Diana Cooper’s September 2024 Newsletter

September is very important for me this year because it is my birthday month and it is my Saturn return. Every seventh year your guardian angel reports to your overlighting Archangel about your progress.  There are five overlighting angels in charge of people on this planet – Archangels Metatron, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Mary

They discuss with your guardian angel how you are doing on your journey, what you need and how they can help you. Every third Saturn return, in other words your 21st, 42nd 63rd and 84th birthdays are particularly important.

New doorways are opened and opportunities are presented. These years are often times of considerable change.  In the olden days you were given the key of the door on your 21st birthday, in other words you were officially grown up and independent. On my 21st birthday I decided to give up a job I hated and moved to another town. When I was 42, an angel appeared to me and changed my life. When I was 63 I was setting up my angel school as a not for profit organisation. And now I can’t wait to discover what doors Archangel Metatron will be opening for me this month. It is incredibly exciting. 

The full moon this month on 17/18 September is the harvest moon. Traditionally it was the bright moon when the harvest was gathered. It is a day for gratitude and celebration. It is a time to give thanks for all you have and also for all that is to come. Get friends together and celebrate your abundance.  Celebration attracts more abundance.

The full moon is shortly followed by the equinox on the 22nd September, the day when day and night are the same length. It represents total balance. Masculine and feminine, yin and yang, light and dark are in balance and harmony. The universe supports reflection, meditation and going into the silence.  The equinox is particularly important this year because it marks the tipping point towards the golden future. 

I’ve had the most incredibly exciting August. I thought it might be boring as almost everybody I know was away on holiday or had visitors but no!  The spiritual hierarchy is coordinating a big push towards Ascension this September. Archangel Metatron, Lord Kumeka and Master Merlin have been working with me and the Masters to create a workshop where 25 of the higher Masters bring their light codes through to us.  Preparing it and bringing through the information has been fascinating and that is on the 16th of September.

But that is not all! Merlin downloaded to me the Codes of Telepathy for Module 1 of the Merlin Magic School of the Higher Heart teaching course, that will available on the 7th October.  So I have spent my summer having fascinating telepathic communications with trees, with elementals and with animals. It has been life changing.

With love from

Spiritual response to violence

It has long been forecast that people all over the world would rise up in protest against the current paradigm. It is a time for choice. You can either focus on the chaos, fear and violence, in which case you are adding energy to it. Or you can give your attention to peace, harmony, fairness, abundance and love. The most spiritual thing you can do is to visualise the world being held in a great bubble of peace as if it is already the golden future. Call on angels of peace, send dragons to clear the lower energies, ask the unicorns to hold the frequency high and visualise everyone worldwide holding hands.

If you are looking down into a pit full of desperate people, you do not help them by telling them how awful their situation is or by jumping in and joining them. By staying out of it, you can send down ropes and hold torch to help them climb up into a better world.

If we all focused our energy on love and peace, the entire world would be at peace, with fairness, equality and oneness prevailing.  If you remain in your golden bubble you can more easily send out golden ladders that people can climb up and you can illuminate the way for them.

7D Crystalline light body and brain

Currently, we are preparing for the next spurt of human evolution, which will be the sixth root race of humanity.  We are gradually transforming from a carbon-based form into a crystalline-based one. The metamorphosis will take place at a cellular level. Many light workers are now preparing for their seventh dimensional light bodies.  This happens as the body holds a higher wattage of light, containing love, knowledge and wisdom. This is the journey to higher ascension.  

In the new high frequency bodies and brains, the atoms will be arranged according to sacred geometry and this activates the crystalline structure.

Sometimes people think that crystalline means hard like a crystal. However, it indicates that the new crystalline humans will have the qualities of a crystal.   Our crystalline bodies will be healthier and stronger with much greater physical capacity than our current ones.

Currently, we have a right and left brain. As we evolve this will no  longer be the case.  The left brain will be replaced by a crystalline brain that will be like an advanced personal computer, with massive storage of memory and able to undertake involved calculations, great creativity and incredible abilities. Everyone will be able to see through the dimensions, so that all can connect to the elemental and angelic realms, as well as to the great masters and star beings from all over the universe.

The right brain will become the higher heart.

Already new children are being born with 12 strands of DNA fully connected.  As they are activated and their crystalline brain develops, we will be startled by their incredible gifts and powers.

Many fifth dimensional adults are starting to develop their higher dimensional light bodies and brains in preparation for the next stage. 

To prepare for this, and to take in more light, eat lighter food, drink pure water, connect to nature and take appropriate exercise. Watch your thoughts, words and actions and ensure they are positive. Meditate and practise ascension exercises.  Relax and breathe properly.  All these things affect you at a cellular level and influence the quality of light you emit.  We are so blessed to be here during this time of metamorphosis on Earth as we move into the new and exciting energies of the golden future.

The perfected human of the golden future

In preparation for the golden future on Earth, we are beginning to remember and access the gifts and powers that we developed in the Atlantis.

Then everyone had gifts and powers that seem extraordinary to us now but gifts likeclairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, healing and telepathy, as well as self healing, were considered to be quite normal.

The powers of teleportation, mind control, telekinesis, levitation and manifestation that were developed through deep relaxation and mind control.   It also meant understanding the frequencies of sound and light.

The Manu, the perfected human of the golden future

El Morya now holds the position of the Manu,who holds the blueprint for this next spurt of human evolution.  He carries in his cells, his chakras and energy fields the keys and codes of the perfected human of the new golden age we are about to enter.

His 12 strands of DNA are fully connected and active. He embodies the incredible gifts and powers we are capable of. He also connects with cosmic wisdom. He is now passing his energy on to those who are ready to receive and activate the codes he incorporates.

He is one of the 25 masters who passing on their codes in my online workshop RECEIVE THE LIGHT CODES OF 25 ASCENDED MASTERS

Talking to trees

Since I received the codes of telepathy from Merlin, I have been aware of the elementals in the trees and talked to so many different trees. I have learnt such a lot.

As I was communicating with a huge ancient oak in my local words, my attention was drawn to a hole in the trunk. I asked about it and he said that it had been a small branch that had been severed, many years ago. This had left a hole and it drew in the pain of people who walked through that part of the forest. That is part of the service work of the trees.

 A few days later I took the dogs for a walk with Tim Whild and we visited the big oak tree.  I told Tim about the healing vortex in the tree and we took it in turns to stand with our backs to it, so that the tree could draw in and heal any stuck energy from the back of our heart chakras.  I could really feel energy being drawn out of me to heal my heart. I was interested to hear what Tim experienced and as he stepped away, he commented, ‘Wow, that tree really is doing powerful service work.’

We have so much to thank trees for.

Q & A

Olympic Games in the golden future

I’ve been glued to my television, watching with awe the Olympic Games. And the women (The Divine Feminine) have been so fabulous this year. Their energy has soared across the globe with their talent and strength. And I feel as if The Divine Male Energy is finally taking note of us.

  1. Will we still have Olympic Games and swim meets in the Golden Era as surely that creates contest and competition amongst man?

The original Olympic Games were organised in golden era of Atlantis, long before Greece. Athletes from the different tribes of Atlantis met, not in competition, but to demonstrate excellence. Once the frequency has risen once more into the fifth dimension the original blueprint for the Olympic Games will return.

  • Will we have countries or borders.

No, this will no longer be part of a world of oneness.

  • Do we dedicate a day or 2 for sport in the Golden Age?

In the Gold future people will have much more free time, bodies will be much stronger and healthier and the citizens will enjoy physical exercise, sport and sports gatherings much more than in the current paradigm.

In my book, The Golden Future I share the way people will spend their leisure time doing things that bring them soul satisfaction.

Details about the monadic merge upgrade for September

The nine Masters that are working with us have all upgraded what they are doing with and for us.

It feels as if the frequency of our connection with the planets has also upgraded.

Latest on the petitions to the intergalactic council

When I asked what petitions we were to make this month, I was told that I must choose them! This felt like quite a responsibility. To me it seemed that the most important thing on earth now is for people to feel safe so I meditated on this and, this is the petition I decided on.

We petition for billions of Angel Mary’s soft blue angels to come to earth to enfold people everywhere with a feeling of safety, peace, and belonging.

El Morya has agreed to take this petition and to direct the angels to where they are most needed.

And a second one was

We petition that throughout the world land is made available for people to create fifth dimensional communities.

Serapis Bey is stepping forward to take this petition.

And here is the progress on the other petitions.

We have been petitioning for a vast pyramid of Archangel Michaels deep blue light of source truth to be placed over the entire planet. We no longer need to do this as it has now been established and is active. The pure white flame of Atlantis is also still in place over the entire planet and active. 

Last month, we petitioned for the consciousness to be raised all over the world so that the wise leaders that have been prepared to take us into the golden future can now step in to do their work. I am told that the petition has been accepted but that the consciousness is not yet high enough. However, Lord Maitreya on behalf of the intergalactic Council will continue to work actively on this.

It is the same with the petition for a perfect balance of masculine and feminine energy on Earth. We no longer need to make the petition but Mary Magdalene will continue to work with it.

We are asked to continue to petition that their guardian angels now be permitted to remove spiritual blindfolds from the third eyes of the 1.5 billion souls who have been wearing them so that they can see the light.   Already 55 million blindfolds have been removed.  It is good to see that people are waking up and we can make a difference by continuing with this petition.


Monday, 16th September

Ascended Masters areBeings who have mastered the lessons of their planets and ascended. They are coordinating a big push towards Ascension this September. One of the ways they are doing this is to pass their light codes into you.  They will step into your body if you are ready.  This will enable the Masters to share their energies and the codes of light that they carry. They will connect with you on their colour rays and have asked for specific notes to be hummed or sounded that will enable you to absorb their qualities and light codes more easily. 

Using notes, colour rays and information for each of the 25 Masters we will attune to them, in an exceptionally high frequency meditative attunement.  

During this workshop, you will

·      Learn about 25 masters

·      Absorb their codes at a cellular level 

·      Receive a special attunement to each one using colour and sound

·      Raise your level of personal mastery

*      Jump shift to higher Ascension

Archangel Metatron, Lord Kumeka, and Merlin together have asked me to present this workshop to take advantage of this cosmic opportunity.   I do hope you will join me and the Masters today.

On online workshop Monday, 16th September at 7pm UK time. Receive the light codes of 25 Masters.  £11

This workshop is recorded and will automatically be available to you.  


In January, Merlin appeared to tell me about his magic of the higher heart. After that, he kept coming in to give me information. A few weeks later he told me that he wanted me to start his Magic School of the Higher Heart by teaching a course on-line.  He said I was to share the information and pass on the codes that he was giving me.

He began by giving me codes for telepathy and switching them on.  I then had to practice.  This led to the most exciting summer of my life as I talked with trees, elementals, animals and experienced telepathic communication in general.  I had amazing experiences.

Under Merlin’s direction I have prepared the first module, which is telepathy.

The first three lessons are pre-recorded with information, exercises and the codes.  Merlin switches them on.  Lesson 4 is a Q&A. 

Once you have done a module you have access to all the Q&A’s for all the modules.

The module for telepathy is £22.  You can do it at your own pace and the more you do the exercises the clearer telepathic gift will become.

MODULE 1.  Telepathy 

Lesson 1 Switch on telepathic communication

During this lesson, you will 

receive a visualisation to the temple of Merlin to receive the codes of telepathy.

I will demonstrate the telepathy points.

Merlin will then tune you for telepathic communication.

We will practice some telepathic exercises.

And receive some exercises to practice for homework.  

Lesson 2 telepathic communication with trees, plants and nature spirits

During this lesson, you will 

receive information about trees

Connect with a tree

Use tree energy to connect Into the Great Crystal of Hollow Earth

Connect with tree elementals

Receive and give heart healing with a tree. 

Bring sacred flames through trees

Make a tree a portal to the planets

Lesson 3. Communicating with animals, birds and reptiles

Learning about animals, birds, and reptiles

Communicating with the higher heart

Connecting with the animals

Communicating with the angel of animals 

Exercise to communicate with animals

Exercise to communicate with a reptile.

Lesson 4. Q&A online with Diana


Monday 7 October.  Lesson 1. Switch on telepathic communication

Monday 14 October. Lesson 2.  telepathic communication with trees, plants and nature spirits

Monday 21 October.  Lesson 3. Communicating with animals, birds and reptiles

Monday, 28 October at 7 pm UK time. Q&A on line with Diana 1 hour

You will receive the pre-recorded lessons on these dates and can explore them at your own pace.  They are powerful and can be life changing.

If you join the course during October you will receive the lessons up to that date.

If join the course after October you will receive the entire course to work through at yourown rate.

I have worked with Lord Kumeka, Master Merlin and archangel Metatron on creating this course. It has opened me up in unexpected and beautiful ways and I hope that it will do the same for you.

It would be helpful, but is not essential to have done the course Codes of Magic through the Higher Heart part 1.

Cost for the entire course, including the Q&A.  £22

2024 LEMURIAN WISDOM & HEALING  Monday November 4th

Do you love being in nature? Do you feel connected to the elementals or to the dragons? Do you feel a deep love of our planet? Are you interested in crystals and natural forms of healing?  If you answer yes to these questions, then you were almost certainly a Lemurian.

Lemuria was a fascinating era and one of the golden ages on earth.  The energy and wisdom of that time is now returning to help us move into the golden future.

Lemurian healing is currently one of the purest and most powerful form of healing available because it is used without ego for the highest good and it is sent collectively. 

In this workshop, I will share information about Lemuria as well as their crystals and the creatures of that time.  We will practice Lemurian healing and bring back their wisdom and magic. 

During this workshop you will,

·      Delve into the life and wisdom of the Lemurians

·      Meet and work with the Lemurian dragons

·      Learn about their special crystals.

·      Merge with your Lemurian light body.

·      Learn about the Lemurian birds, animals and reptiles.

·      Practice Lemurian healing.

I would love you to join me for this extraordinary workshop. You will learn, serve the planet and receive healing and wisdom.

This Lemurian healing online workshop is on Monday, the 4th of November at 7 pm UK time. £11.

This workshop is recorded and will automatically be available to you.  

Which Archangel to call on?

I am often asked which Archangel to call on for different challenges or questions.  If you ask for help your Guardian Angel or an Archangel will always answer in some way.  They may drop the answer into your mind, or give you a strong impression or understanding, or ensure you read an article that answers your question or make sure you meet someone who will give you the answer.  So ask your question and then be vigilant for the response.

Who do I call on to help me make the right decision?

Archangel Gabriel is the pure white angel of clarity. He understands the totality of your circumstances and will always help you to make the decision that is for your highest good. If a decision is for your highest good it is automatically for the highest good of all concerned. The universe will rearrange itself to ensure this.

How can I best help the animals?

Archangel Felyai, the bright sunshine-yellow angel of animals, listens to all your prayers for animals. He has recently arrived from another universe to this one since we have raised our frequency sufficiently to be ready to receive his assistance.  No prayer is ever wasted.He will always send one of his yellow angels to help an animal if you ask. He will also send one of his angels to whisper to a human who is mistreating any creature.

Here is a story from The Archangel Guide to the Animal World

A friend of mine was very concerned about a dog who was owned by one of her neighbours and who was clearly unhappy. The poor creature was being left alone for long periods of time, which is agony for a sociable animal. The neighbour was impervious to her hints, so she decided to talk to Archangel Fhelyai. She lit a candle and told him the problem, then asked him to find a solution. She did this for the highest good of this dog every day for a week. At the end of that time the owner was suddenly made redundant. She was at home with her dog and able to be with him and take him for walks. It was not quite the outcome my friend expected but we have to let go and let the angels do what is for everyone’s highest good!

If enough people ask Archangel Fhelyai to help the animal kingdom or light a candle and dedicate it to the welfare of animals, the situation on Earth will transform in a flash.            My child is sick.  Which Archangel should I call on?

The great Archangel of Healing is Raphael, who is emerald green.  Call on him to help your child and he will always help to the extent that your child’s soul will allow.  His twin flame is the Angel Mary, who is full of compassion and love and she will enfold your child in comfort and peace as she brings healing.

I need help with an interview?  Who should I call on?

This question comes in many forms.  If you need courage for a driving test, to take part in a physical challenge, face the dentist or to say what you really feel with honesty and integrity, ask Archangel Michael.  He will place you in his deep blue energy to give you whatever strength you need to do what you need to do.

I want to progress on my spiritual path.  Who can help me?

Archangel Metatron is in overall charge of the ascension of individuals and the planet.  Spend a little time each day tuning into his golden orange light and he will guide you on your path.

Are you or your family going through an initiation?  What are those challenges really about?

with extracts from Birthing a New Civilization

An initiation is a right of passage to a much higher level of evolution. There are seven stages and each soul, with the help of the archangels, chooses the test it most needs. The tests may be so severe that they involve the life or health of the individual. This means that the person gives something important in order to receive higher gifts of spirit.

The suffering involved acts as a cleanser and purifier at a soul level. Usually the person undertakes something for the collective and so helps many people.

Some people take several initiations in one lifetime. Others spread their journey over many lives. And a soul may choose to retake initiations even though they have done them before in previous incarnations. Remember it is the soul who chooses, not the personality incarnated on Earth.

Right now, as we approach the new golden age, there are extraordinary opportunities available for spiritual growth, so many souls are undertaking these initiations.   This is one reason why so many people seem to be having such a difficult time. Whole families often agree to go through initiations together. For example, one member of the family having a serious operation, an accident, a sick child, a redundancy or some other problem, may offer everyone in that group the conditions for their different initiations.

The first initiation tests the physical body and results in spiritual awakening. The person who has undertaken it is now a spiritual disciple whether he realizes it or not. For some people the actual initiation may be birth itself.

The second initiation involves taking charge of the emotions and is one of the most difficult ones to achieve. Sometimes it takes many lifetimes to master the emotional body and be ready for this challenge. People often think that the tests involved are karmic repayments when the person is really going through a spiritual initiation.

A lady I know whom I will call Annabel fell in love for the first time in her thirties. The man messed her about unmercifully and she had a one-night stand with his friend. She got pregnant and after much agonizing had an abortion. The trauma she went through was her second initiation and all the men involved played their part well in presenting her with the conditions.

Following the physical and emotional challenges comes the third one, the mental initiation. After that the disciple takes mastery of his thoughts and uses them constructively. A friend of mine, Truda, a bubbly, bouncy, cheerful blonde, is passionate about angels. She is a Reiki Master and helps many people. One day she felt unwell and thought she had flu. A few days later she was getting worse and eventually was rushed to hospital. It transpired that she had a very serious case of blood poisoning and they did not think she could live. At this point she fell asleep and had a classic near-death experience. She found herself going through a dark tunnel into the brightest light, full of angels. Here she was told she had work to do and must go back. She was rushed to a different hospital for a life-saving heart operation. We were told they were going to remove a kidney, which was badly infected. Hundreds of people responded and were praying for her and lighting candles. It transpired she was too ill for the surgeon to operate on the kidney as well as her heart, which was a blessing as she never did need to have it removed. Kumeka told me that she was undertaking her third initiation. Through her physical and mental body she was clearing almost all the ancestral karma of her entire family since time began, which is an almighty undertaking. She was also passing some of the fear from Atlantis through her system.

Truda was desperately ill but she recovered with the help of a new heart valve, a multitude of prayers and massive help from the angels, including Archangel Raphael himself. One day I was sitting quietly by my wood burning stove listening to Gregorian Chants. I lit candles and sat down to focus healing onto her. Suddenly a flash of the brightest and most awesome emerald green passed through me. It was Archangel Raphael taking the opportunity to come through me himself to give her healing. It was awe-inspiring.

I wondered why this was her third initiation, the mental one. Kumeka told me that it had affected her ideas of herself and the world. And indeed her life changed. She became more peaceful and contented and opened up to new spiritual possibilities.

The most devastating initiation is the fourth one, known as the crucifixion. Jesus took his on the cross. It involves the offering of yourself at an emotional level and tests your deepest fears in order to lift some of the fear in the collective consciousness. It often involves rejection and loss on a personal and emotional level. However, on a spiritual level it is the gateway to something higher.

A friend of mine took this initiation by suffering the loss of both her sons and grandchildren, who suddenly moved away to the other side of the world. They had been her whole life. She had to adjust, and became a healer, devoting her life to helping others. A few years later she undertook another initiation through the illness of her sister.

My crucifixion lasted for nearly twenty years. Again it was to do with loss of everything I had known. Now I understand that the emotional trauma was an amazing opportunity for spiritual growth, which was orchestrated by my guides and angels. It presented me with the circumstances for my fourth initiation. At the same time, it presented most of my family with an opportunity to undertake their second or third initiations.

What seemed like many shattered lives was, from a higher perspective, a huge spiritual opportunity. I bless everyone concerned. It also demonstrates graphically to me that no one can ever judge another. I had to let go of everything in order to let the angels into my life.

Some people have a very difficult time taking their fifth initiation, which is the preparation for the ascension path. This is where you have access to your Monad or I AM presence and sign on for cosmic service. This initiation was easy for me, as I had done it so many times in other lives. In response to feeling that this was the right time, I met two friends and we took each other through a meditation into the first stages of ascension. Interestingly one of them achieved it first, and then he helped us through.

The sixth initiation is ascension and for many this is relatively easy after the preparation they have undergone, though the consequences of failure are quite dire. In one case the failed initiate had to start again at the beginning and learn the lessons of life. It was rather like a university graduate having to go back to kindergarten again. I know someone else who failed this initiation and had to reincarnate with great wisdom but no power to express it.

There is a seventh initiation. It is usually taken out of body after death and takes place during discussions about your next step. As the frequency rises more people can be presented with it while in a body.  In order to pass it you must be willing to do that which is for the highest good.  When I had cancer I was presented with two opportunities to pass over.  On each occasion I was taken through a life review, the second one being much deeper.  Then I was asked whether I wanted to leave or stay.  Both times I replied, “I don’t mind.  Whatever is for the highest good.”  As I’m still here I assume it was to stay!  However, as soon as I had recovered I moved to a different location and my life changed totally.

Understanding the Vibrational Impact of Stress and How to Reconnect

by Dawn Cuckow

I remember years ago, talking to an astrologer friend about the times we are now in. He likened this period to giving birth – the experience is painful. But at the end of it there’s a miraculous new life. Like a magician conjuring something new out of apparent chaos, these times offer us the potential for profound transformation.

Today, many of us are experiencing immense stress. Much of the old is falling away, and unresolved issues are coming to the surface, demanding our attention and resolution. It often feels as though stress is compounding upon stress.

When we’re in a state of stress and heightened alertness, our brain directs attention to potential threats or important tasks, narrowing our focus. This natural response ensures survival by concentrating resources on immediate challenges or dangers. However, in modern times, where most stresses are not life-threatening, our brains still react this way.

Chronic stress causes this narrowed focus to persist, alienating us from new experiences and relationships. Consequently, our receptiveness to new ideas and connections diminishes, and we may find ourselves increasingly disconnected from those we value most.

Do you notice that when you are stressed, you’re not fully present with friends and family? Often, part of your mind remains preoccupied with your stressors, even if only in the background.

Stress also compels us to dwell on worst-case scenarios. This is another evolutionary survival instinct—by preparing for the worst, we increase our chances of survival. However, consistently envisioning negative outcomes reinforces negative neural pathways, making pessimistic thinking our default reaction.

According to quantum principles, our thoughts and emotions impact the vibrational field around us. Persistent negative thoughts create a low vibrational state, attracting further negativity and stress, thus perpetuating a vicious cycle. Chronic stress can also lead to feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, and depression, making it difficult to see a path forward. These emotions can feel intensely isolating.

If you find yourself ensnared in negative thought loops, try to avoid self-blame. Blaming yourself only perpetuates the negative cycle, making change seem impossible. Becoming aware of these patterns is the first step towards positive change.

Here are 4 strategies to start to address your stress:

1) Walk in Nature – Even Better If It’s Barefoot: Walking in nature, especially barefoot, can be a powerful way to ground yourself and reduce stress. By connecting directly with the earth, whether on sand or grass, you can experience a sense of calm and rejuvenation, like drawing energy from a restorative source.

2) Interact with Pets: Interacting with pets can lower stress hormones and elevate mood-enhancing hormones. The act of stroking a pet also helps to calm your nervous system. Since animals are very sensitive to the energies around them, it may help calm your pet as well. Additionally, this interaction increases bonding and can make you feel more connected and present.

3) Shake It Out or Dance: Stand up and shake your arms, legs, and your entire body for 1-2 minutes to release built-up tension. Alternatively, put on your favourite music and dance like no one’s watching. Both activities are fantastic for reducing stress and elevating your mood.

4) Gratitude Journaling: Spend a few minutes writing down things you’re grateful for. This is more than an intellectual exercise; it’s crucial to connect with the feeling of gratitude. By truly feeling grateful, you engage your emotions, which profoundly impacts reducing stress and the energy you project into the quantum field. You can’t easily feel stress and gratitude at the same time, so this simple practice can shift your focus from stress to the positive aspects of your life, promoting a more balanced and upbeat mindset.

In today’s world, merely managing stress isn’t enough; we need to transform it into vibrant energy. By elevating our energetic frequency, we contribute not only to our own well-being but also to a positive future for everyone. Like tuning forks, when we elevate our vibration, we influence others to rise to the same positive frequency.

It’s impossible to be in a state of stress and growth simultaneously. Now, more than ever, the world needs you to break free from stress, escape negative cycles, and open up to new, positive possibilities. Embody the You that you came here to be, harnessing your inner power to create change.

As a special gift, I will be offering FREE access to my upcoming mini-course, Raise Your Vibration: Transform Stress into Vitality. This exclusive offer will available for a limited time in September, so don’t miss out! Experience life-changing techniques and feel their impact firsthand. Sign up now to be the first to know when it’s available: https://go.dawncuckow.com/first-2-know-stress-to-vitality

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Master quick, effective stress-busting strategies.
  • Achieve internal harmony by merging science and spirituality.
  • Boost your health and resilience, and stay centred amidst chaos.
  • Unveil a more vibrant version of yourself.
  • Raise your vibration to become a beacon for positive change in the world.

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