Sent in from Paivi
Starting at the top of this image, there is energy from the following Archangels – Fhelyai (animals), Christiel (Causal Chakra and higher mind), Mariel (Upper chamber of the Soul Star Chakra), Metatron (Ascension). The bottom…
Starting at the top of this image, there is energy from the following Archangels – Fhelyai (animals), Christiel (Causal Chakra and higher mind), Mariel (Upper chamber of the Soul Star Chakra), Metatron (Ascension). The bottom…
This photo is so awesome and fabulous! The pink orb at the bottom of the photo is a combination of the energies of Archangel Gabriel (white/concentric circles – purity) and AA Chamuel (pink – love)….
This is such a beautiful photo! The rainbow orbs around your head are bringing you a combination of the strengths and energies of Archangels Chamuel (pink – love), Micheal (protection and strength) and Jophiel (yellow…
The orb at the bottom of the photo is made up of a combination of several different angels all bringing their own energy and qualities. Starting from the outside:- The blue/green orb is Archangels Micheal…
The large coloured area above the dog contains Archangel energies of Zadkiel (lower chamber of the Soul Star Chakra & transmutation) and Lavender (upper chamber of the Soul Star Chakra). These Archangels are helping you…
Her husband playing golf with friends at Langkawi Malaysia. This photograph shows Archangel Michael and Archangel Chamuel using the energies of the sun to protect the group and bring them their Blessings. Wishing you Love,…
This photo is fantastic! The pink orb in the shape of a tear or dew drop is made up of a combination of Archangel Chamuel (pink – love) and Archangel Gabriel (white -purity), the bright…
This feels like energy from AA Christiel and Chamuel , in this picture you are connecting to the messages from the Spiritual hierarchy and they are being sent out in spirals of light for all…
Sent in by Claude and Jackie – Hello Claude and Jackie, thank you very much for sharing this beautiful photo of an orb with us. Archangel Uriel and Archangel Gabriel’s energies are present for communication…
Sent in by Madanila – Dear Madanila, Thank you for your email. There are Archangel energies present from Archangels Lavender (works with the higher chamber of the Soul Star Chakra), Chamuel (love) and Gabriel (purity)….