Diana Cooper’s June 2020 Newsletter

Newsletter Contents

Hallo Fello Lightworkers and Beautiful Beings,

I am writing this in my conservatory looking out over the garden with its laden fruit trees that I planted when I moved here.  It feels a lovely legacy to leave for the new owners of my house for I am setting out on a new adventure.  Yes I am moving to Dorset and this time I shall be living near the sea and not far from the New Forest, where I first met the unicorns.

As many countries are coming out of lockdown, we are emerging into a new world.  The message for this month is to be flexible and adaptable.  Whatever challenges come your way use your intuition.  This will serve you better than using your logical brain for the old order has changed and we will have to do things differently.  This is a time to relax and re-assess your life for you may never go back to the old.  Treat challenges as opportunities.  New doors are waiting to open, so don’t hammer on the familiar ones.  Excitement and adventure is in the air.  However six planets are going to be retrograde at some time, see below, so be sensible too and prepare for all eventualities!!!

The summer solstice is on June 20th when the Sun enters Cancer (which is all about being psychic and using your intuition).  The universe is using this special energy to recalibrate us, to re-set our lives at a deep level, so make yourself available by finding quiet time.  If you can spend time in your garden or out in nature or by the sea.

And remember one of the higher purposes of the pandemic is to slow down, relax and look at what your soul really wants from this lifetime.  This month offers a massive opportunity for change.

Planets in retrograde during June

  • Mercury 18th June-12th July:
  • Venus 13th May-25th June:
  • Jupiter 14th May-13th September:
  • Saturn 11th May-29th September:
  • Neptune 23rd June-29th November:
  • Pluto 25th April-4th October:

Six planets in retrograde in June

Right now everyone is being tested.  Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are in retrograde during some part of June.  No one is exempt from the effects of this slow down and often disruption in our lives.  This is a time for introspection, relaxation, look out for the underdog and standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.  And know that unbelievable shifts can occur in your personal life and also for the world when everything moves forward again.

When Mercury goes retrograde it is a good time to take stock of your life.  Try not to travel and if you must allow extra time.  Be very clear about communications, careful when signing contracts and check emails.  Plan for the new but don’t actually start it unless you have to because it is better to wait for the tide to be flowing in the right direction. Then you will move ahead because you have used the retrograde to plan and prepare.  Ask Archangel Michael, who is in charge of higher communication, to help you.

When Venus goes retrograde you have the opportunity to look at your relationships, how you feel about yourself and your financial situation.  Venus is the planet of love, abundance, and beauty.  It is not a time to quarrel with your partner or make impulsive decisions!  But your inner reflection and self-examination will be rewarded.  Ask Lady Venus, Goddess of Love, who was a High Priestess in charge of the Temple of Love in the golden era of Atlantis to guide you.

When Jupiter is in retrograde the expansion and growth in your life halts.  People feel less inclined to spend money so it is interesting that this is happening during a recession. Use this period of time to decide what you want to let go of.  If something or someone is not right for you the universe will take it away and ultimately this will be right for you!

When Saturn goes retrograde there is delay and disruption and maybe even karma repayment.  During the current world situation this will be really obvious and affect everyone.  If the river is not flowing take time to rest and re-evaluate your plans.  You may find that your priorities and desires change and at last you have time to decide what is right for you.  Be kind to yourself and others.   And be clear what you really do want when this phase is over.

When Neptune goes retrograde you may encounter the oblique side of this planet of higher spirituality, dreams, imagination, and creativity.  You may be presented with illusions or even be deceived.  Trust your intuition but use your common sense too.

When Pluto goes retrograde it is a time of inner cleansing, so that you get a new perspective on things and make changes.  This applies to governments too and may result in massive shifts.

Why did your soul sign up for this lifetime?

If you are reading this your soul almost certainly wanted to help birth the new Golden Age.  You would have wished to clear any karma, both personal or ancestral. Your soul may have agreed to clear part of the collective consciousness.  And apart from that you would probably have had several missions.  Here are some possibilities but there are many more.

1.To clear the pain of the world.  Many brave souls incarnating now are Members of the Brotherhood of the Golden Robe.  Lord Kuthumi heads this Brotherhood of beings who take on the pain of the world and pass it through their physical bodies.  They may face challenging illnesses to help humanity.

2.To be a healer. This may be a physical healer, like a doctor.  Or a mental and emotional healer, like a psychiatrist, psychologist, counsellor or therapist.  Or a spiritual or crystal healer working at a soul level.

3.To be a teacher.  This may be in an educational, religious or spiritual establishment or spreading information in another way.  And now, many spiritual teachers are imparting an understanding of the spiritual realms or sacred information.

4.To be a light.  These are those who carry keys and codes of sacred knowledge and wisdom in their energy fields and touch others with it consciously or unconsciously.

5.To bring forward technology.  These are inventors and experimenters and those who are channelling the spiritual technology for the future.

6.To work with nature.  This includes those who are growing vegetables organically.  And those who are bringing forward new ways of feeding everyone on the planet in a healthy, spiritual way that satisfies their souls, ready for the new Golden Age.

7.To work with animals and to bring back an understanding of who they truly are.

8.To express yourself creatively or artistically or by bringing forward beauty, which is a divine quality.

9.To be a clear channel or medium.

10.To create a business that will help people, nature, animals or the planet.

11.To radiate happiness and joy.

12.To express yourself physically, e.g. through sport or dancing.

Covid 19 is providing a Portal of Opportunity for people to return to the light

Interestingly a few weeks ago there was a one minute silence in the UK for health workers.  As I stood there I saw the collective cloud of fear over the world and then I was aware of souls who had died of Covid 19 rising up and taking some of the collective fear with them into the light to transmute it.  It reminded me of the Boxing Day Tsunami that was also a major piece of purification.  The Intergalactic Council started planning it well in advance. A cosmic invitation was broadcast throughout the universes for souls to incarnate on a cleansing and healing mission on Earth. Thousands who recognized the great opportunity for service and spiritual promotion responded to the call. Naturally, as soon as they incarnated and went through the veil of amnesia, they forgot their purpose but, at the predestined time of 26th December 2004, they gathered in specific places. These special souls agreed to soak up into their energy fields the negativity held within the earth. And on that day the tsunami bore them all into the light together, carrying the toxins with them. Each received a spiritual reward. Only those who had at a soul level agreed to pass over in the ‘catastrophe’ did so and there were millions of angels waiting to welcome them home.

At your pre-life consultation your soul agrees the duration of your life.  However, you may choose to leave during your first six months on Earth.  And there are occasional Portals of Opportunity like this one when, in consultation with your overlighting Archangel and Source, your soul may choose to withdraw early.

Remember how far we have come since 2012

Since the fall of Atlantis Earth has spent 10,000 long years experiencing a third dimensional reality.   The break came in 2012 at the Cosmic Moment when Source energy touched the heart of every sentient being throughout the universes.

At that moment the cosmic pyramids opened and cosmic portals started to open. There was a sudden and massive shift in consciousness, not just on Earth but everywhere in the cosmos and everything has accelerated rapidly over the past 8 years.

The twelfth dimensional Stargate of Lyra has opened fully and unicorns are flooding through it.  Now there are millions of unicorns everywhere and people recognise this unconsciously, while more and more people are waking up to who they truly are.

Archangel Christiel sent out a finger of energy to touch the Causal Chakras of all humanity and anchored this chakra for everyone.  This is where we connect to angels, unicorns and higher spiritual beings, so it is possible for everyone now.

9th dimensional portals have opened throughout the world and this is enabling the frequency everywhere to rise.

And now not only is Archangel Gabriel’s 9th dimensional diamond accessible for our use but the higher frequencies of other Archangels are available to us too – Archangel Raphael’s cosmic emerald, Archangel Michael’s cosmic sapphire, Archangel Uriel’s cosmic ruby and Archangel Christiel’s cosmic pearl.  When the unicorns illuminate them, something awesome happens.  You can experience this in my Zoom on Unicorns and Archangel Gems.

Great illumined ones have returned from other universes to help us.  The most important of these are

1.Lord Kumeka, who helped to set up and oversee the Golden Age of Atlantis and is now spearheading the purification and enlightenment of everyone on Earth.

2.Lord Voosloo, who was a High Priest in Atlantis and has returned on a spiritual level to help Earth with the jump shift into ascension for the new Golden Age.

At last we have started to clean up and value the planet.

Two billion souls are currently in the process of waking up spiritually and they will rapidly raise their frequency with dragons, angels, unicorns and Masters waiting to help them.

There is a great tide of light gathering in the spiritual realms, ready to pour down onto humanity.  This will enable the world to transform for the new Golden Age starting in 2032.

In a couple of years the purification of the planet will start to slow down and the new fifth dimensional communities will be able to develop and grow.

People power is starting to assert itself and this will continue.

The breakdown of the old system is happening in front of our very eyes.

We are all rapidly accelerating towards a future that was inconceivable a decade ago.

Unicorn Documentary Update

Things are moving!  Last night I watched the pilot episode and it is stunning.  Tim Whild, Calista and Truda Clarke talk briefly about their Unicorn experiences, all illustrated with amazing graphics. And using an Aura Camera our Diana Cooper School teacher Kerstin Joost, who is a medical doctor, takes a volunteer patient, Diane, through a quick visualisation to meet her Unicorn and her aura transforms to pure shimmering white with pink at the top and bottom. It is astonishing. Whenever I have spoken to Diane since she has told me how it has changed her life and her health.

As soon this pilot episode is totally ready I am going to ask you to watch it for me – to Like it, comment on it and even more importantly, to share it with everyone you know! We need as many views on this pilot episode as possible when we present it to TV companies and ask them to make a full Unicorn documentary or series !!!!! We need to show them how much love and support this documentary has.

If you love Unicorns and want to help me to spread their light, subscribe to my Youtube Channel HERE and watch this space.

Venus and Sugar

It is very strange at home at the moment.  Lots of cupboards are being emptied and there are boxes all over the place.  Most important there is that moving feeling in the air.  Sugar is quite nervous and if following Mum everywhere but I am more sanguine because she says we will be together.

As I have said before Sugar is all heart and there have been several instances this week.  Because of the Corona virus there are lots of Mums and toddlers about.  Now if I see a child crying I keep well away.  In my mind children are unpredictable anyway…but she walks very slowly up to them and sits right by them so that their hands are at her head height….and they stroke her and stop crying.  It happens every time, as if she has some sort of magic.  On Sunday we walked very early because it was hot.  At the top of the hill we met a couple whose dog had had a seizure.  Mum stopped to talk with them, I ran after a rabbit but Sugar went straight up to the couple and sat by them to comfort them, while they waited for their son to arrive with a car.

And then yesterday, even I have to admit it was rather sweet.  A man had collapsed and was lying on the pavement next to his bike.  Bizarrely people in front of us walked right past him but Mum stopped to ask him if he was alright and he said No, he felt ill.  He felt faint and he couldn’t even sit up.  His hands felt numb.  He also had a fever and coughed a bit!  It was a lockdown story of relationships.  He had a quarrel with his girlfriend and she kicked him out.  He had nowhere to go and couldn’t phone her.  He’d cycled half the night and then slept in a hedge.  Obviously he was in emotional turmoil and physically exhausted.  I Venus was incredibly good.  I sat quietly on the pavement and waited.  But Sugar crept up to him and snuggled in his arms.  The man couldn’t help it, his arms went round her and he automatically stroked her.  She is a healer dog.

But Mum says I am a magical dog and Isabel gave me my middle name of Magic when I was a puppy.  I am Venus Magic Cooper.

Upcoming Events

6 Quick Ways to Keep Your Frequency Aligned with Ascension Zoom Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

Monday 15th June / 7 – 8 pm UK time.

More and more of you are going back to work or busily dealing with the consequences of the lockdown and so you may have less time to devote to keeping your frequency high.  Yet it is incredibly important to do so during this time of massive upheaval and change in our personal lives and on the planet.

Tim and I have been guided to offer a series of three Zooms that provide very quick but intense and powerful techniques for keeping your frequency aligned with ascension. 

In the first one we share six ascension energies and take you through beautiful visualisations to attune to each one.  Then we show you how to access them with a single command and movement.  Any or all of them will bring you instantly into at least the upper fifth dimensional frequency.  And you can do them as often as you wish to.

We believe this Zoom will give you the tools to hold a high level of Mastery and be a beacon of light in the transition years to the new golden age.  We do hope you can join us!

During this Zoom you will

  • Attune to six powerful ascension energies.
  • Experience two awesome visualisations.
  • Learn how to access these energies instantly.
  • Align yourself with your ascension blueprint.
  • Receive tools to enable you to hold a high level of Mastery at all times.

As with all Zoom workshops this event will be LIVE, and the recording sent out to all participants the following day. The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!

£11 per person including the recording

You can  book you place HERE

Orb of the Month

I was sent this beautiful Orb taken by Stephanie Folan. The Mary energy is actively connecting her to her horse and helping them to communicate. Archangel Metatron is also raising the frequency of the horse.

Extract from Dawn and Bey, Your Holistic Diet

Time to find a new normal

Lockdown has been a stressful time for many. Others have found they are enjoying working from home, not spending hours commuting and spending more time with their children. Whatever your experience of lockdown, one thing is clear… Even with restrictions easing, we will not be returning to the old normal any time soon.

But what was your old normal? Did you grab food on the go because you were short of time? Did you reach for a sugary snack to keep yourself going in the afternoon? Did you turn to food because you were stressed or feeling low? Chances are your old normal was contributing in some ways to your health or weight issues.

It has never been so important to create a new normal for yourself. A normal that works better for you. A normal that nourishes and supports you. A normal that boosts your immunity, protects your health and helps your weight.

These are all connected.

Many steps you can take to support your immune system also help your weight. This is the beauty of a holistic approach – supporting yourself in one area has other knock-on beneficial effects.

During the coronovirus pandemic, we are providing short daily email help (Mon to Fri). These short emails show you how to boost your immune system and look after your mental and physical wellbeing as well as helping you to lose weight. You can sign up here: https://forms.aweber.com/form/31/817205131.htm

As you know Your Holistic Diet is highly researched and based on sound scientific biochemical information mixed with tried and tested psychological advice. This month we have been looking at Covid-19 and how obesity puts you at greater risk….Now, more than ever, it is important to find a new (healthier) normal.

So this month we are asking you to get serious and get pro-active about your weight loss. Not just for you, but for others around you. When you change yourself – others change along with you.

How to beat temptation as lockdown eases

As lockdown eases more facilities will open up. It will become easier to pop out and get an ice-cream or maybe sit in a beer garden.

It is really important to remember that what we have all missed is not the weight gaining foods, but the experience of sharing our food with others. We have been socially deprived and one of the ways humans bond socially is by using food. This is because we are mammals and we feed our young to make strong, bonded attachments.

Turn over a new leaf – don’t go back to buying weight gaining foods to form social bonds.  Watch portion sizes as eateries try to tempt you in with photos on instagram and facebook of big portions. They have to do this because they need to survive in this difficult climate, but you can still support the places you love and not overeat.

If you decide to go out, try and walk or cycle to somewhere. Order a small portion. If you are given too much, don’t eat it all.

Don’t let your feelings of being deprived of social contact lead you to eat more at this vital time. If we are to change global obesity it starts with each one of us as individuals.

Have a beautiful June everyone.

With lots of love

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