Diana Coopers October 2016 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

September 9th, 9.9.9, saw a massive rainbow portal pouring high frequency light onto our unresolved issues. This extraordinary light has been showing up every stain in our essence. Furthermore, many people, myself included, have been struggling with lots of challenges all happening at once. Every number holds a vibration out in the cosmos that influences us. 9.9.9 is particularly powerful and marks endings. It may be the end of a particular phase, time to resolve unhelpful patterns or beliefs (We attract exactly what we believe), a move, completion of a job or even death. This offers the opportunity for a tidy up and clear out before 2017. 2017 is numerologically a 1 year. 2+0+1+7=1. Imagine how powerful the 1st January 2017 is destined to be. 1.1.1 heralds awesome new beginnings for those who are ready…. Not only new opportunities, new golden gates opening, fresh ideas springing forth, sudden successes – and these will be bolstered by the hurricane of energy that always enters the planet at the New Year.
We are asked to make sure our boats are safe and loaded for the tide that will carry us forward in the New Year.

Launch of NEW On-line course

I am so excited to launch this new course. Over 7 sessions I help you to anchor your 12 chakras. The angels always say that the most important thing you can do to live in the fifth dimension and to ascend is to anchor your 12 fifth dimensional chakras with their radiant high frequency colours. When these higher energy centres are fully active your life transforms. And so, working with the angels, I have filmed this course to enable you to bring the higher chakras in and keep them in. This course will not simply help you anchor the 5th dimensional chakras on a permanent basis but it will enable you to connect much more closely with the Archangels who are helping you. In the comfort and privacy of your own home you can do the necessary exercises for just a few minutes a day to transform your life and your energy systems for ever.

Order your course HERE

Chakra Course promo slide_DRAFT 1

As I write this it is overcast and dull so I am even more excited at the thought of going on our magical trip to Crete. Rosemary will be playing her healing crystal bowls and I will be facilitating meditations.


14th – 17th October

At the Anemos Luxury Grand Resort 5* Hotel in Crete

Crete is the etheric retreat of Lord Hilarion, who is a member of the Intergalactic Council and is overseeing the return of the crystal technology of Atlantis. We will use this opportunity to connect with his essence both to accelerate our ascension and to serve the planet. He was the sacred sound master of Atlantis and Rosemary can remember working with him then.

Why not join us for a relaxing holiday retreat in the glorious sunny Aegean? Meet like- minded people, accelerate your ascension and enjoy yourself. You may even want to extend your holiday.
We have arranged exciting excursions to KNOSSOS PALACE, HILARION’S ETHERIC RETREAT and SANTORINI. We will do activations, attunements, healing and meditations during the excursions and back at the hotel. Please bring some crystals!

During the retreat you will
* Enter the amazing dragon, angel and unicorn kingdoms for higher enlightenment.
*Through the archangels explore and receive some of the awesome ascension energies that are available now.
*Connect with the ninth dimensional unicorns.
*Meet the elemental dragons, the golden and the violet dragons and many more.
*Connect with Lord Voosloo, the highest frequency High Priest of Atlantis ever to incarnate and he will enable you to bring in awesome, life changing 9D energies.

For more information or to book tickets, please email Rosemary: Rosemary@celestiallighthealers.com

Devon with Tim Whild

On Sunday 13th November Tim and I will be presenting high frequency information from The Archangel Guide to Enlightenment and Mastery.  Together we raise extremely pure light that is easy to absorb.

Come and transform your ascension pathway!

Book your tickets HERE

On Friday evening 25th November and Saturday 26th November I will be in Hamburg with Kyle.  (he is great fun) and we will be presenting wonderful information and meditations about dragons and angels.  Do join us!

Book your tickets HERE

Dealing with challenges

Melissa says that people like to hear stories that show I’m human!  Well I certainly am.  And I am doing my best in the current times of tests and challenges. Like every human I struggle from time to time.  Here’s how I tried to deal with one challenge of this year – and tried to stay 5D, not always succeeding.  Una Chrystal of Athena Therapies, Glasgow has still not paid me for the seminar, air fares or books I provided on 8th and 9th April!  Instead she has deluged me with nasty e mails.

I arrived at Glasgow airport to take a seminar that I was very excited about.  A lady met me and drove me to the ‘beautiful accommodation’ that Una had promised me.  It transpired to be a basic single room in a B & B with a shared bathroom at the end of the corridor!  I sat in the little room blessing it and the weekend ahead over and over again to raise the frequency.

All the books and CD’s we had sent up in advance were sold already.  Una collected the money but has never passed it to me.  Sunday was a special workshop, a fabulous day but as I left the angels whispered, ‘The test is now to come!’  What could they mean?  I soon found out.  At the time of writing Una still has not paid me for the books, the seminar or the air fare.  There have merely been snide and nasty comments in e mails and promises of payment.

These are some of the ways I have tried to raise my frequency.

After a particularly nasty communication I lay in a warm bath chanting the Gayatri mantra and sending her angel blessings.  That was an excellent way of returning to equilibrium.

I have frequently asked my angel to talk to hers and this usually works like magic.

I have constantly visualized her on a unicorn going through a golden gate into wonderful abundance and receiving blessings.  I hope this light is gathering round her and will reach her when she is ready.

I absolutely know that higher frequencies dissolve lower ones.  Somehow I have not managed to keep my light clear and high enough when thinking about her to dissolve her resistance to paying.  So the alternative – and maybe this is my lesson – is to start legal proceedings.  We told her we would start legal proceedings on 14th September but now in view of whatever is going on in her family I have extended this to 3rd October which will be 6 months overdue.  She has certainly run rings round us.  No one said lessons are easy!  But please send her blessings and me!.

Open your heart to Andrew Bell from Rosemary Stephenson


I visited my son Joe last week to find him and his friends on a Mission to help their lifelong dear friend Andrew Bell to achieve his own Mission…..to be able to walk again!! Andrew has always been a lovely, positive person, one of the lads.

I remember when Joe was young and we lived on a smallholding, as young lively boys they were always into mischief. Climbing trees, falling out of trees and me having to rush them to A and E. On their scrambling bikes in the fields which most times resulted in severe cuts and bruises.   I am sure most of us can relate to similar circumstances with our children. Andrew was one of the adventurous ones with Joe. He has always been very sporty and active.

Last May completely turned his life upside down.

Andrew drove a car like most young men and also had a motorcycle, which was his hobby.

This particular fine and sunny day he decided to give the motorcycle a run out locally around Durham. He approached a junction and as he was pulling out onto the road a car hit him, the driver being oblivious of his presence on the motorcycle. Andrew was hurtled into the air and was left motionless on the road until the ambulance and police arrived. The car driver admitted it was his fault but Andrew was left paralysed from the chest downwards.

He was speedily taken to hospital where the doctors gave him the news that he would never walk again as he had multiple injuries to his spine and nervous system and nothing could be done.

We can’t even try to imagine what that prognosis must have felt like, to be told “that’s how it is and you have to get on with it.” They couldn’t offer any support …only loads of pills to alleviate  the pain.

Andrew, knowing he was on his own now, decided to do some research of his own. He discovered a new pioneering treatment which was being researched at a hospital in Bangkok in Thailand. This is where his Mission began and he wasn’t the sort of person who would take all this lying down!!!

He immediately contacted them to find out more details. His parents managed to raise £30,000 to send him there for a few months. The progress and improvement was unbelievable in such a short time. I’m sure it helped that Andrew was such a positive person. Unfortunately the money ran out and he had to return to UK. He was so disheartened that the UK Medical Staff had the same prognosis and repeated he would never walk again and to keep taking the tablets …..but Andrew is still determined to go for it again and raise enough money to continue his treatment in Bangkok.

walking 3 walking

If you can find it in your heart to donate a small amount to help dear Andrew or share this link with everyone you know, we would all be SO grateful.

I really know he will succeed in his Mission with a little help from friends and be an awesome inspiration to others who are unfortunate enough to be in the same position. I feel so blessed to know this courageous young man and wish him all the blessings from the Angels to succeed


walking 2

Love and blessings


Venus and how I have changed

Life certainly can change.  I have always been friends with Isabel’s dog, Sugar, who is a Cavashon, a bit bigger than I am.  But she has been spending more and more time with us until now she is living with Mum and me most of the time.  At first I thought this was a bit too much.  She is my Mum after all!  Once I sniffed Sugar’s food bowl just to check she wasn’t getting better food than me and that visiting dog growled at me. Furthermore Mum told me off too!

But now Sugar and I are like soul sisters and have formed our own little pack.  Sugar always runs up to other dogs as if they are her best friend while I have always been wary.  Now I don’t feel the need to growl at other dogs because she gives me courage and we run up to other dogs together.  It is much more fun.  And we play together in the meadows, running round in circles playing chase.  Sometimes other dogs join in.  this is such fun that I don’t go off hunting in the hedges like I used to.  Of course I still chase squirrels and rabbits – I am still mainly Jack Russell after all.  The third thing is that nowadays I run to my bowl and eat my food.  At one time Mum had to put it down in front of me and persuade me to eat.  I guess Sugar eats anything and I don’t totally trust Mum to notice if she has gobbled up my food so I get it while I can.

Mum still says I’m the best dog in the world!


2016 Soul and Spirit Awards

I am delighted to be nominated for the Soul and Spirit 2016 Awards in the ‘Best Loved Angel Expert’ category. I really enjoy writing for their magazine each month and receive wonderful feedback from the readers.


Diana Cooper Foundation Courses

Do you have a heart felt desire to spread the light of Angels, Ascension and the Sacred Mysteries?

You are warmly invited to join Principal Teachers of the Diana Cooper Foundation, Carol De Vasconcelos and Susanne Rudd, who will be facilitating a series of Teacher Training courses in Manchester during October 2016

Angel Teacher Training Course
1 to 9 October 2016 inclusive

Golden Atlantis Teacher Training Course
1-3 October, 14-16 October, 21-23 October

Lemurian Planetary Healing Course
1-3 October, 18-19 October

Venue: Greater Manchester Area

For Prospectus, Application forms and any other information contact
Susanne ~ Tel 00357 97648218 or 07807384303
email: spiritandsole@hotmail.com

Carol ~ 088-011-682-2606
email: carol@angelawareness.co.za

For more information, please click HERE

Positive Affirmations and Creative Visualisation, By Penny Wing, Master Teacher for the Diana Cooper Foundation

In numerology, 2016 is a 9 year 9 (2+0+1+6=9) – a time of completion, end of cycles, clearing, releasing and it certainly has been a challenging year for a lot of people! Hang on in there though as the energy for 2017 will be a lot brighter and less intense!
If you are currently going through a hard time and feeling fearful or stressed try using positive affirmations and creative visualisation to help you cope. It can take time and practice but the end results will be worth it.

See the positive picture

Positive affirmations and creative visualisation are techniques that can be used to help people overcome fear or pain, relax, increase self-confidence and even trigger the body’s own healing mechanism. By seeing yourself feeling confident and calm you can increase your chances of being like that in real life.

Affirmations are positive statements which, when continually repeated over a period of time will help change negative thoughts we have about ourselves, other people or situations. Studies have shown that a positive attitude can speed up the healing process, improve the quality of your life and help maintain good health.

The mind is a powerful thing

Scientific research confirms that our emotions can influence a wide range of physical changes in the body. They appear to do this by triggering the release of neuropeptides which affect the nervous, hormonal, reproductive and immune systems, blood pressure, heart rate and the behaviour of cells in the body.

Feeling angry or tense will cause a flood of neuropeptides into the body which causes the blood pressure to rise, the muscles to tighten and the immune system to under-perform.

Feeling happy or relaxed can release neuropeptides which have the opposite effect; they cause the blood pressure to drop, the muscles to relax and the immune system to function more efficiently.

What doctors say

Doctors who study the effects of the mind on the immune system say that it is not just what you see, hear or say that causes physical changes, but how you feel. Visualising sharks eating up cancer cells for example is only likely to help if that image makes you feel powerful! Picturing yourself relaxing on the beach will help to relieve tension but it will be made more effective if you try to use all the 5 senses; smell the seaweed, feel the sun, hear the waves and so on.

Techniques that can help with regard to building self-confidence are seeing yourself performing well or visualising a time when you did something really well. This can also serve as a mental rehearsal during which you act out in your mind exactly what you are going to do or say in a situation.
Using affirmations alongside visual images is an added tool to help put you in a positive frame of mind.

Ideas for positive affirmations

• I love myself
• I am good at what I do
• I am in control of this situation
• I am relaxed and happy
• I am handling this challenge

Remember when you make up your own affirmations always talk in the present tense and keep them short and specific. It is more powerful to say “I am healthy” as opposed to “I will be healthy”.

Don’t use any negatives as your higher self doesn’t recognise words such as “not” or “don’t”. Rather than say “I don’t want to be poor” say “I am wealthy”

Try to repeat your affirmations at least 10 times a day out loud in front of a mirror. If this is not possible just repeat them to yourself regularly as you go about your business. As you say the words really feel that you mean them.

Visualisation exercise

1. Plan what you are going to visualise, according to what you hope to achieve. Write down as much detail as possible or record it speaking slowly and calmly. Include any affirmations you feel may be helpful.

2. Find a place where you won’t be disturbed. Either lie down or sit in a comfortable chair.

3. Take 3 deep breaths before you start.

4. Starting at the top of your head mentally work your way slowly down your body, imagining all your muscles relaxing until your body feels relaxed, warm and heavy. .

5. Then in your mind’s eye work through your visualisation either from memory or by listening to your recording.

6. When you have finished, keep your eyes closed for a few minutes before slowly opening them.

The more you practice creative visualisation the more effective it is likely to be. Do it as often as you feel it is useful – once or twice a day would be great but if you can’t find the time two or three times a week can be beneficial.

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