Diana Cooper’s November 2018 Newsletter

Diana Cooper’s November 2018 Newsletter

Newsletter Contents

Dear Friends,

The spiritual realms keep reminding us that the chaos and turbulence of the world is third dimensional drama.  Yes it is horrible to watch.  But it is drama that humans are creating and signing up to experience.  So if you are intent on ascension in this lifetime stay centred.  Look at everything from a higher perspective and do not add energy to the drama.  The best way to help the world is to maintain harmony and rise above what is happening.  The divine plan is working out so trust in it.  Focus on love and Oneness.  Bring in the light for everyone this month and you will receive universal blessings.



The energy in Assisi was beautiful as was the town.  Rosemary and I really enjoyed the retreat and the light of St. Francis, Lord Kuthumi and other Illumined Ones was as ever amazing.  We could all feel the energy of St. Catherine in Sienna, where we sang to Rosemary’s crystal bowls in the cathedral.  Really special.


I took my oldest granddaughter, Isabel, with me to the seminar in Zurich and she was a great help.  Bernhard, the organiser, reminded me that I have been going since 2004 and only missed one or two years.  It is a special place and the energy was very high.  It was great as ever to see so many of the teachers of the Diana Cooper School there and to see so many familiar faces, as well as to make new friends.  I was intending to show Isabel the city on Monday but we never got further than the shops.  However a day shopping is very grounding!

Lessons of having my phone stolen

I was just about to climb onto a bus in Pisa to return to the station for the Florence train.  My iphone was in my backpack. It was right down my back with my cardigan stuffed down over it.

I felt the slight pull of my zip being touched and whirled round.  I caught a glimpse of a girl of about 14 with long hair.  I instantly knew my phone has gone and that she has already passed it on.  I whipped my backpack off as the stream of people pushed me onto the bus and sat by my friend Rosemary, saying, ‘My phone’s been stolen.’  The zip was about 4-5 inches (10-12cms open).  We both quickly checked before she handed me her phone with my son’s number up.  Thankfully she had his number and he answered it.  Seconds later he phoned back to say that 02 had cancelled everything.  No one could get into or use the phone.

First we sent love and blessings to the thief and the rest of the gang.  The last thing I wanted was to create a dark cord into them with anger or negative feelings.  That would attach me to them and draw their energy or similar back into my life.  I even felt compassion for them for they live in a murky third dimensional world.  I pictured them all walking up the golden staircase of higher possibilities and let them go.

Then I wondered how I attracted this invasion through my energy fields.  Ironically we had been running a retreat in Assisi based on the love and harmlessness of St Francis!  Was this connected and why wasn’t I protected? The guidance I received was.  ‘Tourist bus stops are notorious danger spots for pick pockets.  There was very dark energy there.  You were very tired indeed and worried about catching the train back to Florence.  This ungrounded you.  When you are ungrounded your protection isn’t fully in place.  You had also stated at the seminar ‘I am always grounded.’ So you needed to be shown this isn’t always the case.’

The guidance added, ‘You want to move to a higher frequency and for this you must watch your thoughts 100% of the time.  While walking round Pisa you thought for a moment, ‘Wouldn’t it be dreadful to lose my phone. It’s got my world in it.’  You absolutely must watch your thoughts to create a pure mental body.

As you move to higher frequencies you must be less reliant on technology.  That was interesting for me as I have felt this for some time.  I vowed to use my mobile much less.

And when I got home the test really started!  8 visits to my provider and then 4 hours on the phone to Apple to get the new phone to work tested my patience severely.

So many lessons and learnings were provided in one incident.

A Cosmic Shift By Tim Whild

Every month that passes after the Cosmic Moment becomes increasingly powerful, and 2018 has been a year of incredible energies and deep shifts. Many of the souls on the ascension path have noticed that we no longer get a break in-between the downloads of Light, the Lunar events and the intense astrological alignments. This can be tough and very exhausting if we carry a lot of resistance to these shifts as we move through them and learn Grace in the process of doing so.

This increase in planetary vibration is creating two distinctive worlds that are visible to Lightworkers, the awakened and the sleeping…but what is the actual reality of this perception?

Our entire planet is now in the fourth dimension and moving rapidly towards the fifth. If this is the case how is it that so many people appear to still be unaware of the changes and are still acting in a ‘3D’ manner? The answer to this lies in the 3D patterning that still exists in an etheric template throughout the entire world and this was created by over ten thousand years of third dimensional behaviour.

The higher plan which is being orchestrated by Archangel Metatron, the Intergalactic Council and the infinite host of higher beings helping them is to gently but steadily raise the vibration and give everybody the opportunity to step onto the path to Mastery.
Many of us are asking the question “why isn’t this happening faster?” and “is anything happening at all?” and the answer is yes everything is changing very swiftly.

To maintain a higher vibration on a regular or permanent basis it is important for us to pick and choose our point of focus wisely. There is a myriad of distractions to choose from and as Lightworkers it is our job to be vigilant with what or whom we mix our vibrations with. Social media (Facebook etc) has been a wonderful tool for connecting us globally but it is also a source of denser information that is deliberately posted to draw us away from our harmonious centre.
Our point of focus, our thoughts, feelings and our responses are the key to remaining in 5D as we rapidly shift in to the higher version of ourselves. The more of us that are focusing on a positive reality then the faster the reality will become our norm.

When you are out and about make sure that you leave your house grounded, protected with whatever method works best for you, but most importantly open your heart and shine your light consciously. An open heart has the ability to alter the vibration of anyone or anything around it and is the most powerful tool that we have on our ascension pathway.
Look for signs of change as well. The consciousness of everyone around you is shifting but you may not see this in the manner you are expecting…whatever you focus on you will find in abundance.

This is a short but powerful heart activation that will leave you shining brightly and allow your energy to become impervious to lower frequencies.

1. Sit quietly for a short period of time and focus on your breathing…breathe in golden light and allow it to infuse with every cell of your body. You might want to call in the Gold Ray of Christ or the Christed Mahatma for a real boost!

2.When you are glowing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually call in the Solar Dragons to breathe their brightest light directly into the centre of your pure white heart

3. You will immediately feel your heart centre lighting up and expanding…allow it to grow and encompass your entire body and fields. Soon you will be sat in a powerful cocoon of your own light.

4. Ask Archangel Metatron to ground you Cosmically into the Great Central Sun…feel a beam of golden-white light leaving your heart and moving up through your Throat, Third Eye, Crown, Causal, Soul Star and out of the top of your Stellar Gateway. Visualise Metatron carrying your light and anchoring you firmly into his 9th dimensional vibration.

5. See the same beam of light moving down from your heart through your Solar Plexus, Naval, Sacral, Base and finally through your Earth Star chakra. See your light moving down and down until it reaches Serapis Beys Golden Pyramid in Hollow Earth…his pyramid opens to accept your light and ground you fully into the higher planetary vibrations.

6.You are now balanced perfectly between Heaven and Earth with your heart wide open and beaming light. Thank the Dragons, Archangel Metatron and Serapis Bey for their help!

Diana and I are running the second part of our Zoom series on crystal grids on the 12th December! This series is designed to show how simple it is to use crystals to raise your vibration, the vibration of your home and any other space that you want. Places are available from both of our websites so grab yourself a spot now. If you can’t join us on the day the recording of the event is available afterwards to watch at any time. Hope to see you there! Click HERE to book or for more information.

Love Tim


Preparing for the New Golden Age

The new Golden Age starting in 2032 was the subject of one of the recent facebook lives, that I offer every Wednesday evening.  I talked about housing in the new Golden Age and afterwards Peter Chaddock sent me information about an eco pod he has been developing.

It’s an ‘off-grid’ sustainable dwelling based on the Golden Ratio (Phi) or as he likes to describe it, Divine Proportion. He is currently building a full size prototype in the garden of a Natural Health Centre in Stratford-upon-Avon. He has been driven to create some practical technology for assisting Humanity to migrate to the new reality that awaits us.  Apart from the fact that his eco pod it is built according to sacred geometry it is basically ‘off grid’, not requiring  connection to mains water, sewage, electricity and gas.

The project has been largely crowd-funded (very much ‘people-powered’).   It is really exciting and well worth having a look at so for more information see icandosomething.com/pod

Replaying my minds-eye video tapes, I could point to a number of experiences in my life that have fed into the idea; However, the core shape and the vision of a Human Being at the centre of it was the seed that came back with me after my adventure on the Big Island of Hawai’i. In 2001, following a series of nudges and prompts, I was compelled to take a leap of faith and get my body over to the other side of the world. I didn’t know then that I would be there for three years.

As I hadn’t made much in the way of financial provisions, I spent a good deal of time camping on the beach. There was one in particular to which I repeatedly gravitated and that was where I happened to meet a fellow Englishman by the name of Laurence. We quickly established a solid friendship and on my return to England, I visited him whilst he was the resident carpenter on a project up in Staffordshire. When I shared my vision with him, his eyes lit up and he insisted that we immediately build a model. So we sat down at the kitchen table and made our first icosahedron from drinking straws and string, which ended up about the size of a football.

My experience during the 13 years since then is as if the idea had taken on a life of it’s own; Demanding of me what it needed to develop and grow and reach adulthood. Today, thanks to the help of a number of godparents, the frame of a full size prototype is complete; And just as the idea has always been bright in my mind, I can now see other people ‘light up’ when they stand inside it.

The story continues……

For more information on the pod, go to:  icandosomething.com/pod


Mum is so lucky to have me.  She often tells me I’m the best dog in the world, though now we have Sugar, she says, ‘One of the two best dogs in the world!’  however I know she doesn’t mean that.  I’m still number One.

The other day she was communing with the trees and paying no attention to me or anything else other than the trees.  I drew her attention to the most amazing thing.  A pure white squirrel on the branch above us!!!  She was so excited.  Wow a white squirrel!  She said when you see a squirrel its message is inviting you to look at your challenges from a different angle and because it was pure white, the solution had to be very high frequency.

She seemed to be delighted.  I can’t think why.  Humans!

We still walk Baxter, the black working cocker, sometimes.  The other day he bounced up to me and wee’d on my head!  Is there no respect.  I don’t even think he registered what he was doing…… but I did!   Still the very next day he ran up to greet me as if I was his very best friend.  I like him really.

Nature in Autumn – hedge cutting

I was walking through the fields with Venus and Sugar, my dogs, when a huge machine was cutting the hedges, slashing them ferociously.  There was a cloud of anguish round the trees and bushes.  I called in the Angel of Nature, Archangel Purlimiek and could immediately see a soft green light pouring down over that length of hedge.  Everything seemed to calm down as if the greenery relaxed.  Then I quickly called in the Angel of Animals, Archangel Fhelyai to help any animals in the hedgerow and Angel Bhokpi, who is the Seraphim who looks after birds. There was instantly a palpable difference in the energy.

Forthcoming Events

Attunement to the Angelic Realms

Hamburg / 10th – 11th November

The energy on Earth is becoming very intense as higher spiritual energies are pouring into the planet.  Diana will share about the waves of ascension energy available. You will learn how the angelic realms of dragons, angels and unicorns can shield you from lower frequencies and enable you to ascend in this lifetime.

*You will meet the wonderful, wise, open-hearted dragons and undertake a glorious visualisation to visit the dragon kingdoms where you will connect to them and work with them.

*The dragons of Andromeda will bring transcendent pink love into your chakras.

*Archangel Gabriel will raise your light with the cosmic diamond.

*Archangel Raphael and his dragons will heal and clarify your third eye.

*You will enter the Stargate of Lyra to connect with Archangel Christiel and the 9th dimensional unicorns.

*You will experience a soul healing and blessing exercise with the unicorns.

*Bathe in the 9D pool of shimmering white gold Christ light in Lakumay, the ascended aspect of Sirius.

*Lord Voosloo, the 12D ascended master has helped Earth at times of sudden jump shifts in consciousness.  As the highest frequency High Priest ever to incarnate in Atlantis he enabled the leap in consciousness that allowed it to achieve its legendary greatness.  Now he is guiding us into the next golden age.  Today you can receive from him the keys and codes for your jump shift in consciousness.

*You will receive the blue Pleiadean healing rose at a 9D frequency into your energy fields and chakra system.

*Together we will build and activate a portal for the angels, anchored by the dragons.

With extraordinary visualisations and energetic transfers this is a life transforming seminar.

Hamburg: http://events.wrage.de/index.php?id=214&uid=1178&L=

Meet the Dragons Zoom – Part 2

Sunday 18th November: 8 – 10pm

In this Zoom masterclass you will meet:

1.the SILVER DRAGONS who bring good fortune and show you your special gifts bring you all kinds of prosperity and blessings.

You will do a special prosperity exercise with them.  (you will need a silver coin for this)

2.The MAGICAL, MYSTERIOUS RAINBOW DRAGONS who open doors of higher possibilities for you.

3.The protective, nurturing BLACK DRAGONS who enable your visions to grow and take you through an extraordinary healing.

4.The gentle GREEN DRAGONS of nature, who will take you into the harmony of the green world to reveal secrets and answer your questions.

5.The commanding ORANGE DRAGONS who work with your navel chakra to help you build bridges, find oneness and manifest your visions powerfully as they did in the golden era of Atlantis.  £25

Book your place here: dianacooperstg.wpenginepowered.com/meet-the-dragons-part-2/ 

Attunement to the Angelic Realms

Saturday 24th November: 11am – 6pm /  Sunday 25th November: 10am – 5pm

In this powerful workshop Diana will be joined by Tim Whild.  They will take you to the retreats of some of the Archangels to re-ignite this connection and then they will light up the keys and code of your divine potential.

The energy on Earth is becoming very intense as higher spiritual energies are pouring into the planet.  Diana and Tim will share about the waves of ascension energy available. You will learn how the angelic realms of dragons, angels and unicorns can shield you from lower frequencies and enable you to ascend in this lifetime.

*You will meet the wonderful, wise, open-hearted dragons and undertake a glorious visualisation to visit the dragon kingdoms where you will connect to them and work with them.

*The black dragons will nurture your potential and nurture success in your life.

*Meet the magnificent silver dragons and allow them to bring a stream of prosperity into your life.

*Tim remembers the Temple of Love in Atlantis and he will take you there to work with the High Prestess, Lady Venus and the Angels Mary, Christiel and Chamuel. This will give you a huge heart opening.

*Archangel Raphael and his dragons will heal and clarify your third eye.

*The angels and dragons of the Pleiades will place the blue Pleiadean healing rose at a 9D frequency into your energy fields and chakra system.

*You will enter the Stargate of Lyra to connect with Archangel Christiel and the 9th dimensional unicorns.

*You will experience a soul healing and blessing exercise with the unicorns.

*Bathe in the 9D pool of shimmering white gold Christ light in Lakumay, the ascended aspect of Sirius.

*Lord Voosloo, the 12D ascended master has helped Earth at times of sudden jump shifts in consciousness.  As the highest frequency High Priest ever to incarnate in Atlantis he enabled the leap in consciousness that allowed it to achieve its legendary greatness.  Now he is guiding us into the next golden age.  Today you can receive from him the keys and codes for your jump shift in consciousness.

*the unicorns will take you to the Aquarian Ascension Pool to be purified and cleansed by Archangel Christiel.  This will raise your light quotient to the highest level you have ever experienced.

*With the mighty golden orange dragons from Arcturus who hold the template for the future of our world we will build and activate a portal to bring forward the new golden age in Germany.  The angels and unicorns will assist with this.

With extraordinary visualisations and energetic transfers this is a life transforming seminar.

Book Here:  http://events.wrage.de/index.php?id=214&uid=1217&L=

Crystal Grid Zoom

Wednesday, 12th December from 7 – 9 pm UK time.

In response to so many requests Tim Whild and I are offering a second Zoom on crystal grids.

Crystal Grids are powerful symbols that activate cosmic energies and create change.  We will demonstrate the grids, show you what crystals are best and explain how to trigger them into action.

During this session we will lay out and discuss the following:

  1. A crystal grid to fill your Christmas with peace and harmony.
  2. A crystal grid to set your intention for 2019. Decide what you do want to accomplish and the energy of this grid will powerfully support you!
  3. crystal skull grid to connect you to the Great Crystal of Atlantis. Be prepared to receive downloads of high frequency information.
  4. A crystal grid for the Winter solstice to bring in the Gold Ray of Christ from Lyra and the highest frequency unicorns.
  5. A crystal grid to help all the animals of the world. This is service work to enable animals everywhere to feel safer and to raise the frequency of the planet.

We do hope you will join us.  This is a life transforming Zoom.

A ticket for this event costs £25 per person, you can book your place here: www.timwhild.com

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