Diana Cooper’s October 2024 Newsletter

Diana Cooper’s October 2024 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

October is a time for new ideas and new projects.  The first module of my online magic for the higher heart course will be available on October 7. And my Lemurian healing and wisdom workshop on Monday, November 4.  There are some big upgrades to the Monadic merge meditation and 11 is now on YouTube. 

We have another supermoon this month on Thursday, October 17.  It is the third of four super moons and is the biggest and brightest this year.  This is the Hunter’s moon.   It is traditionally a time to gather in the harvest and prepare for the winter. In spiritual terms we need to accept our spiritual gifts and powers, and contemplate the purpose of our life, to prepare for the next stage.  Winter is a quiet time. It is a time for reflection and planning.  This year there is also a Lunar eclipse, so as you sit quietly by your fire or radiator, you may have revelations.  Also hidden truths may be illuminated. You may have awarenesses about your patterns and start to dissolve them. This is an opportunity to open to new pathways, to activate your strengths and take those difficult decisions you’ve been putting off or to have those conversations that you have needed to have.

Basically, this full moon gives you the opportunity to push your life forward on many levels.

Love and blessings

Transform stress into vitality

Our birthright is good health, clear minds, vitality, youthfulness, energy, and joy.

Alas, I don’t think there’s ever been a time on this planet where people have been so stressed. The old world may have been dysfunctional, but it was familiar! And currently, everything that we have known for thousands of years is collapsing. Technology and AI are changing our lives more quickly than we can cope with. In addition, as we ascend, the massive increase in high-frequency cosmic flares has raised the vibration on the planet very quickly. Change is stressful. 

So I was delighted to receive this link to a FREE mini-course by Dawn Cuckow, my daughter, about transforming stress into vitality. The mini-course is free for a limited time! There are three parts to this course, each more interesting and informative than the one before. It not only explains how stress impacts your vibrational energy and helps you uncover your stressors, it also gives clear information on how to transform that stress. Additionally, it explains succinctly how, by changing your thoughts and the biochemistry of your body, you affect the quantum field and attract different experiences to you.

Really this mini course offers a masterclass in manifesting a beautiful life while helping you to become healthier, more relaxed, youthful and alive!  

If you’re interested here is the link to Dawn’s  mini-course: Raise your vibration: Transform stress into vitality:https://dawncuckow.xperiencify.io/stress-to-vitality/order/  is in the main body of my newsletter

How to be a lucky person

I think we all know that the universe responds to all our thoughts, words and actions. Even though I know this and try to make sure everything I think and say is positive listening to Dawn’s course transform stress into vitality just made it even clearer.

Step 1

Start the day with a positive statement and make it a habit.  There is nothing more gratifying to the universe then the person who throws open their arms and greets the morning with pleasure and expectation. Say something simple like, ‘thank you for another wonderful day.’  These words and that energy enable you to magnetise wonder and good luck into your life.

Step 2

Look for a way to change something challenging into something good.

Here is a personal story.  I bought three sideboard type cupboards, one for my bedroom, one for the sitting room and one for the hall. They were very pretty and white. Sadly, no sooner after a couple of years passed the plastic coating on all three of them, burst off.  They looked terrible.

I had three choices.

1. I could do battle with the big company that sold them – stressful! 

2. I could live with them looking terrible – also stressful! 

3. I could convert them into something unique and different.

I decided on number 3, so I stripped off all the plastic coating and had great fun painting them. 

Step 3

walk away from negative conversations.

It’s easy to understand how someone becomes an unlucky person. I was with someone who talked about her lack of money, and listed all her problems one after another, despite my interventions of, ‘what’s the best thing that’s happened to you this week?’  ‘isn’t it good that your daughter is doing so well?’ And finally. ‘Please can you find something positive to talk about.’  Nothing made any difference.  Each time I tried to change the subject, she reverted and relentlessly sent poverty thoughts, everything goes wrong for me statements and sheer determined negativity out to the universe.   Before long I walked away.  

Step 4

Get those smile muscles working.  Practice smiling. Smile at dogs, children and anybody who is receptive to a cheery good morning and a smile! There are more than you might think. 

Step 5

Remember that modern technology works with crystals and they are sentient beings. Crystals respond to energies and thoughts, so bless your laptop, thank your phone, love your car.  And as a human being who is not brought up with technology, I really confess this is the most difficult step for me but I am embracing it!

Talking to trees

I think I’ve mentioned before that when I walk through the trees, I usually ask them what energy they need and then start to bring that ray or colour vibration down through me and into them.

One day as I was walking towards the magnificent oak tree in my local woods, I was bringing in Archangel Chamuel’s violet pink light merged with Mary’s soft blue light. Together they made the most gorgeous gentle pink lilac colour.  I was still bringing this down and spreading it through myself and the trees around me, when I reached the oak tree.  I stood with my back to it, immersed in the pink lilac, when, to my astonishment the most glorious, vivid bright sunshine yellow poured through the tree into me. I literally felt it, penetrating every part of my body. It was incredible.   It was Lord Voosloo’s yellow and later my guide Kumeka told me that the energy of the tree enabled Voosloo to bring his light through me at a higher frequency. I could feel that yellow light with me and around me for about 10 days.  During that time, I could not think or see any other colour and apparently he was helping to jump shift my Ascension.

Two way love

Trees are very perceptive, and ash trees are most sensitive.  As I walked past an ash tree, I stopped to look at it and was wondering what Ray or energy it most needed. To my surprise the tree said, ;You are always giving us energy but you look very tired today. And you should receive energy from us.’  I was grateful as I really did feel drained that particular morning and breathed in the loving energy I was offered.

The Masters spearhead a move to Ascension

In September the Masters spearheaded a move towards Ascension on the planet. And that is why they asked me to do the Attune to 25 masters workshop for them. A number of people offered the feedback that they had a truly transcendent experience during it. 

Thanks to those who participated, many more people on the planet can connect with and received downloads from the great Ascended Masters. Those who took part have paved the way for millions of people to ascend more quickly and I am told it literally is millions.   Not by coincidence it was in the same time band as the equinox which this year marked the tipping point towards the new golden age.

Spiritually everything is stepping up. There is a big change in the quality of light that is now bombarding our planet. More high frequency light codes than ever before are being activated within Lightworkers.

Details about the monadic merge upgrade for October

The frequency is rising and several of the masters who have been working with us during the Monic merge meditation, have stepped back, their work done for the time being. These are Lord Hilarion, Merlin, Grand Commander Ashtar and Jesus.

Four new Masters have stepped forward in their place. 

These are – Abraham, Babaji, Mother Mary and Lord Kumeka, with extraordinary energies and gifts to give us

Master Abraham

In the Monadic merge meditation Abraham is placing his deep blue cloak over you and is pouring glorious pink silver Christ light of compassion through you.

He is an aspect of El Morya, though he originates from Sirius, while El Morya originates from Mercury.  Abraham is a High Priest in the Order of Melchizedek, which holds the Christ energy and the ancient wisdom for this universe.  He carries the Buddha energies and works with Lord Gautama, who is Master of the 10th Ray, and Abraham is now a Lord of Karma of the 10th Ray. 

He was an ancient dragon master and is one of the best known one of the best-known.  Working in the inner planes, if you ask to become a dragon master and are ready, he will train you.    He founded the Jewish religion and still oversees its progress. 

Both he and El Morya have retreats over Calcutta and Kashmir.


During the monadic merge meditation Babaji is bringing his sacred energy right into your body so that you can absorb his wisdom. 

Babaji is an ascended master known as the deathless avatar.  In 2024 he received a spiritual promotion to the 12th dimension, one of very few people who ever incarnated to accomplish this and he is now known as a God of this universe.  If you read about him or invoke him, it automatically draws a spiritual blessing to you and this advances your journey to Mastery.  It is an incredible honour as well as a blessing that he has stepped forward to accompany those who meditate with the monadic merge on the Ascension journey.

Mother Mary 

During the monadic merge meditation Mother Mary surrounds you in her soft blue light and gives you a feeling of belonging.

She is a mighty initiate who carries frequencies of love, compassion, and healing. She was carefully chosen to be the mother of Jesus in her lifetime as Mother Mary.  in the Golden era of Atlantis, she was Isis, High Priestess of the Temple of the Moon when she gave Virgin Birth to Horus.  Her tribe later became the Aztecs. She was also Ma-Ra in the Golden era of Mu.

During all her incarnations Mary was overlit by the great Universal Angel Mary.

Lord Kumeka

During the monadic merge meditation Lord Kumeka touches you with topaz blue and takes you to a higher level of enlightenment.

Lord Kumeka has never incarnated on Earth but is from another universe where he ascended. Earth has now earned the right to have his presence. His task is to transmute the old and bring enlightenment. He is instrumental in enlightening the world and bringing it to ascension and is one of the busiest of all the masters.

He is master of the eighth Ray, the topaz blue ray of deep transmutation, purification, enlightenment and communication. When you work with this ray you have a desire to heal and release your past and to help others to do so too. You are on a quest for enlightenment.

Latest on the petitions to the intergalactic council

We are still petitioning for Angel Mary’s soft blue angels to work with us

We are asked to continue to petition that their guardian angels now be permitted to remove spiritual blindfolds from the third eyes of the 1.5 billion souls who have been wearing them so that they can see the light.   Already one billion blindfolds have been removed and we are asked to continue with this petition. 

Upgraded Monadic Merge meditation 11

That is quite a change this month. We are no longer visiting several of the planets and we are connecting with one new one, actually a constellation – Pegasus, which is 11 D. similarly we no longer connecting with some archangels. Because the energy of those who have been doing Monadic Merge meditation has risen so much, we no longer need some of the archangels to conduct us into the cosmos. We can actually do this with our own energy!! This is incredible. Of course, no one who has ever incarnated can travel in the universe unless accompanied by an angelic being, so now we can make the cosmic connections under the wing of our guardian angel.

What happened on my birthday

First, thank you so much to all of you who sent me happy birthday wishes. it was just wonderful to receive so much love. as I mentioned in my last newsletterit was my 84th birthday and every seven years your overlighting archangel talks to your guardian angel and your chief guide about your progress. Every 21 years there is a big meeting. Because I knew this year was going to be very important I prepared for it by making notes of what I wanted to talk to Archangel Metatron about. He is my over lighting angel.

Rather to my shock, he told me that my path was not what I thought it was going to be. He said I had been given an extension to my incarnation in order to set up the magic schools, nothing else.

He told me that all the big ideas I had were pie in the sky.   They were way down the road. Even my smaller plan to build a magic school was in the future.   He said I was to start very practically where I was and gave me a list of things that I had to do. The first one was to hire a hall and teach some small in person classes. This was a bit of a shock as I haven’t done in person small groups for over 25 years. 

When he had finished telling me what I had to do the most incredible thing happened. Archangel Metatron placed his gold and orange flame over me. Wow!  The yellow gold was on the inside and apparently it was full of his codes and round it was the most incredible blazing orange.

I was reeling from the awesome energy and just as I was about to open my eyes, he slipped into my head, ‘and I have assigned one of my angels to you!’  Again wow!   I was overjoyed and flabbergasted in equal measure.

After that, I met some friends for lunch in a pub and celebrated!!!




Under Merlin’s direction the first module, which is telepathy will be available on-line from the 7th October.

The first three lessons are pre-recorded with information, exercises and the codes, that Merlin switches on.  Lesson 4 is a Q&A. 

Once you have done a module you have access to all the Q&A’s for all the modules.

The module for telepathy is £22.  You can do it at your own pace and the more you do the exercises the clearer your telepathic gifts will become.

It would be helpful, but is not essential to have listened to the recording: Merlin and the Codes of Magic – Part 1.

MODULE 1.  Telepathy 

Lesson 1 Switch on telepathic communication

During this lesson, you will 

receive a visualisation to the temple of Merlin to receive the codes of telepathy.

I will demonstrate the telepathy points.

Merlin will then tune you for telepathic communication.

We will practice some telepathic exercises.

And receive some exercises to practice for homework.  

Lesson 2 telepathic communication with trees, plants and nature spirits

During this lesson, you will 

receive information about trees

Connect with a tree

Use tree energy to connect Into the Great Crystal of Hollow Earth

Connect with tree elementals

Receive and give heart healing with a tree. 

Bring sacred flames through trees

Make a tree a portal to the planets

Lesson 3. Communicating with animals, birds and reptiles

Learning about animals, birds, and reptiles

Communicating with the higher heart

Connecting with the animals

Communicating with the angel of animals 

Exercise to communicate with animals

Exercise to communicate with a reptile.

Lesson 4. LIVE Q&A on YouTube with Diana

Do you love being in nature? Do you feel connected to the elementals or to the dragons? Do you feel a deep love of our planet? Are you interested in crystals and natural forms of healing?  If you answer yes to these questions, then you were almost certainly a Lemurian.

Lemuria was a fascinating era and one of the golden ages on earth.  The energy and wisdom of that time is now returning to help us move into the golden future.

Lemurian healing is currently one of the purest and most powerful form of healing available because it is used without ego for the highest good and it is sent collectively. 

In this workshop, I will share information about Lemuria as well as their crystals and the creatures of that time.  We will practice Lemurian healing and bring back their wisdom and magic. 

During this workshop you will,

·      Delve into the life and wisdom of the Lemurians

·      Meet and work with the Lemurian dragons

·      Learn about their special crystals.

·      Merge with your Lemurian light body.

·      Learn about the Lemurian birds, animals and reptiles.

·      Practice Lemurian healing.

I would love you to join me for this extraordinary workshop. You will learn, serve the planet and receive healing and wisdom.

This Lemurian healing online workshop is on Monday, the 4th of November at 7 pm UK time. £11.

This workshop is recorded and will automatically be available to you.  

Manifesting a Vision

We live in such turbulent times.  I guess it gives us an opportunity to practice staying steady and holding the light for the highest good!

Rosemary Stephenson and I once went on a small retreat with a group in France.  Two of the participants had really challenging problems to which there seemed to be no resolution.  For three days on the seminar we focussed on higher spiritual matters.  When we returned home after the seminar we received e mails from both of them to say the impossible had happened.  Both situations had unexpectedly resolved.

When you let go and raise your frequency above that of the problem, magic takes place.  The universe swings into place behind your vision and energises it.

Here are some steps.

1.Write down your vision or think clearly about it.

2.State it will only come about for the highest good of everyone concerned.

3.Only tell people who will positively hold your vision.

4. Let it go. Don’t think about it.

5.Do high frequency things that take your full concentration.

6.This gives the universe space to bring your vision into manifestation.

If it does not happen it is not for the highest good so you would not want it anyway!

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