not seem as if there is an improvement. Stay positive and calm and look to the time in the not too distant future when we will be able to naturally control the weather for the highest good.
Similarly, while there will not be peace everywhere, there will be a reduction in tensions and an aquarian seeking of solutions to benefit all.
More people than ever before will be moving onto an ascension pathway and a significant number seeking higher ascension. Right now the energies for spiritual growth are huge. It is so exciting. In fact it is so exciting and I feel it is so important that I am offering a free workshop on 13th January, at the full moon, so that you can receive a boost to 6Dascension ie higher ascension and build your 7D light body as well as your crystalline heart and brain for the golden future. Please take advantage of this opportunity. It will be on YouTube and of course I’d love you follow me on YouTube.
The full moon on the 13th of January Is the wolf moon. This year it heralds new higher energies and is an important time to meditate and establish them in your life.
So what is your vision for 2025? Remember that if you hold your vision without doubt or deviation it must take place! So always ask for it to be brought about only if it is for the highest good. You are immeasurably powerful. The energy of 2025 is right behind you.
This is the year to make your dreams come true.
Love and blessings

Orb by Zivile Olewicz

What a truly magnificent orb. In the centre is Archangel Chamuel around him, the pale green energy is archangel Joules and on the outside is Archangel Raphael. They are purifying the water in the cells of your body and helping to regenerate them and reprogramme them with love.
Take a moment to look at this beautiful orb.
ask archangel Joules to bathe you in his pale green energy.
Imagine his beautiful soft feathery wings enfolding you
And then sense his green light flowing into every cell of your body
Flowing through your head, your torso, your arms, down your back, down through your legs
It is purifying the water in your cells and helping to regenerate them.
And now Ask archangel Chamuel to surround you in his soft pink light.
Feel the love wrapping around you
Breathe it into cells of your body.
It is programming your cells with love
Be aware of archangels Joules and Chamuel holding you now in their energy.
Venus progress

I want to thank so many of you for sending healing to Venus my beautiful dog who was diagnosed with a heart condition. The healing has made such a massive difference and my heart felt thanks to all of you. she is also on medication. She’s like a new dog in fact sometimes she’s like a puppy. While she is still her lovable, gorgeous self, she has become much more friendly towards other dogs and runs up to them asking them to play. Before she was only interested in chasing squirrels and rabbits. Though when I looked back at some puppy pictures of her, she loved to play with my daughter’s kitten, Kali.
I loved reading your messages about Venus and the one below prompted me to look at my old notes and pictures about her. Below the message I have included something I wrote about her 10 years ago! It reminded me how powerful healing can be.
‘I am so sad to hear about Venus and her heart issue. I couldn’t help crying as I read that regeneration and rejuvenation would not be permitted as Kumeka said it would interfere with her already decided destiny. I became a fan of Venus through your newsletters. Cheeky, intelligent, great fun, and very loyal and loving. A few years ago I felt drawn to learn more about Venus and searched to find the book you wrote about her. I bought it and really enjoyed the narrative in her own voice. It was so clever. I loved “Venus – A Diary of a Puppy and her Angel”. Beth
Aura Photos of Venus’s healing
Some years ago I took Venus to my friend Veronica for healing and took aura photos every minute or so. Here are the absolutely astonishing results. After Veronica told me what she felt during the healing, I showed her the photographs which accorded with what she had shared. Number 3 is the photograph I took when I called in the Gold Ray of Christ for extra assistance! When she held Venus’s back side up and poured healing in, she could feel a deep pain within the dog and this is when the golden orange floods in. The last photograph, not shown, was filled with violet light as a final transmutation took place.
After the session Venus slept flat out for an hour. Then in the evening she played like a puppy, full of extra spring and joy. These pictures are a reminder of how powerful healing is.
1.This is Veronica tuning in. The gold and green energy is starting to flow through her to Venus who looks surprised.
2.A violet light of transmutation comes from Veronica’s heart and surrounds Venus. This is raising and purifying the energy. Although I’m only showing this violet light once, there was a series of these as it was obviously taking some time to prepare for higher frequencies. Also at each change of colour during the session, the violet light came in as more stuff was transmuted.
3.A yellow gold energy now flows from the healer’s heart right round Venus. There is also a pale ball of this yellow gold energy over Venus.
4. There is still yellow gold in Veronica’s heart as Raphael’s emerald green floods in but does not yet touch the dog.
5.Deep blue now fills the healer’s throat, bright pink violet in her heart and golden orange is flowing down Venus’s left side. She is still looking uncomfortable.
6.Golden yellow is pouring from the healer’s hands as Venus starts to relax. Notice that there are now dots of violet in Veronica’s heart.
7.The golden yellow is now changing to deep gold as more violet fills Veronica’s heart centre.
8.The gold is on Veronica and on Venus’s side, while Raphael’s healing green surrounds her paw where she had previous problems.
9.As Veronica holds Venus’s rear and pushes the healing deep into her, golden orange floods through.
The Monadic merge meditation
A few people pointed out that I didn’t mention Lord Kuthumi as one of the members of the intergalactic council. I puzzled about this and then I realised what had happened and Kumeka, my guide confirmed it. At the moment that I was tuning into the Intergalactic Council and bringing forward the names, Lord Kuthumi was absent on business, so his energy was not there and I missed him out. Apparently, he returned a few seconds later to work with the petitions.
Each month different masters step forward to work with us. This month three have withdrawn. They are Gautama the Buddha, St. Clare of Assisi, and St Germain is also withdrawing this month. He really wanted to continue to help so many of us with higher Ascension but his incredible work as keeper of the golden scales for this universe means that he is incredibly busy, especially as the frequency everywhere is arising so quickly.
They are being replaced by:
Lord Kuthumi, the world teacher.
Lord Meitreya, Lord of the World, responsible for the entire solar system. Head of the White Brotherhood and Order of Melchizedek, who overlit Jesus and Krishna during their incarnations
and Master Merlin is returning to fill you with higher healing and the codes you need for higher ascension.
What was my most wonderful experience during the year of Monadic Merge Meditations?
There have been many wonderful experiences during these meditations but perhaps the most incredible happened when suddenly in a flash of indescribable light, for the first time ever, all Monads merged as one… the light illuminated the entire universe and immediateIy I was in a 12th dimensional frequency. I still remember the sensation of light and wonder!
We all experienced this together for the following two or three months and then I was told it was not necessary to activate it any more, as it was now integrated into the universal consciousness. However, if you wish to, you can still activate it for your personal growth during the meditation.
The Intergalactic Council
The Intergalactic Council is a body of twelve mighty beings who take decisions for the evolution of Earth. They decide on and oversee great experiments, like that of Atlantis which was to see if humans could maintain a physical body, experience emotions and keep a connection with Source.
Because the frequency has risen so much in recent years, individuals and groups can now connect with the intergalactic council via Archangel Butyalil to petition for help for the planet or of a project of importance to the health, welfare or advancement of humanity. You can also offer your services to help the world or the universe. Those currently serving on the Council are:
Master Marko – in the process of leaving the intergalactic council and is now moving on to an inter-universal position.
For some years the great MasterMarko has represented the highest galactic confederation in the solar system. He holds all the technological information of the united universes within a huge very high frequency quartz crystal skull. He downloads appropriate ideas into the minds of those who are ready to bring fifth dimensional technology back to the planet. The information is already stored in the etheric and also within the soul star chakras of those serving in this way. The scientific establishment is just discovering the existence of parallel worlds. Once they have accepted that science and spirituality work hand in hand they will be ready to receive a higher grade of information. Master Marko has been monitoring this very carefully with the help of Seraphina, the Seraphim. At the raise the frequency of the world event in October 2023 we petitioned that Serapis Bey be allowed to place the pure white flame of Atlantis over the entire planet. It was Master Marko who accepted this petition on behalf of the Intergalactic Council.
He is being replaced by Babaji who will take over in January 2025. Babaji has been working with us for hundreds of years to prepare our physical bodies to hold the higher energies of the golden future. Through yoga practices he has been showing us how to keep our joints clear and mobile, and our chakras and our blood pure. Now on the intergalactic Council his role for earth is to work with the freedom and balancing of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies and to help all beings throughout the universe in a way that is appropriate for them. He is an immortal being.
This means being beyond any limitations of this universe. An immortal being can go anywhere and do anything. They do not pass through a death or dying process. It is the highest state you can achieve in this universe. Only a few beings have so far achieved immortality and amongst them are St. Germain and Babaji.
Grand Commander Ashtar
Commander Ashtar is the 7D commander of the Intergalactic Fleet whose space ships patrol round Earth to protect and assist us. They are in place but not visible to us because of their high frequency. Commander Ashtar is working hand in hand with Archangel Metatron to assist with the ascension process. He will be waiting to greet millions of souls when they have achieved their ascension. He looks after the great two-way inter-dimensional portal of Machu Picchu, Peru and his mother ship enters our planet through this portal. His role on the Intergalactic Council is to help maintain the equilibrium of the universes to keep them in balance and harmony with one another.
Lord Hilarion
Lord Hilarion is the master of the fifth ray, the orange ray of technology and science. He has been working closely with Master Marko and Commander Ashtar. Now that Master Marko is moving on, Lord Hilarion will be working with Commander Ashtar and the new master on the intergalactic council, Master Sven on universal projects.
Lord Hilarion will continue to work with our Raphael’s angels to drop new technological ideas into the minds of humanity and will help you too bring forward.
Merlin is a master but not a Lord of light. He is an aspect of the mighty St Germain and has mastered the lessons of the magical dimensions and is a great healer. He is also a dragon master.
In 2012 he was appointed to the Intergalactic Council on an electric blue ray. His role is to teach people to use power with wisdom and integrity. Since October 2024, he has been working with Lord Maitreya to bring in the 7 Rays of Christ light. Part of his role on the intergalactic council is to create an 11D healing pool in the inner planes of Earth that will not only heal at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level but will also enable people to move into 6D Ascension.
Jesus – is in the process of leaving the Intergalactic Council in order to fulfil his role as Bringer of Cosmic Love. He needs to give more attention to this role and he will be focusing on opening the higher heart of humanity.
Jesus was promoted to the 9D role of Bringer of Cosmic Love in 2020. He carries the Christ light and is spreading it on the 33 vibration to the whole planet. His chakras are connected with the cosmic heart and he is overseeing the heart activation of the entire world. His role on the Intergalactic Council has been to plant the seeds of pure love wherever they can grow. He works with Archangel Christiel who is awakening humanity to higher love. At the Raise the Frequency of the World/Monadic Merge event in October 2023 we petitioned for wise leaders with vision, integrity and courage to step forward to lead the planet into the new Golden Age. It was Jesus who accepted this petition on behalf of the Intergalactic Council.
Replaced by Dwjhal Kuhl
Dwjhal Kuhl has trained under many of the most illumined of the masters, including Jesus. Our planet is moving very quickly into a higher frequency, he is working with Merlin for Earth to open the higher hearts of humanity to higher love, healing and abundance consciousness through the heart. His is also preparing the new children to live in a new golden age.
Quan Yin
Quan Yin, known as the Goddess of Mercy, had a two-thousand year incarnation in China and has a vast influence on the world. She is also Lord of Karma for the sixth ray of loving devoted service, co-operating with Archangel Uriel. Her role on the Intergalactic Council is to spread the divine feminine wisdom everywhere, to empower women and to allow men to become more in touch with their feminine side. She is also helping to bring forward the balance of ascending Earth. Once this is established on our planet her role on the Intergalactic Council will change and she will focus on the ascension of another planet.
Lord Kuthumi. Is in the process of leaving the intergalactic council and by February 2025 will be devoting all his time to his role of World Teacher. For Earth he is particularly preparing the brains of the new children.
Lord Kuthumi is currently the World Teacher in charge of all the teaching establishments in the inner planes. He also supervises the Hollow Earth University for planetary leaders and on Earth is preparing us for higher quality leadership. He is also working with Archangel Jophiel, Angel of Wisdom, helping us to see our children differently so that we can allow in appropriate education systems that nurture the special beings that are entrusted to our care now. He is continuing this work but is no longer serving on the intergalactic council
Replaced by Master Sven, a Wise One, from the Pleiades, who has never incarnated on
Earth, and whose role on the intergalactic council is to ensure that decisions taken by the councils of all the planets and stars are wise, measured and balanced. He will not be particularly concerned with our planet, Earth.
El Morya
El Morya is the master of the first ray of divine will and creation. His role on the Intergalactic Council is to strengthen people’s divine will so that they can actively create the new Golden Age. At this present moment in time he is helping to break down the existing ego structure that has surrounded Earth since the fall of Atlantis. He is the Manu, who carries the keys and codes of the 5D ascended human with 12 strands of DNA connected and activated. In meditation you can ask him to transfer to you the codes that you are ready to accept. At the Raise the Frequency of the World event on October 22nd 2023 when we collectively visited the intergalactic council to petition for pure water, pure air and pure soil to be returned to humanity in the best possible way, it was El Morya who stepped forward to accept this petition on behalf of the Intergalactic Council.
Serapis Bey
Serapis Bey is the master of the fourth ray, co-operating with Archangel Gabriel. He is Keeper of the White Ascension Flame of Atlantis on behalf of the Intergalactic Council. At the Raise the frequency of the world event in October 2023 he was given permission to place the pure white flame of Atlantis over the entire planet, in order to dissolve the old 30 dimensional matrix and bring in 50 dimensional light everywhere. He works with Lord Maitreya to oversee the various White Brotherhoods throughout the universe. All over the planet there are pyramids that contain different resonances of the Ascension Flame. When we reach a certain frequency he will bring them together into one glorious Ascension Flame and this will form the crystalline matrix of ascended Gaia, in other words it will activate the new energy body of our planet. When humanity reaches the upper levels of the fifth dimension he will step in to help people maintain their frequency at this high level. He oversaw the building of the Temple of Luxor.
Paul the Venetian
Paul the Venetian is the master of the third ray of creativity and artistic expression. He works with Archangel Chamuel to bring love into people’s manifestations. He also carries the white Flame of Freedom, which he will place over you if you request him to. This sets you free of old attachments so that you can walk as a Master. His task on the Intergalactic Council is to help humanity understand the importance and worth of creativity, which is the foundation of manifestation in our new world.
Mary Magdelene
Mary Magdelene has been promoted to take the place of Lady Nada with the assistance of Lady Portia, Goddess of Justice. She is working with Archangel Uriel to bring spirituality into religions where the consciousness needs to shift into the fifth dimensional frequency. Her task on the Intergalactic Council is to hold the vision of unified love.
Lord Maitreya
Lord Maitreya is the master of the Great White Brotherhood. The Maitreya energy is the blueprint of peace on Earth. His task on the Intergalactic Council is to hold the vision of peace and he works with the unicorns and Archangel Christiel to bring this to physical reality on our planet. Since October 2024, he has been working with master Merlin to bring in the 7 Rays of Christ light.
88 souls have been actively working with the Intergalactic Council. By January 2025 this number will be increased to 99 souls, indicating the end of the old age. You may be one of these souls or be a representative of the Intergalactic Council here on Earth. You may be consciously aware of this or you may be doing important service work during your sleep and completely unconscious that you are doing so.
How to transform your 2025 by Mastering your life
It does not matter what you read about predictions for the world for 2025 or for your own particular horoscope. You have the power to create your own destiny. your personal power far outweighs the influence of the collective consciousness, if you claim it. If you are on the path to higher ascension you have this power for you have claimed mastery.
Ascended Masters – Beings who have mastered the lessons of their planets and ascended.
Masters – Those who are free to be themselves.
Steps to Mastery
1.Set yourself free – uncord from people, situations, things and outcomes. When you hold onto anything or anyone you stop yourself from expanding and you prevent something better from coming to you.
Ex to uncord
- Visualise yourself standing in a circle.
- See a second circle attached to yours.
- In the second circle place any people, situations, things and outcomes to you may be attached to
- Say, ‘I now release my attachment to everything for the highest good.’
- Ask archangel Michael to cut away the other circle with his Sword of Truth.
- Notice how you feel as the other circle containing all possible attachments, floats away.
- Trust that anything that is meant to be yours will return.
- Absolutely know that the universe is preparing to bring to you whatever is for you highest good.
2.Unclutter – it may seem strange that such a small thing can make a difference, but it does. When you are surrounded by clutter, you cannot be clear. The simple act of letting go of all the clutter around you helps to set you free.
3.Only ever desire the highest good. If you add the words or thoughts, ‘for the highest good only,’ to everything you wish for (and mean it) your guardian angel will clear out the psychic clutter and only good will come to you.
4.Accept the Flame of Freedom and carry it to touch others.
Throughout his incarnations Paul the Venetian has been concerned with freedom and liberty. He influenced the gift of the statue of liberty to New York. Now he
carries the pure white Flame of Freedom, which holds the keys and codes of freedom through mastery. It enables you to be yourself. Also he works with the quality of creativity, which is an essential component to freedom.
I now invoke Paul the Venetian. Please place your pure white Flame of Freedom over my energy fields. (Pause to receive this).
And touch me with heartfelt creativity.
Thank you.
5. Inner happiness and inner strength are ingredients for self-mastery.
Archangel Haniel, the beautiful turquoise Angel of Loving Joy can ignite these qualities within you.
I now invoke Archangel Haniel to place her turquoise flame over me to ignite the codes of joy, happiness, and inner strength within me. (Pause to receive this).
At the same time, look for the bright side of every situation and person.
6. Expand your throat chakra
Your deep blue throat chakra is in the charge of Archangel Michael. It is the chakra of honest communication, strength, truth, integrity and mastery.
Ask Archangel Michael to be with you, so that you speak and act with the highest intention and integrity. Then you are acting as a master.
7. Master your third eye chakra
There are seven levels to the third eye chakra. Consciously go through the steps and choose to master them. This removes the 7 Veils of Illusion.
Level 1.see through illusion into truth. If something is not love you are focussed on illusion. Many out in the world are living in drama. However, you do not need to join them. Choose to let go of blame, victim consciousness, drama and conspiracy theories, for then you master this level.
Level 2.Direct positive mental powers for the healing and highest good of others.
The thoughts you send out can affect others greatly. To master the lessons of this level focus laser beams of concentrated positive thought with integrity and higher intent. This confers great power on you.
Level 3.Creating and manifesting with love.
When your heart is filled with unconditional love, you create your life with love. You master love.
Level 4.Clairvoyance.
Attune to the spiritual realms and then you will see or sense into other dimensions. However, you may be very aware and psychically attuned without being able to see pictures. Accept this to master level 4.
Level 5.Abundance consciousness.
When you absolutely know that all your desires are automatically provided, you expect miracles of abundance and prosperity AND you create them.
Level 6.Enlightenment.
When you see everything from a divine perspective you know that all is connected, trees, stars, animals, rocks – everything. Then you are an enlightened master.
Level 7. Claircogniscence.
When you experience divine knowing or gnosis you receive downloads from the planets and stars. You access universal truths. You are a Master.
How Merlin teaches mastery
Merlin mastered the laws of alchemy and magic through his training in balance and discipline on Sirius. He now trains students on Saturn to manipulate energy for manifestation, precipitation, levitation, as well as breathing techniques and mastery of the body.
You can ask him to accept you into his training schools at night.
Make 2025 the year when you Master your life.
Upcoming events
FREE WORKSHOP for the New Year

In January 2024 for first time in 10,000 years we were able to access 11D light codes from Pluto. They enable us to move into the 6th dimension for higher ascension for the golden future. For this to happen, you need to hold a higher wattage of light than your current carbon-based bodies can hold. In this workshop, you will start to build your crystalline based body that is healthier and stronger with much greater physical capacity. A gradual metamorphosis will take place at a cellular level.
Our power in the golden future will come through the crystalline heart and we will work with specific masters and angels that are stepping forward now to help to develop this.
It is time to prepare for your crystalline brain that will be like an advanced personal computer, with massive storage of memory, huge powers of calculation and is connected to Source.
When our crystalline bodies and brains are activated, it will take us way beyond the spiritual and psychic achievements of the golden era of Atlantis.
In this workshop you will
* Receive a boost to 6D Ascension.
* Build your crystalline body.
* Experience 7D Light body activations with the Arcturians, Pleiadeans and certain archangels.
* Receive crystalline heart activations from specific masters and angels and learn about its power.
* Understand the crystalline brain and start to build it.
* Activate codes for a cellular upgrade.
A burst of higher Ascension is ready to take place on our planet NOW And so this workshop is my new Year gift to you. It is FREE. It is important. It is powerful.
We have been climbing a spiritual mountain. And now we are ready together to move to the highest Summit that has ever been possible on earth …… Our energy together will give you and many others a huge boost to the top. Together we can do it……please join me FREE on Monday, 13th January at 7 pm UK time. And the recording will be available on YouTube for you to watch at anytime if you can’t make it live.
Do join me and subscribe to my YouTube channel below so you never miss a thing.

2025 Merlin’s magical healing journey to Mastery and higher ascension
Just before Christmas 2024 Master Merlin told me he was bringing his magic in through certain colours to raise the frequency on the planet, bring through higher healing at every level, boost Mastery and 6D higher Ascension, and much more. This is part of the exciting move by the great ascended Masters to help light workers to shift into higher Ascension. At last, we are able to rise above the energy of the golden Atlanteans.
Merlin said I must wait for details and information about the powerful effect that his colours and energies would have on us! At last, he has downloaded the information, and I am blown away.
There are 7 high frequency colours through which he will bring his magical healing and empowerment energy. They must be brought into every cell to utilise their full potential. He explained that they need to be understood in order to derive the full benefit from them.
All of his colours bathe you in his powerful healing energy, three of them hold sacred geometry to build your 7D crystalline light body, two rejuvenate your cells.
They balance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and ultimately enable you to access undreamed of gifts and qualities that projects you into a new level of Mastery and higher ascension.
During this workshop, you will
- Bathe in Merlin’s 7 brand-new magical colours
- Receive a boost into higher ascension
- Build your 7D crystalline light body
- Be empowered as a Master
- Absorb Merlin’s powerful healing energy
- Rejuvenate your cells
This is the first time that Master Merlin has been able to bring through these seven colour rays, filled with his magical energies, because at last, we are ready to receive them.
If you would like to experience them and massively advanced your spiritual journey, I would love you to join my workshop on Monday 10 February at 7pm UK time. £15. As usual, it will be on YouTube and you can register to watch it live and then you can access the recording whenever you wish to. if you can’t manage to catch the live you can access the recording.

I’ve been overwhelmed by the beautiful feedback from so many of you who’ve made my sleep meditations part of your nightly routine. It’s heartwarming to hear how these meditations have helped you connect with the angels and find peaceful slumber.
In these times when restful sleep feels elusive for so many, I’ve tuned into the angels to bring you something truly special: “Deep Sleep with the Angels” – A 7-Week Audio Meditation Programme.
This unique programme is designed to help you find deep, restorative rest while connecting with the loving guidance of the angels. Each meditation is carefully crafted to soothe your mind, body, and soul, creating the perfect environment for peaceful sleep.
Programme Highlights
✨ 7 Weekly 20-Minute Guided Meditations
Each week, you’ll connect with a different angel, including powerful archangels and your Guardian Angels, as they gently guide you into a deep, restorative slumber.
✨ Calming Breathing Techniques
Each session incorporates breathing techniques designed to relax your body and mind, helping you drift off quickly and effortlessly.
✨ Lifetime Access
Once you’ve signed up, these meditations are yours forever. You can revisit them whenever you need to connect with the angels or enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.
✨ Relax in Bed and Let the Angels Guide You
These meditations are designed to be listened to as you relax in bed, allowing the angels to lovingly watch over you and guide you into deep sleep.
Why Restful Sleep is Vital Right Now
With so much happening in the world, restful sleep is more important than ever. The angels are here to help you quiet your mind, center yourself, and invite serenity into your life. Through this programme, you’ll wake feeling refreshed, supported, and ready to embrace your day.
Sign Up Today
Price: Only £21 for unlimited access to all 7 meditations.
Whether you’re struggling with sleep or simply looking to deepen your connection with the angels, this programme is a gentle, loving way to invite more peace into your nightly routine.
Start your journey to angelic rest today. The angels are ready to guide you to the most peaceful sleep of your life.
Ash-ting, my cat
Some of you will remember my cat Ash-ting, who was the hero of my children’s book series, Tara and her talking kitten. And I often used to write about him and Venus in my newsletters. He has been living with my son’s family for some years but was always very close to me and especially close to Venus, my dog. Ash-ting was run over on New Year’s Eve, at the entrance to my son’s home. He died instantly. It’s very interesting to choose to pass on New Year’s Eve when a special portal is open to the ninth dimension.
Interestingly, my granddaughter had a friend staying for the night. The friend was reluctant to come because she said she had a premonition something awful was going to happen to her cat. Alas it was Ash-ting.
He was a cheeky cat, grey, exactly the colour of tarmac. He would lie in the middle of the road outside our house, forcing cars to stop! On one occasion a neighbour told me that she had to get out of her 4×4 as he refused to move, until she stood right beside him and stamped her feet. Then he ambled off with his tail in the air. However, when she reached home, he was already on her patio, walking up and down outside the French windows, teasing her dogs and driving them crazy!
When he stayed at my son, Justin’s, almost everyone in the road thought he was their cat and fed him. (he was enormous.) They finally put a note through all the doors asking people not to feed him. The following week they went to dinner with somebody who lived two streets away and when they got there, who was sitting by the hearth but Ash-ting.
On New Year’s Day suddenly Archangel Metatron came in. I asked how Ash-ting was, had he passed okay and was he in hospital for healing?
This is what Archangel Metatron told me. Ash-ting is in Orion. He did not need healing but went straight into a teaching school
He is learning about cats opening their hearts to humans and to other creatures. Currently, they do not really love humanity.
When he has completed his training, Ash-ting will remain in the inner planes.
From the other side he will be teaching and advising cats who are in a physical body about opening their hearts to humans and other creatures. He will mostly be doing this while they are asleep.
He will not incarnate again.
He was very much loved during his last incarnation.