Diana Cooper’s August 2020 Newsletter

Newsletter Contents

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Unicorn Documentary / The Magic of Unicorns / The Transition to 2032 / Venus and Sugar / Painted Pebbles / Birthdays / A Guide to Building an Angel Portal / Orbs of the Month / The truth is more empowering than you may think / How to work with Angels and Spirit Guides

Dear Friends,

Traditionally August is the summer holiday month of carefree relaxation and leisure.  This year however, everything is different.  We are in the early stages of world upheaval and massive change.  Climate change has taught us that we have to work with nature and honour it.  The Corona virus and impending economic recession has highlighted the falseness of our economy that is driven by greed, consumption and illusory money as well as the inequality of the haves and have nots.  If we do not change, it will be done for us.  The changes will affect everyone, but some people more than others.  It is rather like being in an earthquake zone.  As the old paradigm collapses August will start to bring frauds, scandals and revelations to the surface.  More big corporations are admitting they are in financial difficulties as the world economy slowly continues to disintegrate.

Mars is bringing storms and strife from 8th – 16th August.  Businesses, situations and relationships that are not stable and aligned to the highest good are likely to fail.  So follow your heart.  Listen to your intuition.  Stay steady.

If you feel that you are in the middle of an emotional earthquake the message of the month is to stay steady.  HOLD YOUR FAITH.  Know that everything in your life as well as in the world is evolving in a divine perfect way.

On a positive note more people are growing their own vegetables, gardening, cycling, walking and spending time in nature.  More are community minded.  There is a movement to care for those less fortunate.  And each of us can contribute to world change by making the changes within ourselves – being more creative, more in tune with the natural world, more community aware etc.  After all a magnificent garden is made up of thousands of individual flowers, each contributing to the whole.

Unicorn Documentary


It is magical and inspirational, so why not have a unicorn party for your friends and watch together!  Please like it, comment and send the link to everyone you know and ask them to send it on to their contacts.  There is a huge wave of unicorn energy coming into the planet at the moment and the unicorns want everyone to know about them.  Then they can awaken, touch and heal as many people as possible.  So if there are enough likes there is more chance that the pilot will be taken up by a TV network to make a full documentary and hopefully a series on the Angelic Realms.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel HERE and set a reminder for the Premier on 11th August at 7:45pm

My NEW BOOK The Magic of Unicorns is also being published on Tuesday 11th August.  I am so excited as I had some really profound unicorn experiences while I was writing it and it is very pure and powerful.  If you pre-order the book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other sites you will receive as a free GIFT, a download of my three favourite unicorn exercises and a chance to join my free unicorn Zoom (numbers limited I’m afraid) on 11th August from 7.00 to 7.45 when we can all watch the unicorn pilot at the same time on YouTube.

To access the free gifts and join the Zoom please use this link https://discover.hayhouse.co.uk/magic-of-unicorns/.  Once you have put in your details and proof of purchase you will be sent to a webpage where you can sign up for the Zoom.

The unicorns can’t assist us unless humanity asks them to and I can do very little on my own but together we can help the unicorns to raise the frequency of the world.  Please do your part by helping to get this documentary made for the unicorns.

How the Magic of Unicorns differs from my first Unicorn book

Lots of you have asked what is the difference between the unicorn book that I wrote ten years ago, The Wonder of Unicorns and this new one, The Magic of Unicorns.  Well they are totally different.

The world has changed dramatically in ten years!  As more people have raised their frequency more Unicorns have been able to access the world.  This is why a huge wave of unicorn energy is coming in now and the unicorns wanted me to write another book for them.  The information in The Magic of Unicorns is completely new and the frequency much higher.  In this book I actually attune you to unicorns and share many inspirational stories about them.  There is a section for healing with unicorns for your inner child, family issues, ancestral beliefs as well as your soul.  The exercises take you through the steps to receive these healings.

Unicorns work in collaboration with the archangels so, in another section I offer information and exercises to connect with the unicorns and Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel and Christiel for magical outcomes in your life.  The unicorns take me through the exercises as I write them down.  I had an extraordinary experience when I entered Archangel Gabriel’s cosmic diamond, which was then illuminated by my unicorn.  I felt I was blazing with light!

The way the unicorns illuminate cosmic numbers to accelerate your life path is astonishing and I share my amazing personal experience when the unicorns took me through that exercise in the book!  There is a section on unicorns and crystals that enables you to harness their energy even more powerfully to light up your life.

The book also offers a comprehensive history of the unicorns and overview of the angelic realms.  You automatically receive their blessings and illumination as you read it.  It really does light you up and accelerate your enlightenment and ascension.

Excerpts from The Transition to 2032

I was flicking through my old book, The Transition to 2032 and read this

‘What happens in 2032? ~

A new fifth-dimensional blueprint is put into place for our planet and our entire universe. Everything — trees, flowers, animals, fish, humans — will speed up in frequency.

During this period, those souls who cannot maintain at least a fourth-dimensional energy, with their heart open and some spiritual understanding, will choose to leave. If they originate in this universe, they will return to the inner planes for further education. If they come from another universe, they will return to their home planet there.

In addition, many fourth- and fifth-dimensional souls will decide to ‘go home’, if they can be of more assistance from there.  There will be a considerable exodus as souls have learnt all they need to from Earth’.

Venus and Sugar

It really should be Sugar and Venus this month for Sugar has received all the accolades.  She swam in the sea, see picture.  Huh. Everyone stood round and clapped and said, ‘Well done Sugar!’  What’s well done about that! Who wants to swim in cold water and get all salty and sticky?  I kept well away from that treacherous wet stuff.  You can’t trust it not to move and splash.  They call it waves.  I call it danger.  video

Then someone gave Sugar a squeaky ball.  A ball that squeaks, I ask you.  She plays with it relentlessly, squeak, squeak.  Mum doesn’t seem to notice it but I’m glad to say some other people do.  They shout.  ‘Enough Sugar,’ and she looks bemused and hurt when they take it away.

Even worse, she is so friendly.  She goes up to children and sits by them, so they stroke her and think she’s wonderful.  The other morning, in the middle of my walk (well hers too I suppose) she saw an old lady sitting on a bench by herself, so she walked up to her and sat by her feet.  Naturally the lady stroked her.  So is that enough for Sugar? No! She has to jump up onto the bench and snuggle up to the lady.  Then of course Mum has to go over and sit on the bench and talk to her for half an hour….half an hour, which was my hunting for rabbits and squirrels time.  Well I suppose I did go off on my own and hunt in a little thicket nearby… but that’s not the same as going off and having Mum wait for me!

But I really love Sugar.  And we stick with one another when there are other dogs around.  We have our own little pack and together we feel very courageous.  Though I did have an awful experience the other day on my own.  Bear in mind it is a dog’s job to chase cats.  On this occasion I was sniffing in some long grass by a path.  And there was a huge, enormous panther sized black cat lurking there.  It had huge green eyes.  I didn’t even have time to bark.  It charged at me.  I raced for Mum, squealing blue murder!  Mum and Sugar comforted me, so I didn’t feel too embarrassed but I’m not going down that path again.

Painted Pebbles on the beach to thank and celebrate the NHS

On our local beach there is a corner dedicated to thanking the nurses and the NHS.  Visitors and locals have painted pebbles and piled them up to form an altar or cairn.  There are always new ones and I really love to stop and look at the brightly coloured stones when I pass.  The corner radiates love and gratitude.  It is a reminder that things are changing and the divine feminine qualities of caring, nurturing and healing are starting to be acknowledged and appreciated.  Perhaps we will soon start to acknowledge financially those in service.


I feel so blessed.  This is a year of big birthdays in my family, my 80th, my daughter’s 50th and my son in law’s 60th.  For my birthday the family want us all to be together for a holiday and, luckily as it turns out, I didn’t want to go abroad as I preferred to stay in the UK and have the dogs with us!  So we are all enjoying a week in a lovely big house further down the Jurassic coast in Dorset at the end of August.  All this was arranged before the Corona Virus was heard of and before I decided to move to Dorset.  It feels like divine prompting for it is not even very far for me to drive and it is a wonderful area for walking.

My grandson, son in law and ex son in law came down for a weekend to build me a shed.  I so enjoyed watching Finn working with the men.  I have to add that before lockdown he was 5’ 7” (170cms) and when I saw him afterwards he was 6’ 1”(186cm)!  And the shed is fabulous.  I now have space in my garage.

Being so near the sea my new garden is all sand, so I have been working diligently to enrich the soil.  Today I made a wormery.  I have always wanted one and this poor soil has spurred me on.  I collected worms from a friend and hopefully will have an abundance of flowers and vegetables next year!

Guide to Building an Angel Portal

What is an angel portal?

  1. An angel portal is a high energy place created with the angels.
  2. Spirits can travel to it for healing or protection or to visit another Universe or when they die.
  3. It often feels or looks like a vortex or column of white light.

How to build an angel portal

  1. Set your intention of creating an angel portal and its intended purpose.
  2. Decide where it is to be built. This may be in your home or garden or in a distant place.
  3. Visualise a column of light forming.
  4. Call on beings of the angelic realms to add light to it.
  5. Call on dragons to protect it.
  6. Ask the Earth dragons to ground it.
  7. Re-affirm your intention.
  8. State how long you wish it to be in place and energised. This may be for one day or for ever.

Orbs of the Month

Susan sent me these two beautiful Orb pictures.  In the first one you can see Mother Mary with an Angel of Love actually on her crown chakra and Archangel Michael protecting everything.  Mary is bringing love and wisdom in response to Susan’s prayers of compassion.  In the second one Mary is on the right of the Angel of Love while Archangel Jophiel has entered on the other side to help her download wisdom.

The next Orb picture was sent to me by Sonia,  It was taken at a waterfall in Cambodia which is a natural power spot.  Many angels, especially Guardian Angels, have arrived here to collect energy.  A big white angel above her is bringing the spirit of a very sick person to the waterfall to receive healing…You can see the dark spot within the Orb, which is the energy of the ill person.  It is a beautiful illustration of the many ways in which our angels help us.

The truth is more empowering than you may think

Extract from Dawn and Bay, Your Holistic Diet

Do you feel that losing weight doesn’t really work for you? Maybe you find it a real struggle. Or maybe you have lost weight, but over time, it has crept back on again. Perhaps you feel that you don’t have the willpower or are just not very good at losing weight.

But the truth is far more empowering.

The reasons you have struggled to lose weight and sustain it have nothing to do with lack of willpower, or not being good at dieting. It has everything to do with imbalances in your body and what is going on for you psychologically. This can cause you to have cravings, overeat or to eat emotionally. It can trigger your body to store more fat or to store fat around your belly. 

Do you have a history of yoyo dieting or weight cycling where you get into a cycle of losing weight, only to regain it? This is one of the best predictors of future weight gain. On top of that, repeatedly losing and gaining weight has been linked to cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and altered immune function. So it is really important to understand what is behind your weight, so you can then do something about it; to make sustainable changes that get to the root of your weight issues.

There has been a lot of attention in the news recently emphasising the links between being overweight or obese with increased symptoms of COVID-19. Public Health England released a document last week acknowledging that “The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the health crisis caused by overweight and obesity to the fore. Helping people living with overweight or obesity to achieve or maintain a healthier weight is complex. There is no single solution…”

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. You are unique and need to target what is behind your weight. This is going to be different for different people. 

The good news is that, with a holistic approach, when you make a change that helps one area of your body, it can have benefits on other areas. Immunity and weight are such important topics right now; We have put together a FREE pdf: Five simple ways to boost your immunity that can also help your weight loss. Get the FREE pdf: https://forms.aweber.com/form/36/47401136.htm

It is better to make simple sustainable changes that support your body holistically than to make major changes that you can’t sustain and that lead to weight cycling.

Your Divine Guardians: How to work with Angels and Spirit Guides

Join me and other leading experts online for an incredible day, designed to bring you closer to your angels and spirit guides!

All beings of the 7th dimension can heal. These angelic realms consist of the dragons, angels and unicorns. When they work together, even more miracles happen.

During this talk, you’ll experience an angelic healing cocoon and learn how to create one. You’ll also enjoy an incredible and powerful soul healing journey with the healing dragons from the Pleiades; Raphael, the Archangel of Healing; and the wondrous unicorns. Finally, you’ll work with the fire dragons, Archangel Gabriel and the unicorns to practise an advanced manifestation technique that was used in the Golden Era of Atlantis.

Learn More here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/112429928944

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